4A地址:辽宁·抚顺 中国抚顺市新抚区宁远街高尔山下
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发表了博文 《五十步笑百步》 - 抚顺战犯管理所关押有国民党战犯、日本战犯、伪满洲国战犯。昔日抗战英雄,今日国民党反动派的战犯们,与曾经的死敌囚于一处,羞辱无比,懊恼无比,但在新政权眼里,皆一丘之貉、
An interesting insight into how war criminals were treated. It is difficult to find but is very interesting. Easy to spend time looking at the way the buildings have been preserved.
I have seen the film LAST EMPEROR and knew it was filmed on location. It was here that the last Manchu of the Qing Dynasty was held post WWII. He is a very interesting figure due to the tremendous turmoil and changes of status in his life. While I knew much of him, I was surprised to learn how close he was to Hirohito and that one of 4 wives was only 15. He ended his days as a reprogrammed citizen in Beijing. The evidence of war crimes committed by the Imperial Japanese Forces was compelling as one would expect. The detailed accounts of various villains and Chinese resistance leaders is interesting. The admission fee was small and I enjoyed the visit with friends. I do not recommend it was children under twelve.
From 1950, when the Soviet Union returned Japanese prisoners captured in China at the end of the second world war, Fushun housed both them and the famous 'Last Emperor' and his family. The purpose was to re-educate the prisoners so that they understood how wrong they had been, apologized sincerely, and, after release, lived exemplary lives.There are gut-wrenching accounts of hideous acts by the occupying Japanese forces, with details of their leaders' lives, tactics, and outcomes, all expertly displayed in the old prison and, happily for English -speaking visitors, the written commentary is in powerful, correct English. Photographs and artifacts of the time enhance the authenticity of the experience.After learning here about the suffering of the Chinese under Japanese occupation, I am not surprised that the puppet Emperor was also imprisoned and reprogrammed here, but felt strangely delighted that he lived out his subsequent life as a normal citizen rater than suffering the fate of many other kings and dictators whose images look down enviously on the final gallery!Oh -and the cells were far more humane than Alcatraz!A must see@
It takes about 1-1.5 hours to go round this prison which housed war criminals mostly from Japan post world war 2. If you get the chance, then it's worth reading up on the history first. It's also right next door to the present criminal prison in Fushun Costs approx. £5.00 each adult so wont break the bank!
This is not for your typical tourist trip to Fushun. Anyways, the staff is very attentive to sensitivity and will not discuss any bad stories about the site if there are any. If you watched the Last Emperor movie by Bernardo Bertolucci this is the filmed and historical site where the "last emperor" of China was imprisoned. They explain how good the last emperor was treated and I believe he somehow really was considering he was a prisoner.Good place to go to reflect about a time of a very tormented Chinese history. I suggest you do some research about its history before you visit although the staff will be well trained and proficient.
No me esperaba que fuera un lugar tan interesante, nos llevaron a conocer un poco mas de Fushun y entre los lugares de interes estaba "El war Criminal Managent", pense que era una carcel y que no habria mucho de interes, pero me sorprendi al ver lo bien preserbado que esta esta instalacion y lo didactico que es; tienen cantidad de fotos y mucho material. muchas de las celdas las presentan como lo fueron en la epoca que mantenian a los prisioneros, en la enfermeria se ven sus materiales y utensilios, los jardines, el auditorio..etc.Me resulto muy interesante la visita a este lugar.