rungrado may day stadium


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开放时间: 暂无

rungrado may day stadium



The mural at the back is made up of 20,000 people. Wow.Tickets arranged by our tour group - various prices - I think we paid US$80.Binoculars provided for tourists.


We fortunately were in Pyongyang, North Korea during the run of the "Mass Games". This occurs during August each year. The talent of 100,000 people on stage will blow your mind. I did not write that incorrectly, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE. Twenty thousand are in a card section with books containing some 174 pages, and on the turn of a dime, they turn the cards to show intricate dragons, landscapes, bucolic scenes, military slogans, etc. That leaves you with some 80,000 to dance, do gymnastics, juggling, firework displays, songs, etc. The stadium seats 150,000 - I understand it is the largest in the world. It is covered, except at the very center top. The production makes the Olympic opening look pale. You want to get the next to the best seats, and prepare to pay what you would for a Broadway show. But there is nothing like it!


The stadium itself is not a highlight, but the host location of the mass games, which was the highlight of my trip. Excellent acoustics and unobstructed views so there is no need to fork out the extra euros for the first class "VIP" tickets, as the middle class ones we purchased had the same view (just didn't have the bench in front with a bottle of water...). A great souvenir to get is the hand painted posters for only 15 euros.


Купол стадиона получил массу призов на различных международных архитектурных фестивалях и в конкурсах. Конечно, Стадион 1 Мая немного устарел, не так блестит, как его младшие собратья по всему миру, но его масштабы, полёт технической мысли при проектировании и строительстве до сих пор завораживают.На нем проходит шоу "Ариран".

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