venado caves


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开放时间: 暂无

venado caves





通过夕阳旅游(Sunset tours)(他们很棒哦!)预订的这次旅行。有一个叫Jason的很棒的导游。他在约定的时间准时出现在酒店。驾车去洞穴很好,大约45分钟,期间Jason回答我们各种问题,他还给我们讲了这里的历史。一到这里我们就迅速穿上提供的橡胶靴,戴上安全帽,进入洞穴入口,在那里我们看到一只吼猴,哇噢!这是第一只对我们吼叫的动物。还有其他生物如蝙蝠,蜘蛛,壁虎,还有在浅水里的猫鱼和螃蟹,在洞穴里穿梭。很多能够预计到的在石灰岩洞里的钟乳石和石笋。有些洞穴大,有些小。我们时而头向前匍匐前进,时而脚向前爬,时而弯腰,时而攀爬,有时步行,有时奔跑,有时被浸泡在水里,等等。看到了数百万年的化石。这是个很棒的体验,任何想要找到一些在哥斯达黎加不同体验的人都应该来试一下。虽然,想要好好玩一下还要有好的身体状况,Jason说他会根据游客的身体状况调整路线,根据我们给他提供的反馈,他为我们选了一个颇具挑战性的体验路线。等我们出来以后,他给我们切了一些水果,给这次体验以恰到好处的结束。料到了会被浸湿,也明白任何冒险都会有风险,单最重要的是享受。此外,还有一个关于这里的网站,上面有些有用的信息。








Wow! This was a big step for me. I really wanted to go through this cave, but I'm claustrophobic. Let me tell you honestly. At first, I was a little freaked out. There are a couple small holes to fit through, but 85% of the cave is big rooms. You go through shallow water most of the time, but it helped relax me, it's nice and warm in the cave and the water is slightly cool. It's refreshing. The guide was so nice and patient. He let me go at my own pace and as far as I was willing to go. They province boots and helmets. My boyfriend had a hard time with his helmet fitting his head, it kept coming loose. The boots are t so bad, but water shoes might be better. There are a lot of stones though, I wouldn't recommend those strappy hiking sandals.We saw some scorpion spiders (which aren't as big or scary as I thought) we saw tons of bats, and loads of cave crickets. It was beautiful, I'm so glad we did it. It was $22 per person. We added the photographer for an extra $20 & I'm so glad we did. Everything is gonna get wet, so I didn't want to take my camera in the cave.We were the only two people on our tour, which was really nice. It is hard to locate though, don't use your gps. Find directions online, or ask locals like we did.I recommend it!


We drove their on our own. They assigned us a guide. You have the option to hire a photographer. The guide was very knowledgable. We learned a lot from him. The route was well designed and timed well. You will need some minimum level of fitness, but they can adjust the route for you. This is a great adventure for the whole family.


My husband and I absolutely enjoyed our adventure at Venado caves. If you love exploring you will love this. We actually went behind a waterfall inside the cave. There is a lot of crawling and climbing but well worth it. You have to wear a helmet with a light on it. Absolutely would recommend this.We went through Desafio Tours for this.


First! Essential information that appears to be missing from most of the tour operators:The site has (cold) showers, but no toiletries or towels. You *will* get soaked, and not just with clean water.Clothing: Wear swimwear and/or clothes you can afford to get wet, and bring a *complete* change of clothing, toiletries, and a towel.Footwear: Boots are provided but are optional. These will fill up with water and be miserable, particularly with socks. Bring secured, strapped sandals such as Tevas, or FiveFingers, or other sock-free, quick-drying footwear, and separate footwear to wear home.Other: Bring a GoPro if you have one - it's definitely not advisable to bring non-ruggedized cameras in here, waterproof or not. If you have a decent Petzl-type headlamp and/or good, lightweight waterproof flashlight, bring them. Lights are provided with the helmets but are very dim.That being said, these caves are amazing. It helps that they have not been turned into a brightly-lit, highly-trafficked tourist attraction - you get the real feeling for the cave, and how enclosed it is. Crawling through some of the fissures and reaching the enclosed chambers was breathtaking.You can book guides there, or with any of several tour operators. I recommend asking for Diego with Jacamar - not only was he well-versed with the layout of the caves, he explained much of the area's geology on the way to the site, pointed out lots of wildlife on the way down to the cave from the parking area, and adeptly answered questions from two people with doctorates. Diego is the real deal - unscripted, deep understanding of the cave, its environs and attendant biology, ecology, and geology.There is lots of climbing, and the footing is often less than ideal - this is not recommended for people who are not stable on their feet and comfortable with small spaces.


My husband and I just did this today and it was AWESOME. Our guide, Alonso, was great and we had an amazing time. He showed us all kinds of creatures, fossils, and rock formations, even a sloth (on our walk to the cave). :) And his English was excellent.Some tips (including how to get there):- it's $22 per person and you're given rubber boots and a helmet with headlamp.- it's warm in the caves so wear light clothes you don't mind getting muddy. Long pants were nice for places where we had to crawl but shorts would work too.- you only crawl/climb if you want to. We chose the harder, longer route. It was challenging in places but if you are in okay shape and don't mind some tight places once in a while, you should be fine. Alonso made sure we got through okay.- if it's in your pockets, it will get wet. Period.- bring your own towel as they charge for theirs at the end, if you use the showers. And a change of clothes is a must as you'll be wet and dirty.- watch out for bat guano.- if you have your own headlamp, bring it. Their's were okay but sometimes a bit brighter light was helpful.If you do the longer tour, remember to eat a snack before going in to keep up your energy. My husband is an experienced rock climber and had no trouble with the harder route. It was beginner-level climbing. I am new at it and don't normally climb without a harness. I'm also prone to clumsiness but managed quite well anyway. I do wish the guide had looked back a bit more as it was just us. I was in the middle (clumsy!) and sometimes took a bit longer to make sure I had my footing in the rocks and water. He would sometimes disappear ahead and we'd have no idea which rocks he'd stepped on, etc. Which is nice to see since he knows exactly where to step in most instances. :)To get there:There is a direct route from Nuevo Arenal to Venado. Google maps doesn't think it exists though. It's a good gravel road, as good as route 143. If you have a 4x4, you will be fine. Take it! It's way shorter than going all the way around the 4. There are pot holes and some tight spots, but you're on an adventure and the paved roads aren't much better anyway!The road runs between Moya's Place and the gas station in Nuevo Arenal, across route 142, and up past the church. So you are making a left if you're coming from Tilaran/Tronadora or a right if coming from La Fortuna. At the first "T" intersection, kept left. After that, at the only other confusing "T" intersection we found, stay right. The entrance is on the left.We went into Venado town after our tour for some lunch. We ate at a lovely soda with a sweet owner who didn't speak any English but she was very friendly. She told us about a must-see waterfall in the area and her food was delicious. We both ate for 7,000 colones!


It was a Breath taking and transformational experience. We drove our own car, had a personal guide who spoke perfect English and had great sense of humor.


Really nice tour spelunking through an ancient cave. You will be offered an additional photographer for $20 in case you don't have a waterproof camera. You will be given rubber boots, so you don't have to worry about getting your shoes wet/muddy. The hardhat w/ head lamp was nice since I did bonk my head a few times!Our guide was excellent and pointed out birds and plants on our way to/from the cave. You'll spend roughly an hour walking, climbing, and crawling through caves. You'll see bats, insects, and tons of rock formations, including a gorgeous waterfall and a coral reef.Pace yourself if you're under the weather or out of shape. I overexerted myself and made myself sick by moving too quickly, but I was fine after sitting and enjoying the juice and cookies our guide gave us. The showers are clean and soap was provided. Just remember to bring an extra set of clothes and a towel.


This was our favorite activity. If you have a GoPro waterproof camera, bring it! Our guide was exceptional and had an excellent knowledge of the caves. In the caves, you will see families of bats, beautiful rock formations, fossils, and a waterfall. Bring a change of clothes and towels.


We toured the Venado Cave with Ecoterra, and they were amazing!! Upon arriving we were given helmets and headlamps for exploring. You follow a shallow underground river through the caves, exploring different caverns and squeezing through tight spaces. The smallest, tightest spaces were optional, which was a great option for our more claustrophobic travel partners. We saw a lot of bats, some spiders and a toad. You get very wet on this trip, at one point climbing behind a waterfall and swimming in a tunnel. The formations and cave structures are amazing to see. About an hour drive from our hotel in La Fortuna, I would not miss this if you are in the area!


Exciting, sometimes intense cave and underground river experience. Two of us were outfitted with helmet, headlamp and boots and personally guided through the caves - at times crawling through narrow crevices, wading on hands and knees through not-too-cold water, viewing some interesting mineral formations, watching bats and even seeing tiny crabs. There were moments of adrenaline rush, underground wonder and beauty and, of course, a good soaking. Wonderful experience, about an hour's drive from La Fortuna.

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