greig's caves


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greig's caves

Greig's Caves: The most extensive and spectacular formation of limestone...


It was an overcast day so we decided to explore the caves rather than hang out at the beach. What a little treasure!! The hike was beautiful and at one point the view of Georgian Bay was breathtaking (make sure you include the scenic overlook's an easy walk and worth it). My husband and sons had a blast exploring all of the caves along the route. You could crawl into crevices and even weasel your way into little wormholes. The fresh air, the hike over rocks and boulders and pathways was a great way to spend the afternoon. What a gem of a place.


Visit Greig's Caves! (Watch a video of my visit here: a rest day from climbing? Rainin and can't climb? Have kids and looking for something fun?Greig's Caves is a beautiful lil' hiking area and a very short drive from the climbing crags and hiking trails on the coast of Georgian Bay. The caves refer to 10 limestone caves that have formed over the past couple of years (...maybe longer). They're pretty and downright amazing to look at.It takes about an hour to do the circular hike.Cost: $10 (hmmm..a little expensive I thought)Bring:HeadlampGood Hiking Boots - It's kinda slippery and definitely muddyWater & Snacks - They don't have anything on-site


A great spot! Awesome caves, great hiking trail, with amazing panoramic lookouts over Georgian Bay (worth the price of admission)!


My friend and I had a great time exploring the caves here. Good exercise and a beautiful location. We also checked out the scenic overlook trail which was a nice easy trail after the cave one. The staff were friendly and provided walking sticks and flashlights for cavers.


We were with two other families and between us we have 8 boys. They loved this excursion! They wanted to stay all afternoon exploring the different crevices that they could climb and get into. It is a difficult climb in some places so I wouldn't bring young children but great exercise!


This place offers a great opportunity to explore the rock cliffs of Georgian Bay. The caves are spectacular. The one hour+ hike is a little challenging at spots but they offer walking sticks to help with your balance. The caves are amazing and my 12 year old son loved exploring (they provide flash lights)! This was one of the highlights of our Bruce Peninsula week! Following the caves hike you have an opportunity to take a 15 min walk along the top of the escarpment and the views are so beautiful!


We took 4 boys (ages 5 to 10) and they LOVED it. They were so excited they were yelling most of the time. What was great is that it was a quiet Sunday sunny afternoon in July and there were only 5 other people on the trail. So for most of the 2 hours we were there we didn't see anyone else outside of our group. We've been to Scenic Caves and this was WAY better! There was way more to explore, crawl into, etc. The kids spent so much time inventing names for the caves and inventing stories about what could happen in the caves, etc. Many of the views are impressive you could easily see how it would be chosen for a movie location.The rocks are slippery. Running or hiking shoes are a must. The kids were so excited they would run quickly into the caves and several times they almost bashed their heads against the rocks. I think next time I would insist they wear multi sport helmets....because these were adventurous boys. They were so focused on the placement of their feet on the rocks they would forget to watch their heads and the rocks above them.In July....It's a little cool in the caves but you don't need sweaters. Shorts and t-shirts were fine but I would recommend you don't wear your best clothes. If you actually explore the caves (not just peek into them) you will get dirt and mud on you. Definitely use the flashlights! There's interesting stuff to see....especially little kids who can fit into tiny spaces.You do need to have a basic fitness level to enjoy the trail, which is what my kids loved about it. It's actually a little challenging. It's not just a boring nature trail. Going from rock to rock was fun for them. We were thinking of skipping the caves and going to the beach with the kids but I'm so glad we went! Everyone thought it was awesome.


A wonderful hike of about an hour or more to see the natural ancient rock cliffs and the effects of erosion on the edge of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. We went in October at thanksgiving when the trees were glorious and the air crisp. The caves in either the Bruce Caves or the Greig Caves were used in the film "Quest For Fire" about cavemen discovering how to catch and keep it. It is not too difficult to climb the trail and only a couple spots might be challenging for older folks and small children. The only thing that worried me was if any falling rock might come down. These marvellous monuments have weathered thousands and millions of years and are a natural beauty in a quiet region of Ontario. Bring your cameras and enjoy the mystic feeling.


We had been planning to visit the Caves for a couple of summers now, and we're wishing we hadn't waited so long! They offer flashlights if you forget to bring one, and walking sticks to use. Take the stick! Quite helpful for balance on those tricky narrow spots and for steadying yourself on the wobbly rocks.Make sure you wear sturdy shoes or boots with good treads as the rocks can be a bit slick in some spots. Nothing dangerous if you're careful though. There are no safety rails or ropes, but they're not really needed in most places.The gent at the gate was very friendly and recommended the second trail for the views. We were glad we took his advice, because the view from the lookouts are spectacular! We had a clear sunny day, so we could see for miles out across the water.My only wish would be if they could mark somehow where the movies have been filmed. A discrete number or mark somewhere for reference would be good, just to put in perspective where certain scenes were shot.


I agree with other reviewers -- wear hiking boots or good running shoes to explore the caves. The rocks are varying degrees of slippery, sharp and pointy, and wobbly and unstable. I laughed when my dad suggested bringing gloves, but now I think they would've been nice -- hands get scratched up a bit when crawling around/climbing out of some of the deeper caves.You have to sign a waiver before "exploring at your own risk" but as long as you're careful and have average physical abilities, you should be fine. The trail itself is rocky, but it's up to each individual how far and how much they want to explore each cave... my brother was crawling on his belly into a few crevices, but I can't imagine everyone doing that. Fee is $10 per person. The man at the entrance was friendly and offered us flashlights. We were there around 3:30 and only saw one couple ahead of us -- it was really nice to be without a crowd. After you're done the caves, you can take the scenic trail to the right and get some pretty, photo-worthy views of the bay.


Talk about engaged. We had 4 boys under 8 along for this tour and they were all engaged completely in the visit. The choice of footwear and long pants is VERRRRY important and if it's rained recently it may be slippery. Don't bring something to hold in your hands, you'll need to have your hands to climb and clamber over rocks. Not for the faint of heart... if you've got young kids you've got to supervise. Kids love exploring the deep caves and finding little corners to explore. The hosts have flashlights for those of you who have forgotten, but make sure you have a bit of bug spray. There are picnic tables for lunch, and the port-o-potties are the cleanest we've ever smelled and seen. Reasonably priced... a full afternoon or morning's activities for the kids. Absolutely beautiful scenery... absolutely a great way for our Australian visitors to see and witness the beauty of Bruce County.


Just visited this week on Lake Huron circle tour. Rugged trail but very beautiful scenery. Just what we were looking for ... Lots of natural beauty. Our eleven year old son loved the freedom of exploring every nook and crany of the caves. Nice and cool on a very hot day... Loved it. Wouldn't advise for anyone who had trouble climbing or foot or knee trouble.


We had a great time hiking about and crawling through the caves...reasonably priced and a really great little hike....we all enjoyed ourselves and it started our mini vacation off wonderfully....I would highly recommend this...the trail might be difficult for people who are not able to climb over the rocks on the trail...highly enjoyable way to spend a few hours


We visited the caves with our boys, ages 12 & 10. They are outdoorsy kids, so we spent lots of time exploring every nook and cranny of these amazing caves. There were some hidden passages and holes leading to 'rooms' that most other visitors were walking right past. Bring, or better yet, wear a flashlight (around your head) so you can see where you're going inside the caves. It's easy to drop a handheld one if you're trying to scamper around on the rocks.They give you a walking stick at the beginning, but you can't really use them when climbing around. They were somewhat helpful on the paths, particularly since we went after a rain and the rocks were quite slippery. Take some water to drink. Plan to get very dirty, especially if it has been raining. We were covered in mud, but felt quite exhilarated by the experience.


When I heard about these caves I was told they were in the movie Chariots of Fire. Somehow that made me think we'd be on the beach and just walk into a big cave. This was different and yet so much more fun! They are a series of wondrous, eerie caves - you can smell and feel the limestone surround you and the temperature drop as you enter. If you really want to explore the caves, I suggest you wear long pants, long sleeves, good shoes and a hat. You can go and explore far, but you will get dirty. True to much of Canda's nature philosophy this is explore at your own risk. We started joking that the only real fun to be found is where you have to sign a safety waiver! It can be slippery and there are chances to climb and go wherever you want. It was an exhilarating time. They provide a walking stick (which I don't recommend - it got in the way) and a flashlight. The charge was $10 pp, worth it! There was a nice overlook walk on top of the caves after you explore.

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