4A地址: 暂无
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你可能经常听人家说"特洛伊什么都没有,只有一些小石头。"如果你对这个地方的历史没有任何理解的话,的确,这话也没错。但是如果你读过《伊利亚特》、了解史利曼的挖掘这一段历史的话,那你肯定会觉得值回票价的。这个遗址有3000多年前的围墙,还有荷马所说的"风中的特洛伊"。我们的导游Lutfe Atay很棒,他给我们的行程增添了很多乐趣。当然,遗址本身是非常有看头的。
Well worth a visit!!!very knowledgable guide and interesting stories,if you care for mythological stories.....
In February 2015 I booked a Aegean Coach tour with a company called 'RSD' who I have been with a couple of times to Turkey already. The Tour itinerary was very good and the tour guide greatly added to my knowledge of the area and as the driver was very pleasant the whole experience was very good. Among the many ancient sites visited was Troy and what fascinated me the most about this site was a very old house made of mud bricks that was built 2500 BC.
Troy is one of the unique place in the world. Once upon a time people were thinking it is not existing. In 19th cent. H. Schiliman found and excavated it. After he found the treasure of troy, he left the area. Then it is prooved it was real. Akha's (former Greek's) and Trojan's (Local Anatolian's) fought for 10 years. According to Homer (a blind Poet from Symirna (Izmir), war started because of Paris( Alexandros) because he was cursed by gods. While Paris( a prince of troy) was a baby his family left him in the forest for wild animals but a sheperd found him and raised him. After he becomes adult he took place in a beauty contest and he was judge. The contestants were godesses including Hera (wife of Zeus), Athena (Doughter of Zeus) and Aphrodite (Aunt of Zeus). Zeus make Paris to Judge one of them. First Hera came and offered the Kingdom of the world , then Athena came and offered the wisdom and lastly Aphrodite came and offered the most beautiful women in the world to him. He accepted the last one and the war in between gods started over humans as well. Later Paris accepted to Troy and went to Sparta to do a treaty. The king of sparta was Menelaus and his wife was Helen( most beautiful women in the world). When Paris and Helen saw eachother Aphrodite kept her promise and made hera fell in love to paris. While paris turing to Troy he eloped Helen and ten years war started because of it. Most of heros died in this war including Diomedes, Nestor, Achelles(semi god), Hector and a lot of the prince and princes. After ten years Odyseus came up with an idea to put a wooden horse full of soldiers in front of the city and left the area. they did so. Then when Trojans saw it they thought Akhas left the are and they won. Trojans had a ceremony all night and get drunk. Soldiers who hided in the horse cme out and killed the night watchers. Sent sign to Agamemnons army and they killed all of the people in the city. Some survivors including Eneas sailed and went to todays Italy. It is said that Etruscans were from Eneas and Remus-Remulus. Nowadays you can see beautifull ruins from different periods of Troy including VI Troy ( Homeric Troy).Enjoy...
The modern Trojan horse our guide apologised for, it is a little naff. The rest of this extensiver site well made up for it. There are at least eight layers of Troy, huge mounds excavated, walls of different eras dissect each other, the view to the Dardinelles and onto the Anzac memorial is great.For the silly boys amongst our group, dressing up clothes are available for that special battle photo. Good cafeteria and gift shop.
I like to visit the historical places to understand the cultures of the people who lived in that period of time.
The massive wooden horse and the rack of costumes for photography (10L) did make me wonder a bit, but the excavation of the ancient city of Troy has been very well done, and it's fascinating! So many layers of city, and with superbly informative boards around the site it was easy to understand what we were looking at. There are decent toilets, Western style as well as Holes, a cafe and a nice little gift shop. It's all very well-run and well worth a visit - the ancient stones whisper their stories as you pass over and by them, and the view down through Schliemann's Trench over the plain is pure time-travel. Even in summer this must be well worth a visit, and of course income from this attraction helps fund excavations and preservation of other ancient sites in the region.
If possible take a tour of the area with a local guide as there is history here from the 11th Centuary . There have been many "finds" here which have proved valuable when experts have been mapping the area. You wonder how it was built all those years ago. The Trojan Horse is in attendance and it is expected that you will climb the sets of steps to the top and wave to those on the ground. In order to make your day you expect Kirk Douglas to appear with sword drawn as you descend. The Costume Concession does a roaring trade as there are costumes with capes, helmets, a chariot and bows and arrows.
There is admittedly not a great deal of Homers Troy left, but with a good map (Wikipedia) and a lot of imagination you can walk in the footsteps of Hector and Achilles. Some homework needed before your visit to get the best out of your time there,especially about Heinrich Schliemann, the first to excavate here and the man whose idea of archeology was to use dynamite. His trench, dug right through the hill, is something to behold. The site is on top of a ridge overlooking where the sea used to be so it is quite windy, but at this time of year it is relatively quiet. Children will enjoy dressing up and the Wooden Horse, something of a Turkish National Treasure, is great fun.
Many nice place for a short.A walk, a little fun.For children a great experience.Although for our elderly.can be a real refreshment
I'm very curious about this site since I am in college. After watching the movies Troy and Helen of Troy, I couldn't help but wish to see this place. I admit that I expected too much from this place and honestly, there isn't much about it. Only few remains might be appreciated. And there is the ever famous horse near the entrance that you can climb and get a picture of.
The site of the ancient city of Troy is a good stop for history buffs (and students who have read Homer). However, unlike some other sites (e.g. Ephesus) most of the city is not so well preserved. There are some good sections of walls, one of the gates and a theatre and some portions of houses, but that is about it. Given the many different levels of the city (re-built over eight times) it can be hard to follow the archeology, perhaps a guide would help (we just read the signs). Beyond the ancient city of course you have the famous horse -which certainly did not look like the re-creation (go to Canakkale and see the one from the movie for a more realistic view), but it is fun for the kids to climb around and hang out of the windows. Also in the same square you can rent costumes (which look more roman than Trojan) and take a group photo. Should not take more than 1.5 hours.
If you like ancient times and history this is a good visit. If you go you need to go with a guide so they can explain the ruins to you. It was a long ride from Istanbul only 3 of us on the bus went to visit here. the rest went to Gallipoli. Our guide was knowledgeable answered questions. But was in a rush at the end to get back. But i told him that we paid to be here and if the little girl wanted to take a few moments to look at the gift shop she can. After all we came from across the world to be here. I went in summer. was very hot bring H2o and a hat. Since there was not much shade to hide in.
Well, allegedly this is the fabled city of Troy. Only for that reason could one justify a stop here. There isn't much left of the ancient city, so don't get your hopes up too much. There is a "replica" of the horse, but I think it's mainly there for children. You can climb it and get inside, but again it's really something for kids. It's a fairly easy walk through what's left of the city. Going at an easy you should finish the circuit in 40 minutes to an hour. If you're pressed for time in Turkey, you can easily give this skip, but if you're in Canakkale might as well spend a few hours to check it out (most of that time will be spent shuttling to and fro). There are local buses that go here, ask at the tourist information center in the center of Canakkale. There are also plenty of touts selling tours at inflated prices as well.