ilhabela state park
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开放时间: 暂无
A good day on the beach the Atlantic side of the island is accessed via a Jeep trip through the rain forest. An experience well worth the trip. We were advised not to eat the fried food which I think was good advise.
Great park, amazing forest. Best way to see it is on a Jeep tour and I would recommend using Maremar tours, the biggest and best in town! Waterfalls can be reached by several different hikes, but most of them (the hikes) are quite a way off the bus routes.
Where: Outside of São Paulo Brazil about three hours time.How: You can go by car via Dutra with friends/yourself or you can travel by bus via the Tiete station via Litoranea costs about R$54 and takes 4.25 hours. Litoranea takes cash as their website is stubborn for credit cardRemember on Ilhabela the merchants including guides really operate off of the local currency (brasilian R). Hotels take credit card and some places to eat will take debit or occasional credit but this is a hard driven cash economy. Best to bring some then use a debit card if need be (make the hotel resrv. on credit to save trouble)On the island: walk, bus (R$3.10) or take a cab ($30 average so try the bus or place yourself at a hotel located near things you wish to see). Southern buses are more frequent. The Northern bus (Armacao) takes you to the historic center then all the way to the Northern Lighthouse (see a map).Meals: run about $R40.take advantage of buffet breakfast at your hotel if its included in your price!This island has a West and East aspect to it. By this I mean the West side is the historic center, small shops, kite board (North), kayak, etc. The main on the West side has a bus that travels and stops along the way on the hour and ten min mark. You can grab a boat from here with many agencies for tours or choose to go by land with a guide as well. There are a few waterfalls with marked handicap access. Call ahead to check the details.East side : is the preferred swimming beach side with state park. There is a 40 min road (advice-hire the guide its easy) across to Castelhanos beach and the park itself with trails. This is an island to spend a few days at! There are over 100 waterfalls, there are trails, hotels keep pools, saunas, etc, so between the parrots that freely roam, the trails, some dinners, and relax you need this on your list. You cannot beat the nature aspect of this place. The representation of maritime forest here percentage wise for Brasil is staggering. Make the time!
Não deixe de fazer um passeio turistico de jipe e/ou barco, para conhecer as praias e cachoeiras com piscinas naturais.
O parque é lindo.. mas como nem tudo é perfeito. Os borrachudos fazem parte de tudo. inclusive o passeio ao parque e á todos os locais aos quais visitamos
Achei um absurdo o Governo querer cobrar dos Jipeiros e dos turista por uma travessia, pois não tem nada demais e a maior preservação é a conscientização da população.
É um refugio do caos das cidades. Oportunidade de ter um contato com a natureza e relaxar. Tem ótimas cachoeiras e trilhas.
Adorei a praia. Mar muito agitado e nao recomendado para criancas ou idosos. Restaurantes com porçoes muito gostosas entretanto bem caro.
O Parque Estadual de Ilhabela me parece bem conservado. O contato com a natureza é total, eu amei fazer o passeio de jipe por dentro do parque até a praia de Castelhanos, deu um medinho porque as estradas são bem esburacadas kk mas recomendo.
pasas por el parque cuando te llevan a la cachoeira do gato y a castelhanos.así que podés parar recién en castelhanos.el parque es hermoso, tiene vistas increibles, pero el borrachudo mataaaaaaa!!!
Ilha exuberante. Boa gastronomia, praias maravilhosas, gente bonita, boa para praticar esportes aquáticos, fácil acesso. Simplesmente fantástica.
mata praticamente virgem, cachoeira linda agua geladissima, muitos animais silvestrecomo é bom especies diferentes de borboletas, ouvir os passaros cantando , barulho das cascatas, uma delicia curtir a natureza.
O passeio de jipe pelo parque é muito bom. Tem paradas em cachoeiras e mirantes, vale o passeio. Mas não esqueça o repelente, principalmente ao final de tarde.
Vale a pena conhecer este lugar é um paraíso. Fazendo um cruzeiro e a rota tem Ilhabela, vá conhecer este paraíso.
Este parque/ reserva conta com várias piscinas naturais/ cachoeiras de acesso tranquilo, ótima opção para quem quer diversificar o roteiro de praias.