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1. 这座庙坐落在焦特布尔和乌代浦之间,就在坎巴拉和野生动物保护区之中。2. 你可以很轻松的从乌代浦到达这座寺庙,所以如果你是要开车去那边的话,一定要游览一下这个景点。3.这里有很美的乡村风景,一片苍翠繁茂的绿色大自然,而且这里还有能够让人心神宁静下来的魅力。4. 这个建筑非常的宏伟庄严,大理石墙上还有如绘画般刻上去的诗歌。5. 这里还提供饭菜和休息场所,所以你可以全身心的沉浸在这美丽的环境之中,忘记时间的约束。




10.7 乌代普尔Udaiphur -千柱神庙- 焦特普尔Jodphur千柱神庙是印度耆那教的神庙,据说是为了纪念耆那教的第一位祖师而建造,距今已经有500多年历史了。我们之所以称之为千柱神庙,是因为整个神庙是由1400多根柱子支撑而成,即使还没有亲眼见到过它,也能想象到那一定非常震撼。千柱神庙位于乌代普尔和焦特普尔之间,乌代普尔有旅游车往返千柱神庙,但因为我们之后就是要去焦特普尔,为了节省时间,我们就直接决定包车了。包车是随便在乌代普尔的类似旅行社的店里找的,价格是2100RS/3个人,行程大概一共7个小时包括在千柱神庙停留2个小时左右。我们对这次的包车经历非常满意,司机很准时就到了,车是又大又新,而且这个司机感觉还挺羞涩的,都不太跟我们讲话,不是那种很油很烦的印度人。在路上的时候,由于一个小事故,车子的后视镜弄坏了,司机小哥一脸伤心的样子,我们也替他可惜,估计修理要花不少钱。回到正题,当天是早上10点多出发的,不用走得过早,因为千柱神庙是12点之后才对游客开放,来早了也没用,我们也是在门口等了一会儿才开始买票的。但刚进到神庙里面,就被震到,整个神庙被成百上千根柱子支撑着,而且每根柱子的雕刻都是非常非常精细,犹如蕾丝花边。照片真是拍不出那种震撼的感觉。再上一些千柱神庙的片子, 神庙是眼睛看着很震撼,但拍起来超级难,不知道怎么拍出感觉,所以大家还是自己来感受一下吧。




Spend at least 2 hours here to bathe in jaw-dropping beauty in white marble: lace-like ceilings in soaring domes, 1,444 columns (all different), and well-preserved reliefs and sculptures. As it is an active Jain temple, there are strict rules about what can be brought inside that is clearly displayed on large signs; leave your leather and water bottles in your vehicle or a paid locker and bring an extra pair of socks to wear inside as you leave your shoes outside. The audio guide is fantastic with 17 stops clearly marked with circular numbered signs; bring your own headphone/earphone to plug in so as to enhance the sound quality instead of using the standard issued headphone (I suggest you accept it, keep it on you, and return it to avoid any confusion). Only open 12 Noon to 5pm for non-Jains. There are guards who seemed to prohibit foreigners from approaching the central idol beyond a certain point. The rules prohibit photographing the idol located at the very center of the building, but everything else is fine for photos; there is a camera fee consistent with some other sites in India. Be sure to spend a few moments of quiet time to be with the spiritual essence of this temple. While the Dilwara Jain temples on Mt. Abu are larger, built earlier, and said to be even more magnificent, photography there is not permitted. Also, Ranakpur is 1.5 to 2 hours north of Udaipur on the road to Jodhpur, so it can be more easily visited for those with limited time in India. On our 17-day trip to India, this site was right up there with the Taj Mahal, Ellora caves, and Ajanta caves, which are all World Heritage sites.


This temple is really beautiful. The whole route from kubhalgarh fort to ranakpur is awesome. One can spend 2-3 hours at the jain temple. You need to leave all your stuff outside before entering into the temple.


Amazing construction. Well maintained. Go there in the evening, just before sunset to watch the Shringar and the aarti, even if you are not a follower.


Located in the middle of forests we decided to take the short detour on our way from Udaipur to Jodhpur and we're glad we did. The temple is beautiful and currently in active use. If you are non-indian your visiting time is 12:00-5:00 and you have to pay an entry and rent an audio guide.


It is a city of pillars with intricate meaningful carvings depicting stories that take you back to a time and world unknown.The temple seed was sown in the dream of Dharanasha, a minister under king Kumbha and it took 50 years for it to bloom- lifetime of an entire generation has gone into the creation of this architectural feat that attracts tourists from all over the world.The temple is located at a distance of 35 km from Falna station ( closest station) and about 90 km from Udaipur. There are good roads that get you at the doorstep of the temple. You have to liberate yourself from all leather articles that you are carrying before you enter the temple. Please do keep some change in your pockets for entry fee and camera fee. Also carry your photo id proof as a security for the audio device otherwise be ready to shell out 2000 Rs as security for the audio device. I recommend the audio device for this tour. Read more about it on my blog www.joyfultravelpie.com under Spiritual.


Was brought here by my boyfriend who had been 10 years before and it did not disappoint. Having visited many temples while in Rajasthan, this was by far the most impressive and beautiful. You pay for an audio set with your ticket so that you can walk around the temple and hear of its history and of the various details that you may have missed. The craftsmanship is really incredible. Definitely worth the trip! We drove from Jodhpur which was about 3 hours. There were many tourists unfortunately (I guess the secret is out!), but the temple is so large that you can still find small areas/alcoves for quiet viewing and contemplation. The pictures that have been added don't do the temple justice but are a small glimpse into the grandiosity of the structure and the space within. Made completely of marble, it's quite the site to see and I would highly recommend it! As a woman, make sure you're wearing long pants or leggings and covering your shoulders.


Jain Derasar is holy place and must visit place. But the thing i would like to bring in your attention is if you are travelling from Kumbhalgarh to Ranakpur then always choose only way from SAYALA. There are no milestine or signboard on the way hence you have to ask local people always for road. There is a short cut road before reached Sayala..please dont choose that hillarious road. Its the very very risky road. Preferre safe road from Sayala only.


the place is good and holy,surrounding is good.you can stay there.the temple carvings is excellent and you would really amaze.


Beautiful temple in the forests of ranakpur. Architecture and the interiors are amazing and not very crowded. Gives you a feeling of calm and solitude. Aarti at 7PM was good and better to stay for it if you reach around evening. Learnt that they even serve a free Jain lunch during the afternoons and heard from people that the food is very good and must try.

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