museum of local lore


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museum of local lore





If you are in Yuzhno Sakhalinsk for some time it is worth taking a trip to this museum. It is in the center of the city so fairly easy to get to. You can walk round the gardens outside without paying a fee but you have to pay a fee to go inside. Id say 1-2 hours would be enough time to walk round outside and go inside - it isnt too big but there are some interesting things to look at.Going inside costs 70Rub each (approx $2.25) and it costs 100Rub (approx $3.25) to take photos - its a little bit more to take video. There are museum people in each room who ask if you have paid to take photos so its worth buying the ticket if you intend to take photos. The challenge for non Russian speakers is that everything is in Russian and the museum staff also only speak Russian so if you can speak Russian you may take more time than non Russian speakers. In the museum there are around 5 rooms to go into, the exhibits (as can be seen in the photos) are actually displayed nicely so it is nice to walk around and look at some of Sakhalin's history.There isnt really a shop to buy anything - when you walk inside the ticket booth is on your left. They do sell some books and a limited amount of souvenirs but you have to ask the person in the booth to show you the items you may want as they are all inside the booth with them.There are bathrooms and a cloak room in the basement.Overall it is a nice place to spend a couple of hours.They have an english website so its worth checking that out. I went on a weekend so one review which said it was only open on weekdays isn't correct. Opening times are 11am - 6pm.


Museum is in the heart of Yuzhno in a Japanese era building. The grounds are beautiful and a popular place to visit. The museum is only open on weekdays, mainly in the afternoons. There are two fees, one for entrance and the other to take photos. Recommend paying to take photos because some exhibits are pretty good. Don't forget to give the tickets to the matrons in the main hallway, I didn't and was shadowed and harassed until I realized what they wanted.The museum has 6 main rooms that cover everything from geology, indigineous people, the Japanese occupation, the Soviet period, and finally the oil era. One room is carpeted and you wear booties over your regular shoes to protect the carpet. The exhibits are in Russian so I was not able to read anything but the pictures and content was understandable.The building is also nice to see. Simple but elegant with tile floors, high ceilings and glass block in the floors and walls. Also a very nice central staircase.


The building itself is quite interesting - built by Japanese. Museum has interesting exhibition about Ains - the aborigines of the Sakhalin island.


No matter what the season is this attraction is worth visiting.The museum offers an overview of the Sakhalin Region history, geography, nature, culture... Being built in 1930th by Japanese who administered the southern part of Sakhalin from early 1900 till the end of the World War II, now it shows a unique blend of many cultures and traditions found in Sakhalin, including Russian, Korean, Japanese and others.The building is surrounded by a lovely park, popular among both locals and visitors. Despite the museum is located in the heart of the town, it's always a peaceful, quiet and relaxing place, in addition easily accessible by anyone.The place is not so big, so you won't be bored to go too deep into details, at the same time you'll get just enough information about the only island region of Russia.


Lovely museum and a goof place to start studying Sakhalin. This museum is not big, but in various rooms gives enough to put together in your mind a full picture on nature, surroundings and history of the region.


бесценные экспонаты исторические, археологические, зоо- и ботанические. Не хватает отдела геологии. Необходимы образцв нефти, газа, вмещающих пород. Условия образования и добычи полезных ископаемых - то, чем живёт область второе столетие.


Понравилось:1. Само здание музея.2. Приветливость персонала, готовность помочь, подсказать.3. Возможность фотографирования.4. Интересные экспонаты.


У Москвы есть Кремль а у Южно-Сахалинска - музей.Это бывшый дворец генерал -губернатора Карафуто.Городская визитка нашего города.Все что вы хотели знать о Сахалине-тут.Не пожалеете.


Отличное место,знакомство с историей. Красивые экспонаты разных эпох и культур. Много нового И познавательного.


Пожалуй самый красивый музей в Южно-Сахалинске! Архитектура его не оставит никого равнодушным. А если вы попадете туда летом или весной, то еще и насладитесь удивительно красивым садом вокруг музея, в котором расположены редкие растения и много цветов


Интересно было посмотреть на экспозицию животного мира. Вроде все наши родные, а часть зверьков до этого не видел.Жалко, что в музее не продают сахалинских магнитиков, самое место!


на территории музея, как летом, так и зимой приятно находится. Инфраструктура музея, просто сногсшибательная, все очень красиво.


Музей расположен в очень красивом здании в японском стиле, окружен небольшим садиком. Экспозиция музея размещена на 2х этажах, на последнем есть зал, где на полу ковролин и смотрители просят обувать кожаные тапочки гигантского размера прямо на свою обувь) это ооочень странно)Достаточно быстро обошли весь музей, скучновато для молодежи. Нет бесплатного экскурсовода, как, например, в музее Арсеньева во Владивостоке.


Музей расположен в удобном месте, красивое японское здание- одно из немногих, оставшихся с довоенных времен.Территория музея -ухоженный мини парк,ранней весной много тюльпанов, в весенне-летний период- розарий, есть фонтан. Люблю в обеденный перерыв гулять по дорожкам. Сам музей ..... Как и все музей хранит свои уникальные истории и экспонаты. Интересно! Познавательно!

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