hacienda tres angeles
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I'm a bit of a coffee fanatic and love trying local coffee and collecting bags of coffee from roasteries across the Midwest (home) and wherever I travel. I've only ever toured a coffee plantation in Hawaii and it was a bit commercialized. La Hacienda Tres Angeles is amazing! It is off the beaten path, but well worth the drive as it has an amazing view, great tour, excellent coffee (and food), and the most authentic, local experience you could ask for. Definitely recommend it!Craig Carter - Mulberry, Indiana USA
We found this after we got lost trying to find some nearby Adjuntas Coffee Plantations (known as "haciendas" in Puerto Rico) and we really lucked out but randomly encountering Tres Angeles!Naomi and Juan are the owners. The other local haciendas were closed and we were leaving the area when we came across this place. It seems that the region could develop a small industry of hacienda tours the way some other places have winery tours. Naomi and Juan (the owners) know the people at the other haciendas and speak very well of them all. We talked for an hour or so and enjoyed the setting and the coffee. I bought a selection of coffee: roasted, whole, ground, and green. Much of their coffee is exported to Italy, I think. Naomi and Juan are awesome people to meet and talk to, and the view is spectacular. They have a coffee shop made for visitors, and the facility is easy to walk though. They have some souvenirs such as T-shirts, too.This was not a planned visit but was one the high points of a 2-week Puerto Rico visit. It would be easy to add either adjacent haciendas (Sandra's, etc), Arecibo, or the Cuevas onto a day trip that includes Tres Angeles. The roads are narrow and daunting, however.
I came across this place by accident actually while checking out a few of the mountain towns and as I was leaving Adjuntas I noticed the sign for this place and decided to stop. This place is actually super nice, clean, looks really top notch and the coffee/food was really perfect. We had coffee and shared a small pizza which was the best pizza I've had in quite some time. Coffee was excellent and the place has outdoor seating which over looks the coffee and fruit fields.On top of coffee and pizza their is a small menu of other food and drinks all of which sounded good. This place is really well kept which I liked the most because a lot of places here are far from that so I look forward to coming back one day to take the coffee tour and actually learn the process of coffee production. I did buy a bag of coffee to bring home but I have yet to try it and I admit it smells so good. You can buy up to a five pound bag of coffee here. GPS coordinates N 18'13.627' W066' 48.523' this is useful and will get you with in a few hundred feet for this place , It is just off the main road of 129 large sign is very easy to see.
Definitivamente expectacular. El servicio excelente. Sus propietarios fueron muy atentos al recibirnos. Durante el recirrido nos orientaron pacientemente todo lo relacionado a la siembra y cosecha del cafe.
Café Hacienda Tres Angeles es un projecto maravilloso, Una joven familia se dio a la tarea de rescatar una Hacienda de Café y convertirla en el mas moderno Beneficiario de Café en Puerto Rico. En la hacienda no solo se cultiva el mejor café arabico de Puerto Rico sino que tambien se ofrecen recorridos ecologicos donde se narra la historia del café, desde el proceso de peparado del terreno, cultivo, recogido, seleccion de grano y el procesamiento del café: lavado, separacion, secado y tostado. Es una experiensa unica y expectacular para grandes y chicos. La Hacienda tiene su propio café bar y pronto un pequeno resraurante. En la Hacienda tambien se cultiva maiz, chinas valencias, platanos, cacao, yautia lila y otras frutas y vegetales. Lo mas bello de la Hacienda son sus administradores y empleados. La vista de nuestra bellas montanas se aprecia de su amplia terraza. No te lo debes perder...