5A地址:甘肃·天水 天水市武山县榆盘乡钟楼村
开放时间: 08:00--18:00
门票信息:30元。A.免票政策:儿童身高1.1米以下免票;60周岁以上老年人、军人、残疾人、记者等凭有效证件免票。 B.优惠政策:儿童身高1.1—1.4米购景区优惠票

I visited Shuiliandong with Don't Complain Travel. We took a taxi for a day from Tianshui and drove all the way to the entrance. There you'll have a little bus that can you to the Buddha Carvings. I've never seen something like that. You can continue all the way up the the "Water Curtain Cave" in which you will find a little temple with several houses. There's an old monk living there and it's a very quiet and beautiful place. We were offered some water from the holy spring, on which the last house is built on (we were able to look behind the wooden door). Definitely the highlight of my trip with Don't Complain Travel in China. Highly recommended!