

地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无




We are from Arizona, so we are used to gorges and canyons. But I've never seen anything like Raggaschlucht. We had such a wonderful time climbing up the narrow gorge, listening to the water rush through, and taking pictures of the beautiful landscape. I'm so glad I found out about this place because it's easy to whiz by while looking at the rest of the landscape. Please don't miss this hike. So beautiful.


When I was in Austria as a volunteer with a group of kids (ages 9 to 16), we went on a trip to Raggaschlucht. The group was big: about forty participants, but the service was good, and it didn't take long for us to start the visit. Luckily, the weather was really great, since Raggaschlucht is entirely outdoors.There are magnificent views when you're walking on the wooden steps that are installed above the river. From time to time there are plates with information about Raggaschlucht on it. That's how we found out that it's sort of historical. The kids really enjoyed it, but were glad to rest for a couple of minutes when we got at the top. Also, take a bottle of water with you, 'cause there are lots of steps. :)All our kids were wearing hiking shoes, but I have to say, the trip down was really steep. The kids had to hold on to the ropes on the side, but some kids fell anyhow. So please be careful!Not accessible for people in a weelchair...


As per title, trip advisor should have this info (I went today to discover it's closed until 12th of May) and opening times. As a minimum, a direct link to the internet site of the attraction.


we were allready tired walking uphill to the entrance of the Schlucht, but once inside we loved everything about it. We were Lucky that it was very quiet, only a few people ahead of us and a few behind us, so we were able to enjoy the walk and the views.


walk of about 1km along ragga river with spectacular views and water falls. total time about 1h and price 21 € for family. free with karnten card. parking free about 500m away from entrance


Unfortunately we had bad weather the day we wanted to visit the Raggaschlucht. It was raining a bit, but luckily the Raggaschlucht was still open (they close it in too bad weather). But even in drizzling weather we loved it!!! It is really well done, although sometimes slippery (good shoes recommended!), but it's just fantastic to walk through the ravine.


Una camminata impegnativa su un orrido , tutta in salita , affascinante da evitare se soffrite di vertigini o avete paura di camminare su scalette e stretti sentieri a picco sul torrente, anche se perfettamente protetti. Ottima la manutenzione ed il servizio. Con la Karinzia card gratuita. Esci in cima e trovi unamalga dove rifocillarti. Fallo perche devi fare una lunga discesa prima di ritrovare la tua auto ed e' piu' faticosa ed a volte scivilosa della salita. Eviterei di portare bambini se non allenati alle altezze.E per favore , non portate i cani , soffrono vogliateli bene.


Viel Zeit nehmen wenn man diese Atemberaubende Schlucht durchwandert, Wanderpfad geht durch die Schlucht und der Rückweg über einen schattigen Waldweg, Eintrittspreis von 6 Euro find ich daher nicht schlimm weil man davon auch was geboten bekommt :)


Ich finde es einer der schönsten Schluchten die ich kenne. Wenn wir irgendwo Hinweisschilder für Schluchten finden müssen wir einfach dahin und so auch hier. Doch was uns hier erwartet hat war ausgezeichnet. Diese Wildheit und das Ursprüngliche ist einfach genial. Diese Wasserfälle, diese Geräusche und der Geruch sind einfach super. Wir werden mit Sicherheit diese Schlucht noch einmal anfahren und durchwandern. Festes Schuhwerk ist angebracht und wir schmunzeln immer wieder wenn wir Besucher sehen die sich in "Sonntagschuhen" auf den Weg machen und sich dann wundern auf den nassen Holzstegen zu rutschen.


we zijn twee maal op deze mooi locatie geweest, de eerste keer een prachtige wandeling gemaakt die veel indruk maakte op de kinderen. de tweede maal was het grootste gedeelte door het noodweer daar vlak voor weggeslagen en kon je zien welk een geweld water teweeg brengt.een aanrader voor het hele gezin, wel toeristisch maar een zelfde natuurplek kom je niet gauw tegen.natuurlijk is de plek ook opgenomen in de Kärntenkaart, uiteindelijk blijven we Hollanders.


Une superbe petite marche pour les amoureux de a randonnée. D'une durée de 1h en gros, la montée n'est pas difficile c'est plus la descente qui fait peur. Malheureusement le reste de la randonnée était ferme cette année mas ça n'a rien enlever au charme de cette balade.


Il canyon è molto spettacolare, la passerella in legno e ferro è in perfetto stato e la "passeggiata" è suggestiva ed affascinante. Devo però anche segnalare a chi come me soffrisse di vertigini e di fastidio per il vuoto o per le sospensioni che non è da prendere sottogamba (come putroppo ho fatto io...) Il percorso si snoda all'interno dell'orrido per circa 40 minuti, ci sono vari "attraversamenti" da un lato all'altro e soprattutto nei punti più stretti il frastuono dell'acqua e il fatto di essere sospesi può essere "stressante" per chi ha questo "problema". E' comunque fattibile, stressante ma fattibile. Per tutti gli altri, come il resto della mia famiglia, è un'esperienza da non mancare perchè il posto è molto molto bello e molto ben tenuto.


Eng, spannend, avontuurlijk, overweldigende natuur, uitdagend en bijzonder. Deze attractie heeft alles in een. Geweldig. Wij waren hier met twee kinderen (5 en 7 jaar) en die hebben deze schlucht prima kunnen lopen. Goed opletten overal, want het blijft natuurlijk toch eng om boven een afgrond te lopen. Prachtige uitzichten en overdonderend lawaai van de watervallen die je onderweg veel tegen komt. Top! Als je in de buurt bent, kun je deze schlucht niet overslaan.


fantastica passeggiata su passerelle di legno costruite per agevolare un percorso nel canyon scavato da un maestoso torrente e toccare quasi con mano le numerose cascate. Ideale ed emozionante anche per bambini, consiglio sopra i 6 anni.


Il percorso è piuttosto breve ma spettacolare. Viceversa la "gemella" vicino Overbellach è molto meno suggestiva ma la passeggiata è piacevole e poco impegnativa. La malga sulla via del ritorno è ottima sia per un dolce che per un pranzo. Non economica ma ottima!

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