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发表了博文 《登封法王寺及塔》 - 嵩山峻岭,古塔巍峨,独占天地之中。那柔美的线条和群峰自由洒脱的姿态如影相随。近处是苍凉的树枝,在冬日里含霜叠翠。这是一幅美好温暖的画面。 法王寺位于嵩山之太室
发表了博文 《【诗歌】——参观遵义凤凰山法王寺有感》 - 【七律】—参观遵义凤凰山法王寺有感 参观法王寺,看到和尚吃的饭菜,我申请吃了一顿,这碗菜汤里,还为我这俗家客特地多加了几滴油。请看:多素啊
发表了博文 《嵩山之五——法王寺》 - 出嵩岳寺门口往东,翻过寺东面的小山就是法王寺,我来之前很奇怪——法王寺是有名的寺庙,只比中国第一所寺庙——白马寺晚建了三年,为什么没有成为世遗的一部分。这次看
We headed to Dengfeng to train Kung Fu at Tagou at the Shaolin Temple. Our Taxi driver said Tagou was crap and we really wanted to go to Fawang. I am so glad we did. We trained at Fawang for a week and it was an amazing experience. We lived, ate, slept, and ached with the students at the temple. If you are going to Dengfeng to see real Kung Fu, go to Fawang. They do not put on a show if that is what you are thinking, they train 120 students daily.
On the winding journey from Luoyang to Shaolin, the ancient Fawang Temple,beckons the traveller to respite there... On a day framed by flurries of snowflakes, I spied its towering pagoda,set fast against a backdrop of craggy peaks,and stopped to sojourn there....Steep steps lead upwards past aromatic urns, crackling with offerings of juniper kindles,to the wooden red temples,all home to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas,which draw devout worshipers to their portals.Monks clad in mustard robes,braved the icy winds to come and greet all ....distant chantings carried on the breeze bring the heavens down to earth at this most celestial of destinations..Fawang Temple is most certainly the gem of Shaolin
Vicino al Tempio Shaolin. E' sicuramente di grande interesse ma meno del Tempio Shaolin, forse perchè meno "famoso" agli occhi dei poco informati. Merita comunque una visita accurata.