bridal veil falls


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bridal veil falls



This waterfall is a nice spot for cooling off if you don't want to go swimming because you can walk underneath the fall. The water level varies based upon the level of nearby Lake Kagawong, which in itself is a wonderful place for boating and fishing. The three different trails along the waterfalls and river have nice shaded spots and easy to climb though there are a few places where it might be steep (depending upon your perception), personally I think the steepest part are the stairs to the parking lot at the top of the waterfalls.


in the charming town of Kagawong is a hidden treasure the Bridal Veil Falls. The History behind and around the falls are out line in the museum down by the water front. The pool is a great place for a cool dip in the summer and is a wonderful place to see the salmon spawning later in the fall. The trails going down to the water are easy to walk and the forest floor is cool with the running stream and the trees actiing as gaint umbrellas. When walking on the trails keep on them as there is a few areas that you must see and pay attention. ENjoy the time visiting the Fall and make sure you have your picture taken in front of one of the most famous water hole in the north.


This is such a relaxing place when not overly busy,just absorb the sound and the view of the falls and walk some trails


We just spent the weekend on Manitoulin Island and decided to go for a walk as it was a beautiful winter day. We walked the trail to the falls, it was beautiful as all the ice is built up at the bottom of the falls. If you can physically walk the trail, do it.


Wonderful falls and trail. I stop here at least once a year whenever I am on the Island. The most amazing time was when the fish were going upstream. An outhouse is available at the top by the parking lot. There is no charge for this. If u are unable to do stairs continue on to first road on your right, park and go up trail from there following the river up.


Just amazing set of waterfalls, i was in the midst of a trip on the bike with my uncle so we didnt stay longer than enough time to snap a few pictures. it was along time ago, date i dont remember, but i do remember it was amazing.


Bridal Veil Falls is popular, so it could be congested, but we went before the summer crowds arrived. It's an easy walk along both sides of the river and the falls are beautiful. It was too early for us to enjoy the water, but there were hardier types splashing around and clearly enjoying their dip. Plan to wander around Kagawong. It's picturesque and has other a museum, art galleries and other shops.


Stopped by to check out the Falls while on our Motorcycle tour. We ended up walking the trail and going for Ice cream after. It is a very pretty little falls the trail is nice and quite flat and easy for anyone.


Beautiful Scenery and Excellent Hike into the town of Kagawong! It's beautiful in the fall with the colors and when the salmon have arrived it's a once in a lifetime for this view!


We visited on a cloudy and rainy day in early October, and we're compensated by seeing not only a lovely waterfall and colorful foliage, but hundreds of salmon swimming upstream and ying to jump up a 50+ foot high falls.You could actually walk behind the waterfall and observe four or five salmon jumping at he same time!


After climbing down a few flights of steps, you are right at the base of the falls. Anyone who has a disability, can still get a fantastic view right off the parking lot. My husband was able to hike up and behind the falls for a great photo. The fall colours were magnificent and the trail was easy and right along the river. We seen thousands of salmon making the trek up the river. Unfortunately, they die when they get to the mouth of the falls, as it is too high to get over. Even though it is a great time of the year for the colour, it is a bad time if you can't take the smell from the dead salmon. It is only bad beside the falls. The little town of Kagawong is a very cute town, with beach and museum. Unfortunately, the hydro was off on Manitoulin Island and everything was shut down that day, including restaurants. Other then this, we had a great experience here and would highly recommend this place.


We did not have time to hike the trails at the Bridal Veil Falls, and hope to do so next time. The Falls are quite beautiful, but it was extremely busy when we visited at the end of July.


Nice stop with hiking trail to falls with lookouts. Salmon were spawning which was neat to see. Nice spot for photos. Relaxing visit.


A nice and easy hike along the river path and to the falls. Too bad the red trail was closed at the time; would've liked to go on a more challenging hike.


A small 20-30 foot but very attractive falls that has a large shallow pool at the bottom that visitors love to walk about in they also love to get their pictures taken in the hollow behind the falls. There is a walking trail from the falls that follows the stream down to the town of Kagawong it is a beautiful shaded trail with pockets of colorful mushrooms and other flora including poison ivy, there are many signs for warnings. There is a small hydro powered generating plant along the way also. I'd guess the trail about a mile long if you take it to town to visit the candy store be prepared for a long uphill workout if you parked up at the top of the falls so plan ahead.

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