augsburger puppentheatermuseum


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

augsburger puppentheatermuseum



These marionettes are perhaps a bit cult like to German Speakers. Many German speaking children grew up with the characters (something like 'Bavarian' Muppets)....However, If you don't speak German or enjoy marionettes this probably isn't worth your time--as the cultural significance will likely be lost on you.


The museum is well done and offers enough attractions for several hours.For fans of the famous characters made popular by German TV it is a absolut must, showing the original puppets of the heroes and many sets.For smaller children there are special activities.The museum coffee shop is also nice and situated in an attractive renaissance entrance hall.


when you have children and love puppets, you will like to see this. But it is only in german, with dialekt also.


This is a wonderful place to see a puppet show with your children, its an activity I have loved since I was a child.


I was a little disappointed in this Museum. But only because of my own expectations (think Disney). It was interesting to see, but if I had know a little more about it, I probably wouldn't have taken the time out of our short stay to visit.


Puppenkiste - germans grew up with it... special, 4 part shows on tv during Christmastime. I was lucky enough to be a Augsburger, I grew up seeing shows in the Theater. The Museum brings back memories, scenes and exhibits from these plays, the tin can army, Urmel, Jim Knopf.... they also have different exhibits on puppetry all over the world. I simply love the Puppenkiste...


this place known as the best puppet museum in Germany.. the puppet collection is vary. Unfortunately since i didn't really know all the character for the puppets i didn't think this museum that great.. but it's worth a visit , just to full fill your curiosity…


Having grown up in Germany with the puppets from the Augsburger Puppenkiste, this was a must-see and I did not regret it. You may take a walk through the museum which displays not only the history of that puppet theater, but hosts a large number of dioramas from the plays, such as "Urmel from the ice", Tomcat Mikesch, Little King Kallewirsch and many others. If you want to see a show, you have to be lucky if you do not book in advance.


I wondered what this would be like, but it was very interesting. Clearly puppets are a bigger deal in Germany than in Britain, but I found the variety of the characters and props fascinating. The owners have obviously done loads of successful TV shows, though some years ago now. The simplicity of some of it compared to ever more spectacular CG effects was part of the attraction I think. Just be aware that the actual puppet theatre shuts down for a summer break for July and the first part of August so that only the museum is open then.


Great historical puppets. Must visit the Augsburger Puppenkiste ShowYou can have a look behind the scenes, in the break, understand how puppets are being produced, see famous political characters as puppets and how similar they look to the original persons. Enjoy Jim Knopf and Lukas, as well as Urmel and the Schlupp of green star.


My Swiss partner insisted on this as she grew up with the puppets telling stories. I was glad we went. As a TV producer I appreciated how wonderful the productions were, how clever the props. Although I could not identify with the characters it was enriching and enjoyable.


Although this may be iconic for Germans, I can't see anyone else interested in this place. The local tourist board pushes it, but I just don't see the point.


Das Museum ist nicht groß, aber liebevoll eingerichtet (mit wechselnden Sonderausstellungen) und bietet viel zu Entdecken für Kinder! Ich muss hier immer hin, wenn die Verwandtschaft zu Besuch ist - deren Kinder wollten mit 4 genauso gerne hin wie mit 11. In den Vitrinen sieht man, wie phantasievoll und detailverliebt die Ausstattung der kleinen Bühne für jedes Stück ist. Ein winziges Kino mit alten Aufnahmen von Jim Knopf & Co. lockt die Kinder zum Hinsetzen und Durchschnaufen ein. Eine Stunde ist in diesem Museum immer schnell vergangen... Unbedingt hingehen!


Посещая Аугсбург с ребенком, необходимо зайти в театр кукол. Это место и вас вернёт в детство и порадует малыша. История театра такова: куклы были найдены случайно на улице и сначала использовались для домашнего театра, а затем для дворового, но позже приобрели такую славу, что стали собирать множество почитателей.


Wer dem Zauber der Puppenkiste verfallen ist sollte dieses Museum besuchen.Liebevoll werden Requisiten und Szenen dargestellt. Und von den Besuchern kommt immer ein "ach, weist du noch...".

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