swallow's nest


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swallow's nest





You can't go inside: it's closed for danger of falling. But it's a gorgeous view for a photo and exciting to see the castle on the cliff. There's also a "Wishes Tree" up the stairs beside it. Dress warm in the winter. It's windy!!


If you're visiting Crimea and find yourself in the vicinity, I can only advise you to take a picture from the sea and let it be. It's a bit disappointing once you get to the near vicinity of the castle and realise it's really really tiny. Also, it's made from concrete, so if you're unlucky and it's raining, the picturesque white castle turns into a nasty shade of grey. It was closed off at the time of our visit even though it should have been opened, but we didn't mind, as it's really small and there isn't much to see. The worst thing is the lineup of refreshment and souvenir stalls and all other tourist traps along 1200 stairs you will have to climb up and down from the parking place to the castle itself. Skip it, you won't miss much.


This is one of the most beautiful places on the Crimean Peninsula, a must see if you are in the area. Built i think by an Italian aristocrat for his wife who missed her homeland. The current palace is not the same as the original architecture, it is more beautiful. You can also take a boat tour around the area and see the many Dachas of the Russian ruling class during the soviet era.


Amazing views - great place to go for couples to take pictures. Excellent view of the Black Sea and cliffs.


Saw this little castle (technically a "folly") from a distance. It is interesting and worth a stop to see it, but it is really just a curiosity. The road to it was closed when we were there so couldn't see the inside. If you stop at the look-off where most people stop to see the castle from the land be prepared to be approached by venders and people wanting to have your picture taken with them and their parrot/snake/monkey etc. We just got away as quickly as we could after seeing the vista.


We had been on a trip to the Lavadia Palace and our tour bus stopped at the Swallow's Nest. The small castle looks absolutely spectacular and is very picturesque unfortunately we could not go inside but it was worth going to for the picture opportunities.


We took the boat, because it more beautiful to look at it from the see side, to have a look of most distinguishing attraction of Yalta and Crimea which is Swallow’s nest. It was built between 1911 and 1912 as a castle of a noble Russian. Its at the edge of Aurora Cliff, in 1927 an earthquake happened and as a result of that parts of cliff has fallen but the castle hasn’t which made it even more beautiful.


If you have a chance travel to Yalta, Ukraine, don't miss this extremely beautiful attraction.Just less than 30 minutes by taxi; not far away from town center. I have just seen this castle with my wife during a Black Sea cruise. This castle is not big but the view is amazing.


You must take a picture of the swallows nest in your hand its the photo of you holidays in the Yalta!


Stunning location. Cliff top Castle with apocryphal stories of how & why it was built by a Russian Tsar gor his Fiance who "Flew the Nest" before it was finished??Great location. Better to see it from a neighbouring hillside where you get panoramic views of it, rather than from it (not much else to see from it bar cliffs and sea!


If you visit Crimea, Swallow's nest should be on your 'must see' list. I would recommend to take a boat trip from Yalta. In this case, you will have a chance to see it from the sea side. Do not expect to see a medieval castle as many people do, it looks more like a princess house from a fairy tale. Nevertheless, it is one of the most interesting attractions in Crimea.


Port of Yalta, Took tender from Pacific Princess to shore- turn left to find the Ferry to Swallows Nest - From Pier #9 in Yalta about a thirty minute ride on Ferry to Swallows nest. It is quite a sight from the water. We climbed up the stairs, quite a walk, but worth the effort to see the small medieval fantasy, like a small castle built on a rock high above the sea, very romantic; the views are spectacular. When leaving,To get to the bus stop Climb down to the bottom about 200 steps (no elevators) and turn left to cross over the bridge then climb up the hill about 200 steps (no elevators) to the road. Hardly any one spoke English, only Russian and Ukraine and little help with no signs in English. We eventually learned to take bus #32, #102, or #27 back to main bus terminal in Yalta. We got on bus #32 but it was packed like sardines so we got off at the first stop and then took bus #102 to the main terminal in Yalta, we drove by Livadia Palace on the way back to Yalta main bus terminal. Eventually we learned where to get the bus #1 back to near the cruise ship terminal and the bus driver was kind enough to tell us where to get off the bus. Only local VAH currency is accepted, no Euros or American dollars are accepted. Not the friendliest place we have visited, locals not concerned at all about earning the tourists income at all. It was quite the experience and worth the time and effort to see Swallows Nest on our own.


Took a boat ride from Yalta to swallows nest - there was a very loud crackling commentary all the way there and back - unfortunately in only in Russian/Ukranian . It would be a good idea to have headphones with different languages as plenty of tourist attractions do. The walk up to the castle was not as steep as it looked from the bottom, though one had to fight one,s way through fairly aggressive local traders. The views from the top were stunning, though the actual castle, a little disappointing.


It is strange just how small it is once you get up close. Id like to think this is what they have based all those disney castles in the cartoons on! :-)There is abit of a walk to get up close but there is also an option to pay for a zip line across, although you would still have to walk back.There are ladies along the path selling some interesting snacks. And inside the tiny castle is some exhibition but I did not go in to view this.

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