bridal veil falls


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bridal veil falls





我计划是租个更安全的双人皮划艇出海玩,看老公实在不愿意,只好放弃。Raglan周围好玩的地方挺多,喜欢冲浪的有适合各种水平的海滩,喜欢皮划艇的可近可远,喜欢爬山的有好多条路线。不出海、不冲浪,选个瀑布去看看吧,Bridal Veil Falls,十几、二十几分钟车程。南岛北岛玩过来,还真没看到过很大的瀑布,过来前没指望这瀑布有多大,所以来到它面前觉得还算不错。沿着木楼梯下到底部,休息一下,只闻瀑布声。搞笑的事来了。上来时老公说他要数楼梯估计一下瀑布高度,快到顶时遇到两个下来的老外,打招呼时顺便问我们这瀑布多高,我说根据老公数的台阶数、大概50多米,他俩睁大眼睛问:他真的数台阶?我哈哈笑:真的数了!其实呢,上面有个观测台,我们急着下去看就没走过去,那里有个介绍瀑布高度的标牌:瀑布55米高!


Bridal Veil Falls are a 15 minute drive from Raglan over a good quality but narrow sealed road. There is a ten minute walk from the car park to the top lookout. The view from the lookout is excellent. however, if you want a truly spectacular view descend about 260 well formed steps to the base of the waterfall. There are several lookouts and plenty of rest areas along the way. The view from the base is stunning and well worth the effort. The area is managed by the Department of Conservation and they have installed a number of interpretive signs along the route that provide details of the geological formation, native bush, etc. The falls are a great sight no matter how much water is falling.


Over the edge of an old lava stream the water falls 55 meters down in a little 'lake'. Beautiful view of the bush in the valley and the lavarock. You can climb down the steps to watch the waterfall from all heights.


This is the biggest and best waterfall I've seen and it is set in a wonderful valley that is a joy to look at in itself.


Pure beauty. From the top of the falls, the views are a stunning panorama of verdant forest and woodland as far as the eye can see. The falls are free to view and parking isn't too far a walk from the top viewing platform. It is quite a long descent to the bottom of the falls, but worth it for the views back up the cliff face. The geological features are well explained on information boards near the pool at the base of the falls. I wish I'd taken my trunks for a swim in this natural Jacuzzi.


Lovely bush walk to a spectacular waterfall. Don't miss it. There are 4 viewing platforms starting at the top bad ending at the bottom. OK so it isn't Iguacu or Niagara but it is free and just a short walk.


The walk it's short and the Fall is really nice, on the otherside the road to arrive it's less tha average even if you don't need a 4x4.


Not too much water due to drought but awful road in and not so outstanding measured against similar waterways.


This is a good little stop off if out driving the area. The falls are high if not massive in terms of water dropping. The area is pleasant and you can view the falls from both the top and the bottom - it is a lot of steps down. The climb is worth it as there is an eerie atmosphere at the bottom.


Not sure what the fuss is about this - just an average waterfall. A nice wee walk but wouldn't go out of my way to go again


Beautiful waterfall which can be seen from the top and the bottom (200+ steps down). It is a bit out of the way, but the place is well worth a visit. Lots of good information on the formation of the waterfall too. The intrepid traveller can take the very beautiful drive south from the falls to Kawhia along Aotea Harbour, but beware it is on (good) track roads for 30km.


Beautiful falls but need to be pretty fit to get down to the bottom - a gizzilion steps. Wear good walking shoes.


It is a bit out of the way but totally worth the trip (maybe 30 minutes down a road that eventually dead-ends - you have to drive back). Really spectacular falls, 180 feet high, plus lots of signage to explain how it got there. Excellent lookout stations (top, middle and bottom), and well maintained steps to get to the bottom.


Great views from all of the look outs. Lots of photo opportunities. It's a bit of hike back up once you make it to the bottom of the stairs. I am still a bit sore from the trek.

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