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I had the privilege of living in La Plata back in the fall of 1980 and again about a year later. I always cherished any chance to visit this building. Back then the cathedral was lacking the two main spires. From what I've read, they had to halt construction in the 1930s when it was discovered that the building was sinking and would not be able to hold the weight of the intended spires. I remember thinking back then how odd the building looked, unfinished, like a bull with its horns cut off. According to Wikipedia, it's the 58th largest church in the world.Anyway, it's also the site of one of the most memorable moments of my young life. At the age of 19 I was invited by a priest to play the pipe organ in this cathedral. I still shed a tear when I think about it; it was such an honor for me. Ironically I am not Catholic. As a young Mormon missionary, all I knew how to play were Mormon hymns,,.so that's what I did. Archbishop Plaza (bishop at the time) later learned of this and I'm told the poor priest, a mere seminarian at the time, was severely disciplined for having allowed me access to the organ. I think Plaza might have thought I was trying to make a mockery of the place. Quite the contrary; I loved that building, its architecture, its beauty, its serenity. The Bishop asked to meet with me but some of the priests who were my friends advised against it so I didn't. They said he was a horrible man. Trials held years later over the "desaparecidos" of the dirty war and his involvement in that proved them right, I guess.


A must see if you ar ever in the area. While you are there you can view the plaza across the street and some govermental buildings. Downtow is just a few block away.


I´ve seen the construction from the freeway and I´ve thought "it must be big". Plain and simple as I explain it: I was so wrong. It´s marvelous. It´s a cathedral worth seeing for anyone who ever had the chance to go and experience such an amazing building. If you are catholic, you´ll be worthless.


built to look like a european gothic cathedral, but only completed in past few decades. it is set at the end of a huge plaza. admission to the tower includes a small "museum" below the cathedral with a nice display on the construction of the cathedral. the stained glass windows are stunning! the elevator up into one of the towers is quick & easy, and the views are fantastic.


Visiting the Catedral doesn't need long, but the trip up the tower is definitely worth it! A great view and plenty of interesting history in the displays.


I've grown up with this cathedral, it's only in the last ten or twenty years that the two main towers were built. Visitors to Buenos Aires rarely see this little gem. If this was Europe the place would be full of coaches carrying tourists, here there are very few.It's a wonderful building built in the late 19th early 20th century mainly by italian craftsmen.There's a lift that takes you high up where you can, on a clear day, see the vastness of the surrounding countryside. The floor is granite, so shiny you'd think it is covered in water. Well worth spending a couple of hours to explore it.


It is a magnificent catedral. It is unique in its class.It has three distinct features:1. It is in front of a large plaza so you have many vantage points to look at it.2. Has a square plant rather than the traditional rectangular plant.3. It is elevated from the ground.The interior is astonishing.It doesn´t belong to the Church but to the Province of Buenos Aires.


Is a big curch, a great work of architecture. You can climbing one of its tower with elevator and see the entire city.


La Plata was founded at the ending of the nineteenth century with a new concept of city and following the renovated concepts of the Europeans capitals.Its cathedral, placed in the middle of the city followed the new gothic tendencies. It a superb example of this style. It was finished recently by the incorporation of the towers and the needles. From the top of it you may seee a wonderful sight of the city.


What a grand cathedral with an impressive entrance off of a nice public plaza which adds to the grandness of it all. Really enjoyed stumbling around and an easy trip from buenos aires (45 minutes by car without traffic).


the view from the Tower is spectacular, they have a museum at the basement, it is a very impressive cathedral. the price was fantastic and the guide was very knowledgable and friendly. i would recommend it any time!!


A Beautiful place to visit, this amazing building is one of the big church in South America. Cost a little money and include a lift to take to the top where you can see the city of La Plata .Also have a museum under the Cathedral where you can learn about how was build. Cross the road is the most nice square "Plaza Moreno ".Es un hermoso lugar para visitar, es una de las iglesias mas grandes de Sudamerica.Se paga una entrada y con la misma le da derecho a subir a la torre y contemplar la ciudad y sus alrededor. En el sotano se encuentra el museo donde se puede conocer como fue construida.Cruzndo se encuentra la "Plaza Moreno".


There is not much to see in La Plata except for all the parks, but it is a very pretty city and it is much more relaxed than BA. The Cathedral is really neat with a museum below that has some history and an elevator that will take you to the top of one of the towers. It is definitely a neat sunday afternoon experience. Go to the Cathedral and then go drink some mate in the parks and maybe catch a "Estudiantes" game.


Amazing church, beautiful architecture!! A wonderful place to visit!


I reckon that in terms of church architecture, I must only now visit the ones in Europe, or perhaps in Moscow, because in Latin America i saw the best. Never had I seen such a splendour in terms of church. Until that day, the Basilica of Lujan in Argentina, The cathedral fo Santiago in Chile and the churches in Rio de Janeiro were the top notch ones. They won't lose their values to me, but they are at least a faraway second to the la Plata Cathedral. I almost have no words to describe. See some of the pictures I posted or all the pictures on my string (I don't know if I can put a link to it here)The trip to La Plata takes just an hour and the bus buses leave the Retiro bus Terminal every 10 minutes, at the cost of 15 pesos. Don't expect any kind of turistic information once you get to La Plata, they simply don't have it. You may visit the city first and go to the church when it's open at 4 (closes at 7 or 8) There is a wonderful museum under the church and an hourly guided visit (reservations at least an hour before) to one of the church's towers. Move around the city in cabs. In the end, until 9 o'clock, there are regular buses back to Buenos Aires

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