diavolsko garlo- the devil's throat
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The Devil's Throat cave is different from the other caves because it is an abyss cave. The Trigrad River enters the cave and falls down from 42 meters and shortly after that it disappears under the ground, then it comes back on the surface after 60 meters or so. This is the highest underground waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula and the huge hall is the second biggest in Bulgaria. You will enter through an artificially made tunnel and then you will exit climbing up the 300 steep steps out of the cave. The tour is very short but the sight of the falling plangent water is worth it.The guide told us that whatever the river brought into the cave and under the ground never came out again with the water!? He also said that tests had been done with colourings (put into the water before the river disappears under the ground in the cave) and they came out after more than 1.5 hours. There are other caves in the area which are interesting - Yagodinska cave, Uhlovica, Haramiyska Dupka.
The visit of the cave is short (you can't stay long because the light is made with a generator and seems timed), with little explanations provided and quite unsafe, I wouldn't go with children (steep stairs).However, the cave is beautiful and very impressive same as the outside. It's still worth going.
Massive and quite mind blowing in scale! Don't go here if you expect to see pretty lights and stalagmites and stalactites!Wear a coat (8 degrees Celsius) and tough boots as you have over 400 steps going down at first and then up next to the waterfall coming down.The views are spectacular both looking up and down, however, if you don't like big open enclosed areas or suffer from vertigo think twice before you enter as there is only one way out and that is up!
You know, it's a nice walk through a cave. It takes half an hour, it is safe, nice to look at and it is an easy experience.For some REAL excitement, try a trip to Haramiiska Dupka nearby (organised by the same guys running the Diavolsko Garlo Cave) and you will truly be inspired.Overall, Trigrad is a gem in Bulgaria, Diavolsko Garlo is a classic standard for everybody and Haramiiska Dupka is the pearl in the crown for people looking for real excitement :-)))
Even if you just don't get the story of Orpheus and the Underworld with all its tragedy and pathos combined with the dark elements of hell, the natural wonder of limestone caverns, underground rivers roaring into the dark abyss should make this a worthy side trip. And the journey though spectacular gorges is a reason in itself to travel off the main road.
A fascinating cave, with the Orpheus story etc. Lovely bagpiper was outside when we arrived, who played for us and we danced. The steps insdie are scary with a sheer drop on the right. I have vertigo but I made myself do it, but be warned - don't look back! A nice walk out side when you get to the top!
Very beautiful cave with great story, definitely recommend it! The guide was friendly, knew English and explained all details in an interesting way.
The Devil's Throat is a magnificent natural creation, but the walking tour takes you through the galleries too fast - no time for looking around in a bit more detail, sometimes light bulbs are not changed, and some parts remain invisible to the tourist's sight. They offer kayaking through the cave, which is wonderful.
A great experience entering the huge cavern with bats flying above and descend towards the roar of the huge underground waterfall. You can only go in as part of Bulgarian guided tours but they give you a handout in English which sums it up well. The talk is short anyway and unfortunately you can only see the waterfall partially after you start a long climb up very steep narrow steps that are not good for young or old. These steps bring you out where the water enters the cave and then you have to walk down the road to the cave entrance. My advice is tell them you have high blood pressure and they let you walk back out the way you came. Seeing the huge cavern and bats was the best part for me.
Nice cave, but poorly put on display. The guide only spoke in bulgarian (which fortunatelly enough I understand, but not all foreigner tourist do!).Too many merchants with junk at the entrance and at the exit.
The cave is really something everyone needs to see. To say that it mas an impresion is an understatement. The main hall is enormous, the guide was polite and helpful and told us about the legend and past attempts for exploration of the cave.
There are interesting facts about the river and the cave; very beautiful area and road getting there; the cave itself is not the typical cave with stalactites and stalagmites; it is more about the river which flows there. In the summer possible to do a 4-6 hour more extreme tour with ropes and with certificate for bravery in another cave near by.
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Ce site naturel mérite d'être visité puisque la légende raconte qu'Orphée se serait retourné dans cette grotte!Site grandiose, spectacle au rendez-vous.