lane-poole falls


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lane-poole falls



This was a surprise package, have grown up in Manjimup area and visit this area a lot, never knew this existed neither do many local people I know, what a wonderful little gem hidden in the forest.Viewed in early spring it was magical, very serene, just the wind and bird sounds. Wild flower fantastic. A bit of a steep climb the last 200m but the hand rail helps a lot on the way up. Signage in the area very informative. Well done to Parks and Willdlife. Excellent throughly recommend. Beautiful tranquil picnic area before you enter the path.


You will need to walk from the Boorara Tree car par to the falls. The walk is around 40 minutes, through tall timber forest in well signposted trails. Moderate difficulty, becoming steeper as you descend to the river. Before you reach the falls, there is an amazing timber lookout, high above the valley, where you can rest and observe, in quietness and solitude, the tall Karris and the wide variety of birds. The falls are best seen during the wet season, when we took the picture we shared. Very worth the visit, a gem in Australia's unique Southwest.

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