tully sugar mill tour day tours


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tully sugar mill tour day tours



Really informative and interesting tour of about an hour and a half. Gets quite noisy in the mill so can be difficult to hear the guide, especially in larger groups.(Ours was 16 strong, a couple over the supposed limit, and too many for all to be able to hear everything. Lots of facts and figures - luckily they have some sheets to take away full of stats and history.


This is one of only two sugar mills to offer tours, and we found this tour to be great value and informative, with excellent guides and good safety procedures.


Tour guide was great, good explanation of the mill processes prior to the tour. 16 people were in our group, which was too many. We coud not hear what the tour guide was saying unless you were fortunate enough to be able to stand next to her (due to the noise of the mill). The tour was very good and I am sure it would have been better if we could hear the guide.


I did the tour yesterday, the cost is $17, $15 for Seniors. The tour goes for just under 2 hours from safety briefing to end of tour. To walk "through" a working sugar mill is unbelievable. I found the tour and the mill fascinating. You see how the cane comes in, to the unrefined sugar and molasses going out in trucks. This tour is a must to do. The plant is fully self sufficient using every bit of the cane that arrives. including putting electricity into the grid


We visited the Tully Sugar Mill as we have lived in the area for over 3 years , it was a very infomative tour and gave an inisight into what it takes to produce sugar from cane.The tour guide was friendly and very knowledgeable. As an added point I would like to add that we approached the Mill regarding employment and the woman in the office was far less customer friendly then the guide on the tour. We got the impression that unless you lived in Tully for all your life you would not be considered ..which is curious as the owners are chinese, obviously this was the receptionists personal attitude , maybe some customer service skills training would be advised ...


We've lived in North Queensland for over a decade and only recently had the opportunity to stop in Tully to enjoy learning about the sugar mill process for the very first time. We think it is a tour well worth taking the time (and worth the small fee), especially with older kids, and we would absolutely recommend to anyone travelling through North QLD. Bookings are required through the Information Centre and a minimum number are required for the tour to go ahead. After the mill tour, we got a take away lunch from a local cafe and (on the recommendation of the lovely lady at the information centre) we drove out to the local swimming hole, Alligator's Nest, another hour we spent in Tully that was well worth the 7k drive and every minute we spent there. We also climbed to the top of the Golden Gumboot for some great photos of the mill.


We've driven through the cane fields so many times. I have always been curious about the sugar operations. When we heard about the mill tour, we thought "why not?". I am a wheelchair user and the tour was an impractical proposition, particularly given there were stairs to get over a railway line, but the tour operator was really pragmatic, and she let us do our thing (my partner gave me a piggy back). The rest of the mill was reasonably accessible.This was such an informative and interesting tour. The scale of the operation was enormous, they put through 2 millions tonnes of cane in 5 months. The operation is non-stop, running 24 hours a day, and it's been running like this since 1925.I'm really glad we did this tour. It was far more real than the strictly touristy activities in the area. Highly recommended!


Three times a day, Tully Sugar Mill has fully escorted tours of their operation. This is an exciting 90-minute experience for all of us who enjoy the taste of sweetness when one is presented with a packet of raw sugar, still warm from the process!As a viable, environmental operation and still profitable it is the best place to take a break along the road to Cardwell and the Hinchinbrook Island experience.


The tour lasts about 2 hours but is only held during the crushing season (June to November) Monday to Friday at 10am, 11am and 1.30pm. Booking is essential at least 1/2 an hour before the commencement time. For the tour to proceed a minimum number of 4 adults or 1 family plus 2 adults is required. The mill tour guides are absolutely strict about safety! Footwear - must be closed-in, sandals and thongs are not permitted; Shirts - sleeved shirts are essential, no singlets only; Children - must be over the age of 7 & accompanied by an adult. Participants must be able to climb up and down ladders; there is no access for wheelchairs. The tour guide provides hard hats, safety goggles and ear plugs - seriously, these are all essential.A highly educational experience - living proof that sugar isn't created in supermarkets! And at the end you may even get a few sweet samples!

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