saint martin's church (la iglesia de san martin)
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I grew up going to La Colonia Tovar at least twice a year, and up until the last time that I went it still holds that quaint charm it's always had. The weather is so nice, the views are beautiful, and you really feel like you took a trip across the pond without having to do so with all of the authentic German ambiance everywhere you turn. The restaurants are very good and there are tons of little souvenir shops around. The church of course is a must-see. They have some tours that go around the back sides of the mountain and take you to the chocolate shops - famous cocoa! This is definitely a must for anyone visiting Venezuela.
The entire town is like a fairytale. Very nice architecture, beautiful properties, great German hospitality and food, and great views of the valley and mountains.
If you are in Colonia Tovar, stop in this historical church. It has interesting architecture and history, but beware that there isn't going to be someone giving any tours. The whole area is self guided. I didn't get to enjoy it much because I was so sick from the car ride to the city. Vomit comet anyone?? What a horrible trip up/down a mountain!! Tips for the country in general: there are not a lot of English friendly speakers - at least if they know you are from the USA. Don't wear red in any shade (chavistas colors) or yellow (opposition). Camo is a no go as well. Don't talk politics period. Don't ever call yourself an American. This is a beautiful country with wonderful people, but you must be careful.
Getting to the Colonia Tovar was a easy 2 hour drive from Caracas. Once there, you are surrounded by beautiful German architecture including the San Martin church. The restaurants were good as well. We ate German and Polish sausage that was excellent. It gets a little cold there if the rain starts falling so be sure to bring an umbrella or rain jacket and a jacket just in case. If it is sunny and dry you can manage with a T-shirt. We ate Fresas con Crema but it was nothing special. I suppose it depends on which place you buy it from.
Beautiful church with unique architecture, located in the downtown of Colonia Tovar. Don´t miss the opportunity to enter and check out.
we visited the church and we saw a very beautifull nativity inside of it made with the tipical houses of the colonia with that special german style.It worse the visit.
The small chapel on the left is much more interesting than the larger church.
This is an old church built by german inmigrants about 1850s. It has the typical bavarian style (white painted wood with black stripes), since those inmigrants came from "Schwarzbald" (Black forest, Selva Negra). It has a curious design, since it has two main halls forming a "L". Between them you will see the altar, which can be seen from both halls as well. There's also a plate with the name of the first child borned in the new colony, around 1851 or so. Outside the church lies the Town's Square (Plaza Bolivar), with the famous "Cafe Mushtahl" in front (oldest cafe in town, since late 18s).This is a must-see in Colonia Tovar! Have a nice Trip!
Pueblo con población descendiente de alemanes que llegaron al país años atrás, trayendo su cultura y costumbres, ubicado en el Estado Aragua, se llega por la Victoria y desde Caracas por el Junquito, lugar de buen clima mayormente frío, buenos restaurantes y atractivos naturales, hay tours a diario alrededor del pueblo para conocer la fabrica de cerveza, recolección y selección de frutos, cultivo de flores, incluso un día de playa pero éste hay que reservar con tiempo, hermosa iglesia en la plaza central donde se reúnen todos los que la visitan.
De verdad que para estar en un pueblo, la iglesia es muy bonita, se mantiene limpia tanto adentro como por fuera. Es muy tipica de alla. En sus alrededores podras encontrar una gran variedad de puestos donde encontraras frutas, verduras, vinos, dulces, chocolates, mermeladas y cremas
Si quieres pasar un rato diferente es el sitio pero ten cuidado con los motorizados tanto de la zona como foráneos se paran como y donde quieran y se confunden con ladrones y hay poca presencia policial
Lindo paisaje, gente, comida, música....Lo mejor para mi, los alimentos cultivados por ellos mismos.
La artesanía bellisima, las tiendas con bella mercancía , buenas chaquetas, el viaje en los rústicos , el paseo por la bella vegetación , la parada en la fabrica de las salchichas alemanas y los pinchos demás de sabroso, a mi me gusta todo de la Colonia Tovar
una bella muestra de la arquitectura alemana, cerca del lugar puedes fotografiarte con un grupo de señoras con trajes típicos y en los alrededores hay una especie de mercadillo.
教会だけでなく、教会のあるColonia Tovar全体の感想です。高地にあることもあり、涼しく、朝晩は半袖では肌寒いくらいです。ドイツからの移民の町で、その名残からソーセージなどドイツ由来の食べ物が多く見られます。野菜や果物の栽培が盛んで、ベネズエラ国内の他の地域より野菜、果物はおいしく感じました。ベネズエラらしからぬ場所なので、海外からの観光客向けというよりは、ベネズエラ人がヨーロッパ風の町を見に来る所、と行った感じなので、短期観光の方にはあまりお勧めしませんが、長期で滞在する方は野菜、果物の買い出しを兼ねて行く価値はあるかと思います。