special nature reserve uvac
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Special Nature Reserve "Uvac" is located in southwest Serbia, between mountains Zlatar and Javor. Central feature of the reserve is the canyon of the river Uvac with its tributaries. Special value canyons are meanders. Looking from above, one gets the impression that the nature of doubts in which direction to steer the river, so the river meanders and makes beautiful river bend. In the neighborhood there is one of the most interesting natural phenomenon, a unique cave system debt of more than six thousand feet, mostly unexplored and unknown. Get in the cave are occasionally submerged, but the boat can go inside. The caves are rich in cave ornaments in the form of stalactites, stalagmites, columns, draperies, etc..Part of the gorge of the river Uvac area 2717 ha, which covers the cliffs at an altitude of 902 to 1276 meters, was declared a Special Nature Reserve Uvac, because the natural habitat of endangered plant and animal species (griffon vulture - "scavengers of nature" and the fish sprays), rare species in Europe. Griffons are, on average, between heavy eight and nine pounds, with the occasional 11 pounds, and females at the beginning of the year (January / February) lay an egg and then sitting on it, and my mother and father - the next eight weeks. Usually make their nests in colonies, and the cubs are the air print out after about four monthsA trip around the lake takes about 3-3.5 hours. In addition to the boat ride is organized and "safari" jeep to the viewpoint Prayer offering a beautiful view of the meanders Lim, and perhaps a "close" encounter with the griffon vulture, which sometimes fly so close, as if posing.
Come and fill soul and eyes with beauty and pleasure. boat on the lake, Cold cave, kindness and hospitality of National park keepers. They took us to top of the hill, to see eagle's nest, we picked up some herbs... Fantastic nature and so kind guides Mesko and Papic.
"Molitva" is a viewpoint on river Uvac. It means "a prayer". It is really breathtaking! There are two ways to get there. A path, an hour on foot, suitable for everyone, interesting! The other way is pretty steep, definitely not for children and older people! If you are not physically well prepared, it could be an unpleasant experience! Pick your way wisely! :-)
A perfect place, nature is terrific, especially in autumn when the nature has lovely colors. You have more info if you visit the site. If you decide to visit it, you should call them first because it is not allowed that more than 150 people visit it at once, (or during a day - not 100% sure). You can go cruise with quarto-maran. It will take 3 hours for 18000 RSD. 2 hours are 12000 RSD. Individual ticket is 10 euros. We were a group of 20 people, so we took 3-hour trip and it was wonderful because we saw the Ice Cave (Ledena pećina) which could not be seen if you go for 2 hours.There are also places for camping, but there are a lot of regulations as it is under protection. You should be well informed before you go there about the rules, because they are very strict if you break them. I warmly recommend visiting it, because we are not aware something like this really exists untill we see it.http://www.uvac.org.rs/eng/index_eng.html
Special Nature Reserve Uvac in Serbia is natural asset of highest importance, I category. The main morphological feature of the Reserve is the canyon of Uvac river, including the valleys of its tributaries. The special value of the canyon parts of the valley are curving meanders. Nature Reserve Uvac is under protection due to preservation of Griffon vulture. This giant bird is a rare species of vulture eagle of an impressive size and a wingspan of up to 3 meters, which makes him a powerful flyer. This bird does not kill, does not hunt its prey and does not look for a victim. It is adopted to a diet of dead animals and therefore stops the spread of diseases and contributes to a kind of "natural" recycling.
As a Juvenile in the eighties I have been at Zlatibor Mountain on several sport camps with basketball. I have always enjoyed the environment of the mountains, the freshness of the air that I breathe, the folklore and the panorama’s during the walks we had. At the end of the nineties I have been there with my husband. After this we always wanted to go again but not to go to the most cultivated areas for tourism. We wanted to see more pure nature and places which are more original and not over cultivated. Than we saw some astonishing pictures from Vladimir Mijalovic and Bojan Milovic (just take time to google for their albums) showing the beautifulness of the Plateau of Pešter and the River Uvac and the Lake of Sjenica. Than we knew, these are places we want to visit when we are going to the region and district of Zlatibor.We have visited Pešter, Sjenica and Uvac coming from Novi Pazar. Most people visit Uvac coming from Nova Varoš and villages more to the north. We came from the South so that we could see the creation from a little river to beautiful lakes. Uvac and the lakes are astonishing with the constant changes in panoramas. I seldom have seen places more beautiful than here. Just outside Sjenica you have a bridge crossing the Uvac. Be there very early in the morning to see the dawning of the day and the change of colours. Swimming in free nature. Without great facilities but with very clear water. All three lakes (Uvac / Sjenica, Zlatarsko / Kokin Brod Jezero, Radoinja Jezero) are very beautiful and have clear water. For the panorama and viewing points I think Uvac is the most beautiful, for swimming the other two have more opportunities.Compared to the sea and beach holidays, you can visit the mountains in several periods of the year. Maybe in spring and autumn you have even more colour patterns than in the summer. I love to go back there in another period and compare what I have seen.Besides of the Special Nature Reserve Uvac we have visited Pešter. This was fascinating. Closed between the mountains. Really fascinating how water can disappear into the ground or come up. To see cows and sheep in a somewhat old fashioned but natural way. The difference and variations in nature. The lack of industry. The fresh air. So the neighbourhood of Sjenica has overwhelmed us. I haven't mentioned yet the caves both in the Nature Park as outside on Pešter. Also places to go and see. Sjenica is not the most beautiful place I know but it has atmosphere if you have some patience and take time. Hotel Boroći (just outside Sjenica surrounded by forest) and Motel Zlatarsko Jezero (Kokin Brod) have good facilities. Maybe not 4 and 5 stars hotels like in Western Europe but for enjoying an active holiday very well fit to match.
Superbe coin de nature. L`endroit nomme `Molitva` est tres spectaculaire et offre une belle vue sur les meandres. En plus, nous avons vu 5-6 vautours fauves qui planaient au dessus du canyon.Par contre bien se renseigner pour l`acces en voiture (pas de panneaux indicateurs).
Non so se mai un italiano abbia messo piede in questo posto, dato che gli stessi serbi poco lo conoscono, ma quello che si è presentato davanti ai nostri occhi una volta raggiunto il punto panoramico è stato uno scenario di una bellezza sorprendente: è incredibile come la natura possa aver posizionato quelle lingue di terra opposte e sfasate attraversate da un corso d'acqua che disegna una numerosa serie di curve e meandri che ricalcano perfettamente il segno di un serpente che striscia per terra. Per raggiungere questi "famosi" meandri è stata un'avventura: sono talmente ben custoditi e protetti che non c'era alcuna segnaletica, per cui abbiamo girovagato per le strade sterrate circostanti per 3 ore, fra salite e discese non poco pendenti, rimpallati da contadini e pastori da una zona all'altra. In realtà ci siamo poi accorti che un minuscolo cartelletto esiste appena imboccata la via sterrata sulla sinistra che lascia la strada asfaltata, quindi basta prestare molta attenzione e si arriva a destinazione in 15 minuti scarsi di auto. Parcheggiata l'auto (gli unici turisti oltre a noi erano una ventina di serbi, stop), c'è un percorso sterrato a piedi di 15,20 minuti: si raggiunge una piccola terrazza di legno a strapiombo sul fiume Uvac e si gode di una bellissima vista. Con altri 20 minuti di cammino si raggiunge l'altro punto panoramico, sempre a strapiombo, in cui si ha ancora di più la percezione del "biscione" formato dal corso d'acqua. Da lì si possono ammirare i grifoni, che volano proprio sopra la propria testa. Credo sia un bene che un tale tesoro della natura non sia preso d'assalto dal turismo di massa e che tutto l'ambiente circostante sia così incontaminato: è bello sapere che esistono ancora posti che solo chi ha il coraggio e la voglia di allontanarsi dalle mete comuni può scoprire.
Het Natuurpark Uvac ligt in het zuiden van het district Zlatibor in een regio met de bergen van Zlatibor, Zlatar, Jadovnik en Javor. De Reka (rivier) Uvac stroomt v.a. 1.460m hoogte uit het Zlatar gebergte 120 km richting via een wirwar aan kloven naar de Lim op 440m hoogte. Op deze route zijn via de bouw van stuwdammen 3 meren gecreëerd: Uvac of Sjenica Jezero nabij de plaats Sjenica; Zlatar(sko) of Kokin Brod Jezero nabij de plaats Nova Varoš; Radoinja Jezero. Elk meer heeft meerdere plaatsen waar het mooi zwemmen in de vrije natuur is. Verwacht echter niet veel faciliteiten en geniet van de natuur.Het complex van de stuwmeren met kristalhelder water vormt een beschermd natuurpark, het Uvac Special Nature Reserve. Enkele zeldzame en beschermde diersoorten leven hier zoals de vale gier die regelmatig rondcirkelt boven de kloven en de hoogvlakte van Pešter.Vanuit Sjenica (komende vanaf Novi Pazar hebben wij deze plaats gekozen) maar ook Nova Varoš en Prijepolje is de prachtige natuur van Zlatar en Uvac goed te bezoeken, qua natuur de top van Servië. In deze plaatsen kunt u een gids regelen en bij voorkeur een 4WD. Met een normale auto kunt u niet overal komen. Het is geen noodzaak om gedurende een gehele vakantie een 4WD en gids te huren, want er zijn verschillende gemarkeerde wandelroutes en uitkijkplateaus. Maar wil je zo veel mogelijk zien, dan is het raadzaam informatie in te winnen. Dat geldt ook voor een bezoek aan de grotten. Zowel het Natuurpark Uvac als het plateau van Pešter hebben vele (ca. 140) grotten. Het beste is enkele hiervan met een reisgroep onder begeleiding van een gids te bezoeken.Hotel Boroći (net buiten Sjenica) en Motel Zlatarsko Jezero (Kokin Brod) zijn goede accommodaties. Bij Nova Varoš, Prijepolje en omliggende dorpen zijn veel vakantiehuisjes, appartementen en kamers te huur. Prijepolje ligt vlakbij een drielandenpunt en is beroemd door het klooster Mileševa, vooral door de fresco van een witte engel. Vanaf Mileševa kunt u met een schitterende wandeling van 45 minuten de nabijgelegen middeleeuwse burcht en mooie Hisardzik moskee bezoeken. Wel is het raadzaam de wandeling naar boven niet gedurende het warmste deel van de dag te doen.Prijepolje wordt de “Stad van rivieren” genoemd. Midden in de stad mondt de Mileševka in de Lim uit die zelf later weer uitmondt in de Drina. De Lim en de Drina zijn wilde stromen, geschikt voor raften. De 2 rivieren hebben op meerdere plaatsen een schitterende groene bijna magische glans.Tussen de gebergten van Zlater, Jadovnik en Javor ligt het plateau van Pešter, de hoogst gelegen en grootste hoogvlakte van Servië. Pešter staat bekend om de veehouderij en de uitstekende kazen. Het plateau heeft meerdere rivieren, waarvan de Reka Borovštica ca. 15 km ondergronds stroomt. Ook de rivieren Uvac en Jablanica doorkruisen het plateau.De grotten in de regio zijn fascinerend. Enkele zijn onderdeel van een gangenstelsel van meer dan 6 kilometer. Informeer naar begeleide reizen naar de grotten van Bukovik, Usacki en Ledena Pecina.Door de combinatie van bergen, kloven, rivieren, meren, grotten en een hoogvlakte, is de regio van Uvac en Zlater qua natuur misschien wel de mooiste van Servië. Bekijk de foto’s en verricht nader onderzoek op diverse websites. Wij hebben genoten in deze regio.