the losinj aromatic garden
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开放时间: 暂无

Mali Losinj was difficult to get to without a car, particularly as the ferry from Pula wasn't running this year, but the bus ride up the Istria Peninsular, then down through the islands Cres etc was a tour in itself - and worth all the time and effort! What a wonderful island, with the peaceful gardens, beautiful coastal walks, everywhere you turned was a photoshot - I just wish I had a yacht! Tripadvisor were spot on for their recommendations and I think it would be a hard trip to beat.
This is one woman's quirky Mediterranean garden ... don't expect a National Trust style of manicured horticulture ... think more Derek Jarman meets Captain Corelli ... I liked all the beach-combed wood and rusty metal bits and pieces artfully placed amongst the lavender and olive tress and the abundant Aloe Vera plants ... be careful not to get too close to the eccentric donkey. Nicely packaged local produce in the little shop in the cottage. No entrance fee. Right at the top of the town ... conveniently located if you are walking from Mali Losinj to Veli Losinj (which you should certainly do!).
Great sea town, with plenty to do and excursions to any of Croatians 1200 islands. Perfect weather, beaches, attractions
Aromatic garden is not very big, but it has lot of different kind of beautiful flowers, butterflies and very very nice donkey! Definetely worth a (short) visit!There is also a small shop that sells honey, liqueurs etc made from flowers/herbs of Aromatic Garden.
Spring is the right time to visit because of plants blossoming in full aromas. The garden itself is not soo big and it is right beside main road but guided tour is very very good and if you want to learn a lot on plants in short time this is excellent opportunity. Nice collection of organic presents you can buy for your friends back home.
This small garden has a nice overview of plants growing on Lošinj. It is easy to access both by a car and on foot. We were guided as a small group and were offered some tasty liquer made of a plant "mirta". There is a suess dunkey Drago there. One can buy some nice souveniers there.
Fantastic place to learn about local plants and enjoy in fantastic aromatic smells. Possible to buy some delicious aromatic things in shop located in tipical stone house located in the garden.
Authentic and original garden with small shop full of original souvenirs from the same garden - lavander, aloe vera, citrus and other scents in soaps, tea, oils, honey,... The perfect piece of the island to bring home... Plus, there's this cute donkey in the garden... :-)
Interessante visitare questo piccolo giardino, per sapere di più sulle piante autoctone dell'isola e poterle riconoscere durante le passeggiate. Qui si respirano i profumi mediterranei.
Cres e Lussino costituiscono praticamente una sola isola, divisa da un canale artificiale.Oltre ad un paesaggio che regala scorci spettacolari ed una natura ancora selvaggia (non è difficile ammirare i grifoni), anche i piccoli paesi (Cres città, Lubenice, Veli Losini) sono molto caratteristici. L'isola è collegata alla terraferma tramite un efficiente (e non molto costoso) servizio di traghetti che collegano Brestova, non distante da Fiume, con Porozina.
Omamná vůně mě udeřila do nosu hned při vstupu do zahrady. Milovníci bylin si zde přijdou na své: levandule, rozmarýn, tymián a jiné. Zaujal i přítulný osel v ohrádce. Celkově zahrada působí neutěšeně, je zde rozmístěno spoustu nevhodných a kýčovitých dekorací, ale to asi patří ke zdejší mentalitě. V příjemném obchůdku uprostřed zahrady jsem nakoupila pěkné suvenýry, domácí mýdlo s rozmarýnem, levandulový džem a olivový olej s tymiánem.
Molto carino da visitare, con tutte le piante tipiche locali, spontaneee e coltivate. Non ho comprato nessun souvenir, come invece mi sarei aspettata, perché a mio avviso non erano molto originali. O meglio: i prodotti sono originali del giardino stesso, ma non molto diversi da quelli che possiamo trovare in molti altri posti (lavanda, saponi, candele, oli d'oliva, salse, liquori...)Ho scritto "soprattutto per bambini" perché ci sono un asinello carinissimo e socievole (nel suo recinto) e un coniglio che gira invece libero... difficile - se non impossibile - da avvicinare perché ha paura, ma decisamente innocuo.
Dies ist ein sehr netter Kräutegarten, aber ich fand es ganz schlimm, das man einen Esel in einer sehr kleinen Einzäunung einsperrt und zur Schau stellt. Ein solches Tier allein gehalten und noch dazu in einem kleinen Areal ist Tierquälerei!
carinissimo per i bambini. è un giardino piccolo piccolo ma ha tutte le piante tipiche di lussino, lavanda, ulivi, erba luigia (che non so come si chiami veramente). Ci sono anche delle arnie e un asinello. è proprio in curva nella strada che porta a Cigale e forse in alta stagione non tranquillissimo ma è carino. Alla fine della visita si possono acquistare i prodotti tipici e gli oli essenziali (buoni)
Средней ухоженности садик, по-русски нам так ничего внятного и не смогли объяснить, английский такой ломанный, что его мы тоже не понимали. Понюхали что-то, но такие травки тут повсюду растут. Для садоовода-любителя, наверное, интересно. Нам было скучно.