ópusztaszer national historical heritage park
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

About 95 miles southeast of Budapest is the heritage park of Ópusztaszer. This specific geographic location is considered to be the birthplace of Hungary, where Chief Árpád and the 7 tribes founded the Magyar nation in 896 AD. This is not a tourist spot to most Hungarians, but a location of national identity.This expansive theme park includes a collection of reconstructed historical architecture from across Hungary, including houses, farm buildings, churches, and various businesses. There is also an archeological excavation of a medieval monastery, a collection of Csete-yurts with different exhibitions found inside each, and a wax museum in the Visitor Center. In warmer months, you'll see craft demonstrations, and cultural presentations. The park is very big, so you’ll walk a lot—or you can rent a golf cart to get around more quickly. Be sure to make arrangements to buy a timed-ticket to see the panoramic painting, “The Arrival of the Hungarians,” by Árpád Feszty. This painting was exhibited in the World Fair of 1899, and the way in which the painting has been exhibited is masterful. Although the pre-taped presentation for the painting was in Hungarian, when the guide discovered that we were from Canada, he kindly played an English version just for us after the main crowd left the area. This was very kind of the guide, and very much appreciated. Try a traditional lunch at the outdoor food stall in the park. You won’t be disappointed! We had a traditional bean soup, with sides of pickles, cabbage salad, and a huge slice of fresh bread. You can even ask to have one serving split into two bowls…that is, if you can ask in Hungarian! None of the park staff spoke English on the day we visited. The highlight of our visit was watching the display of traditional Hungarian horsemanship in the Nomad Park. Try to plan your visit so you can see these amazing horsemen perform! It’s well worth the extra 600 HUF. These men rode their horses at full speed, while shooting arrows into targets, tossing spears through small rings, and playing a game with an inflated sheep skin. It made me realize how fortunate I am to be here, as my ancestors must have survived attacks from warriors like these!
This is was me 2nd visit, It was very nice, when we araived it was raining but we manged to get into the building. The Feszti painting is something amazing.We the rain stopped we had a little tour around the park as well. My only negative point that there is no normal restaurant, they have two buffet.Over all we had a very good time.
The admission is so overpriced. But it is nice. So if you are a foreigner you must see that... (but no one speaks English... of course.) We watched the horse parade there. It is funny. The problem was, because the weather was very hot that area was very dusty. So when the horses run up and down the audition be covered by dust... I think that is not healthy for horses either. We saw an other horse in a fold covered by bloody bites from flies. I think the park could care more about animal welfare.
We spent more than 1/2 day at the park. Our primary reason for visiting was to see the Feszty Panorama - one of only a few in existence in the world. This one depicts the arrival of the Hungarians to the region. There is also a large museum with multiple tableaux of Hungarian life in the 19th and 20th centuries. The archery show, on horseback, is well worth the extra price of admission. Lovely park setting. Good day.
The National Heritage Park of Ópusztaszer has varied programs to offer. The main attraction is probably the Feszty Panorama (Arrival of the Hungarians). The open air museum represents old village culture with buildings, occupations, tools etc. Our favorite program was the horsemanship and archery show of five horsemen in traditional clothes with traditional weapons (old Hungarian weaponry, lifestyle). You do not have too many possibilities to experience anything of the old Hungarian culture as a tourist so I encourage everyone to visit a program like that. The only festival I know with plenty of similar programs is Kurultaj, which used to be in Bugac in August every year.There are more further programs in the park (Csete Yurts, Árpád Memorial etc.) so you need a few hours (perhaps a whole day) for that. We have spent about 5 hours in there including the time spent in the café.
When you go there you will feel that you got there with some time machine, back few decades, back in past centuries. The program with horses are fenomenal, thay tray to keep old habits like it was in 18th c.
das riesige rundpanoramagemälde ist sehr eindrucksvoll, hier wurde ungarn geboren ein historischer platz wo man der geschichte ungarns näher kommt. wir hatten glück mit dem wetter und es hatte keine leute. im sommer sehr stark besucht. interesannte bauten aus der frühen zeit. im sommer noch reiterspiele die wohl auch sehr aufregend sein sollen.
Opusztaszer è un'esperienza che potremmo definire immersiva... Il parco, immerso nel verde nelle profondità della piana ungherese ad est del Danubio, offre la possibilità di conoscere e comprendere la nascita della nazione ungherese e le origine del suo popolo in maniera piacevole. Il percorso completo prevede lo spettacolo di cavalieri in cui si capiscono benissimo le tecniche di guerra del popolo magiaro quando era ancora un popolo nomade, il Feszty Panorama che è un enorme tela dipinta disposta su una parete circolare in cui viene raccontato l'arrivo del popolo ungherese dalle steppe russe e la loro trasformazione da popolo nomade a popolo stanziale. Infine si può visitare la ricreazione di un piccolo villaggio di capanne sempre riferibile all'albori della storia ungherese e la ricreazione di un piccolo paese di campagna risalente all'inizio del XX secolo. All'interno delle casette sono ricreati gli ambienti originali dell'epoca e alcuni spazi vengono usati anche per l'esposizione di utensili e documenti risalenti alla seconda metà dell'800.Pur non essendo la nostra prima visita è comunque stata un'esperienza ancora una volta piacevole; la bambina di quattro anni, pur non essendo un parco a carattere ludico, si è divertita ed ha dimostrato interesse.
Vor allem ein Gebäude in der grossen Parklandschaft mit den vielen Denkmälern ragt heraus und hat auch die grösste Besucherzahl: das 120 m lange Rundbild von Maler Feszty, das in einem eigenen Panorama-Rundbau zu sehen ist. 1898 war der Anlass für die Entstehung: gezeigt wird daher die Landnahme im Jahr 898 durch die Familie Arpad und die Stammesfürsten. Im Gebäude ermöglichen Stege einen Rundkurs um das grossformatige Gemälde, ergänzt durch zusätzliche naturalistische Gestaltung. Der Einlass erfolgt im Halbstunden-Rhythmus.
Recensisco unicamente il Feszty Panorama perchè è l'attrazione che ho avuto modo di guardare per bene all'interno di questo parco tematico che ne prevede diverse. Questo dipinto circolare panoramico creato dal pittore ungherese Árpád Feszty, descrive l'arrivo degli ungheresi nel bacino dei Carpazi nel 894 ed è stato realizzato in occasione del 1000simo anniversario dell'evento. E' lungo 150 mt x 15 mt di altezza ed è veramente notevole. E' arricchito da realizzazioni tridimensionali e da effetti sonori molto belli e suggestivi. Ne consiglio la visita anche perchè sul posto vi verrà fornita una guida cartacea nella vostra lingua che ve ne spiegherà al meglio i dettagli. anche in italiano...wow!!!
Ópusztaszer is volgens de overlevering de plek waar Koning Árpád en zijn mannen Hongarije binnentrokken in 896 en het land tot Hongaars verklaarden. Uiteraard is dit voor elke Hongaar een belangrijk stuk grond.Behalve een actieve indruk, met zwaardvechten en paardrijden, van de Hongaarse geschiedenis, zien jong en oud hier de interessante Panorama Voorstelling van Árpád Feszty over de landname.Lees meer op HungariaHuizen, maar blijf weg op 20 augustus, de nationale feestdag van Hongarije!