marstal sofartsmuseum
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开放时间: 暂无

Not too far away in History Marstal was a power center for Danish and European commercial freight shipping. Schooners and later small powered freighters carried cargo all over the world.Bringing things to modelsize often helps understanding, and the fact that this shipping adventure originates from a mere 4000 population town certainly makes the story almost model size and very interesting. Really interesting actually! The fact that the people responsible for this fine museum seems to love their jobs and are very skilled and informative made this visit very appreciated.Naturally the museum shows much more than shipping: the area's development from stone age, folklore from past centuries and much more.If in Marstal where things seems to otherwise stall or move slowly, one should definitely spend a few hours on this fine museum.
I Had made contact with Erik the Curator of the museum to see if he could assist me in furthering my search, which he did willingly. His knowledge of the history of seafaring, ships and history of this beautiful island is incredible, the museum is well laid out and it is easy to follow the history of shipping through the ages. Beautiful model ships made so long ago was really the highlight along with the interactive displays. It is pleasing to see that there are activities for kids. The 500 year anniversary was in 2014, this museum and it's important relevance to the history of shipping for Denmark will be around for for a long time. A great website is easy to navigate. Great shop to purchase resources and gifts. Thankyou
A visit at Marstal Søfartsmuseum is a must, when you come to Ærø. It will give you a view into the life on the Sea for the last 500 Years. And of course you also need to read the chronicle about the birth of the modern Denmark, a novel by Carsten Jensen, which also give life to Marstal.
The artwork and ship models are quite beautiful in this maritime museum ("Museum of Seafaring"). We also enjoyed the full-scale models of rooms on ships (including a bridge and sleeping quarters). The problem is that there are almost no English translations of the Danish explanations throughout the museum. Of course, that's not an issue if you read Danish. But I would guess that a large percentage of the visitors are, like us, foreigners. It would be so helpful if the administrators could take the time to add English explanations to the exhibits, so we know what we are looking at. There was an occasional sign in English, but it is otherwise 95% Danish.
Great museum. Only problem is you need hours to get through it all. Or do as we did: Go back twice.Great display of model ships, old engines, and a thorough documentation of the naval history of Ærø and Marstal
A very interesting museum you really ought to see if you are visiting Ærø or are interested in learning about Danish shipping history!The museum tell a very comprehensive story about Danish Shipping history as well as shop it is importance for the island Ærø. You get an impression of how it would living on a ship away for long. The number of small, very beautiful miniature boats is really impressive! Note, they have a huge selection of books on Danish shipping in the shop. Very interesting all in all.This place is more minded adults than children - just so you are aware beforehand.
History of sail and shipbuilding in Marstal along with the paintings of J E C Rasmussen. Beautifully presented, moving and fun.
everything is fantastic- tge guided tour wonderfull. we ll be back
Marstal Maritime Museum is a wonderful place to visit if you like old sailing ships, maritime history and maritime paintings.Marstal.....and the harbor, was, and still is, a center for maritime activity. You can easily spend half a day at the museum. Volunteers are available to answer any questions you may have.A visit to the museum is a "must" if you are on the island. Just google the museum for additional information. You won't be sorry.
Søfartsmusseumet kan anbefales idet der er en stor samling udskåret træskibe som man børe se. Man kan også finde hotel Marstal, hvor man får god mad for en billig penge. Der er mange mugligheder i marstal. Ud og se Marstal by night.
Vi besøgte søfartsmuseet pga de mange gode anmeldelser på tripadvisor. Selv uden den store søfartsinteresse var det helt sikkert et besøg værd.
Der liebevoll informative Charakter verbunden mit dem Bezug zur Geschichte der Insel und Daenemarks.
War schon vor vielen Jahren im Museum, damals noch mit Arne, einen alten Kapitän, den wir in einer Hafenkneipe kennengelernt haben. Die Führung durch das Museum war dank der Seemansgeschichten von Arne sehr kurzweilig, leider ist Arne in der Zwischenzeit verstorben. War ein Feiner!
Jeg har været mange gange på museet.Hver gang finder man noget nyt.Levere fuld ud hvad man forventer af et lokal museum.
Museet var rigtig fint og stort. Synes dog, at det er lidt kritisk at personalet i entreen ikke kunne særligt godt engelsk og tysk. Det skal være på plads, når størstedelen af gæsterne taler engelsk eller tysk.