linderhof palace
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看看天色尚早,一边开车一边盘算昨天没来得及去的林德霍夫宫。想想这里离因斯布鲁克也不远了,索性调转车头直奔林德霍夫宫而去。 顺着山间小路来到一座精美的晚期洛可可风格的建筑外,和天鹅堡一样,这里同样融合了在路德维希二世童话般的浪漫追求。林德霍夫宫 (Linderhof 又名:林德霍夫宫堡位于德国巴伐利亚州西南部上阿玛高(Oberammergau),是新天鹅堡的主人路德维希二世真正长期居住的宫殿,这个“童话国王”在林德霍夫宫,190849>(建造1874年到1878年间),住了整整八年。虽说比起新天鹅堡和赫伦基姆湖新宫它是这个童话国王拥有的三座王宫中最小的一座,但却是唯一他在世时完工和长时间居住的一座,里面极尽奢华,所以有“天鹅堡要远观,林德霍夫堡要近瞧”的说法。还是要表扬下这个14天宫殿联票,真是给力,直接到售票厅,这次真的是不需要排队了, 换了门票直接入场。林德霍夫宫是一座非常小巧的建筑,建在一个山坳里,建筑从南到北一字贯开,中间水池前最主要的建筑就是林德霍夫宫了,是模仿凡尔赛宫的小特里阿农宫建造,花园中的金饰喷泉,并以希腊神话为绘画题材。唯一遗憾的是这里没有中文解说(可能主要是目前到这里的国人还是比较少吧),随一帮老外,听着似是而非、云里雾里的英文解说,只有连猜带蒙地在宫殿里走马观花了一圈(饶是如此,也被这小小一座宫殿里的精美和奢华晃花了眼,若是有中文讲解,该是更有看头吧,还好是英文,记得有一个坛友说是遇到意大利语场,那才是真的抓瞎啊 )。参观结束走出宫殿,正好遇到正前方的花园中央镀金雕塑的喷水池喷水。(其实是每到整点(半点)都有一次5分钟的大喷发。)
We visited Linderhof Palace as part of a Viator tour. Phenomenal ! This is one of the lesser known Ludwig's projects. The architecture is exquisite ! The man had an eye for layout & beauty ! You can tour the Palace and the amazing gardens all around the palace & fountain in the front. There is a fair share of walking involved, but not as strenuous as Neuschwanstein Castle. This is a very must see attraction if you are in the Munich area or near Saltsburg, Austria.
Considering the fact that I did this together with Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau all in one day, this was by far the smallest castle with a very large ground. I recommend exploring the grounds first but make sure you're in the peak of your health. You need to visit the Grotto with a built-in 'sound system'. Nevertheless, the castle offers something different from the pompous Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau.
One of Ludwig's smallest castles and visited on the bus tour from Munich. Very ornate do a hunting lodge. Ludwig never hunted! Beautiful gardens and fountains surround the castle. Worth visiting on the tour.
Lovely "little" castle with opulent decor. Not as grand as other King Ludwig castles but by far the most charming!
As part of a coach tour from Munich this palace shows you an insight of King Ludwig's opulence. This palace was inspired by the Chateau de Versailles. Photos and video are not permitted inside. The tour is short about 30-40 minutes but is sufficient. After your tour take the time to take photos from the gardens. Truly enjoyed. Visited June 2013
my comment with all these tours are TOOOOO SHORT!!!. However, this palace is amazing, the artwork - the gold and marble, the mirrored room. Preferably go in the summer months as only the main castle is open. The summer gardens and grotto are just too beautiful and you actually miss out on so much not seeing them.This was our second visit to Linderhof - I really do recommend this place and needs to be on everyones list of places to see
Not as spectacular as others from the outside but WOW it makes up for it inside - opulence gone mad :))) make sure to wrap up as cold inside and it's long enough to see everything and yet short enough to keep kids interested. Not so well advertised but a great walk around the grounds even in winter when gardens are closed .. Will come back in summer too
it is a smal palace, but very opulent and fancy, the decor is amazing,and the porcelain dressers are flawless, and the chandeliers just perfect.
Built to resemble the Versailles castle in France, Linderhof is another symbol of the excesses of King Ludwig's era.Situated on an island and accessible by a short ferry ride, the castle is worth a visit. Fun boat ride and a great island promenade make for a nice afternoon visit.This castle is "different" than other German castles. Very opulent and "flashy" deco. Because there were less tourists this castle visit can be more enjoyable then the more famous Neuschwanstein.Bernd and BettinaWilliams Lake, BC, Canada
We visited this beautiful castle in June 2014. We drove from Munich to Hohenschwangau early in the morning to visit Hohenschwangau Castle (10 am tour) and Neuschwanstein Castle (1 pm tour). After visiting these 2 castles, we continued to drive to Linderhof Palace. The drive was easy and beautiful.Once we got to Linderhof Palace at around 4 pm...we loved it. The grounds are so beautiful and peaceful. It was pretty late in the day so there were highly any tourists. We had a guided tour with only 6 persons (4 of us and 2 other tourists). After the castle tour, we ran up to the Grotto before it closed at 6 pm. The Grotto is a guided tour...and again, there were only 8 persons in that tour. Loved this part of our day...after being packed like sardines with rude tourists in the Neuschwanstein Castle tour.
We stopped here on a snowy day after visiting Neuschwanstein.The contrast between the two is just amazing. This palace is so ornate and the interior is very unique. The gardens and grounds outside were very special and I can see why Ludwig would want to spend time here. If you have the time, this is worth the visit but try to do it on your own and get there early.
Not as impressive as Neuschwanstein Castle but it was worth the visit. This was part of the Neuschwanstein Castle, Oberammergau and Linderhof Palace Grayline tour and we enjoyed it very much!