alexandria troas ruins


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alexandria troas ruins



We took our family to this little seen ruined city. What an experience. There was a guide from the university there. He took us around and in perfect Turkish taught us all we ever needed to know about the old city. He was passionate and enthusiastic about the site. He unlocked the gate to see the wonderful marble columns. He showed us the theatre in the back and explained how it looked out over the view. Our youngest child learned about stinging nettles that day and our oldest was excited to see a picture on the man's phone of a bust of Alexander the Great that was found! Take the time to see this site and to drive along the road looking at all the arches and pillars. It is worth the time and a tip to the university guide!


Zamanında 50.000 kişi yapıyormuş. Granit sütunlar yapılıp roma ya yollanıyormuş. Yapılacak arkeolojik kazılar ortalama 500 yıl sürebilirmiş. İsa'nın havarilerinin uğradığı yer olması nedeniyle hiristiyanlar tarafından hac merkrzi kabul edilmektedir.


buraya gelip gezdiğinizde insanların neden tekrar tekrar burada medeniyet kurmak istediklerini daha rahat anlayacaksınız. konumu, doğası, kendine güvenli sağlam tarihi..........

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