mt ampacao
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If you can get a guide to go this is a pleasant walk with excellent views back into Sagada and over the range to the other side. There is no rock climbing just a fair bit of ascent. It is cool at the top and the weather wasn't good enough for us to go on further to the north, but we were OK to drop down to Lake Danum, and after 4.5 hours we were back in Sagada. Bit damp on the way down and good idea to have the guide to find the descent path down to the lake
you can climb Mt. Ampacao w/out guide via Ambasing School but if you want to traverse to lake Danum the path is hard to find, so you will traverse to the same path you took going up... 3hrs time allotment... the path to smart cell site is already closed you can try but the path is difficult... you will decide to go back half way through.
This is by far the most challenging trek that I have ever made. When you reach the top of Mt. Ampacao, the scenery is breathtaking and I won't blame you for taking a hundred selfies in all angles! Just make sure you go down 2-3 hours before the sun goes down or else it would be a difficult descend specially when there's mud, open holes involved, and lack of flashlight. It is a 3-4 hour trek and I suggest to go in the morning. That way, you can see Lake Danum when there is still sun. If you lose the sun, you can visit the lake the next day as it is accessible by van or a car.
Instead of Kiltepan Peak, we prefered to have a sunrise viewing on top of Mt. Ampacao. We started our trek at 3:30am and reached the peak of Ampacao at 4:45AM. Alas, the sun didn't failed us to see it's beauty at 5:00AM. The peak is marked with the telecom tower.While at the peak, we were informed by our guide that Mt. Ampacao is good for sunset and not for sunrise viewing. The sea of clouds is far below the peak. The best view according to them is in Kiltepan Peak which is only 20 minutes from the Sagada proper. Anyway, that's a good trekking for me and my family. We then proceeded to Lake Danum afterwards that takes us more or less and hour to reach the lake.By the way, we paid our guide 500 pesos for that trip - Mt. Ampacao & Lake Danum.
Not too far from Lake Danum, easier climb compared to Marlboro Country and Blue Hills...and the best spot to wait for sunset viewing. Just bring some light snacks with you, your bottled water and simply wait for the amazing light softly fading as night time approaches. The gentle glow over the horizon, the radiant color of the sun, from bright orange that transforms into a romantic, soothing serene, peaceful and calm, signalling that the sun is already setting.Our group witness this amazing view on our 2nd day..after a tremendous trek in Marlboro Country and Blue Hills in the morning, afternoon activity is for part ever is the sunset viewing at Mt. Ampacao.
Fairly is a relative term. Wear good hiking shoes or if you're Filipino flip-flops that you can climb in. Beautiful view of the area if there's no fog. GET A GUIDE!
Trekked Mt Ampacao for about 3 hours. The peak has nice views. The trek has some difficult parts though due to rain the previous night which made the path a bit slippery
Fantastica giornata di trekking sul Monte Ampacao, organizzata con le guide ufficiali di Sagada, che sono molto professionali e competenti, oltre che divertenti.Consiglio a tutti gli appassionati di effettuare queste escursioni con le guide, visto che i sentieri non sono segnati e alcuni pezzi sono impegnativi per fango e vegetazione.Il giro completo parte da Sagada, include la cima del monte, un passaggio da un lago nella discesa , e rientro a Sagada da Sud. Il giro completo dovrebbe durare 7 ore circa, ma se si è allenati lo si può fare in meno di 5 ore, pause comprese, senza correre.Scarpe da ginnastica e pantaloni lunghi bastano, non serve attrezzatura particolare.L'uscita con le guide ufficiali ha dei prezzi stabiliti e indicati chiaramente, non bassi per le Filippine, ma secondo me ne vale la pena, l'esperienza è unica, si può andare da soli o in gruppo, il costo è comunque a persona.