scots portal
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The entrance is unusual, and worth a visit. The church it opens up into is also a nice place to see. Very serene.
This amazing portal is fascinating for the variety of its carvings which are also very unusual. It is very old and it is worth spending time looking at the patterns and various images. This church is know as the Scottish church though it was Irish monks who were here first.
Regensburg is a town that has more churches than we could visist in 2 1/2 days. It has a great Dom, but for us this so called Scotts church, ( Sankt Jacob Church) was the best. It is small and cosy Church, with a very special atmosphere, difficult to describe, but I believe a must visit !
This portal of the old Scottish church is about one thousand years old, made of sandstone. It has already suffered quite some ravages of time, so in order to preserve it, the Regensburg city has protected it by placing it under a glass facade that completely covers it. The respect the Germans have for their far past history is amazing, and the way they safeguard the old buildings in Regensburg is wonderful.The Scots Portal is the entrance to the church itself, which is also quite beautiful
Do not stop at the Portal (though great), the abbey church is a fascinating place. A Romanesque architecture is beautiful in its simplicity, it makes a real impression. A silent moment in that church is a must for any vistior to Regensburg. Other sights are amazing too; for me it was St. Jakob, however, what made my day!
The Scots Portal is the entrance to an ancient abbey which was founded by Scots/Irish monks in the very early Middle Ages. It's easy to find - round the corner from Kneitinger's restaurant. It's famous for the strange, angular stone figures and symbols carved on it, the meaning of which is a mystery. Definitely worth a look, especially if you're already interested in early mediaeval Scots / Celtic / Pictish carvings. They date from the very early years of the monastery. A glass screen has been put in front, for protection against the weather, but it doesn't impede your view of the figures.No charge of course.(You can read about the history of the monastery, with various possible interpretations of the figures, in the wikipedia entry for "Scots Monastery, Regensburg")
Место интересно и уникально в историческом и художественном плане. Портал считается одним из самых значимых произведений западного искусства. В свое время фигуры были украшены золотом и драгоценными камнями, но и сейчас, без этого наряда, мастерство скульптора вызывает восхищение.
Das Schottenportal liegt im Westen der Altstadt nahe des Arnulfs Platz. Es gehört zum ehemaligen Schottenkloster, das von irischen Mönchen gebaut wurde. Die Hauptsehenswürdigkeit ist hier das romanische Portal mit sehr schwer zu entschlüsselnden Bildprogramm, das sehr eindrucksvoll ist. (Wenn das Portal offen ist, dann lohnt sich auch der Besuch der Klosterkirche, ein schöner romanischer Bau.) Das Portal wurde durch einen gläsernen Vorbau geschützt und es ist immer zugänglich. Leider konnte es noch nicht renoviert werden, denn hierzu gibt es noch keine Verfahren.
Es wurde zwar ein gläserner Vorbau zum Schutz des Portals gebaut, doch müsste es einmal gründlich gesäubert (renoviert) werden.
Закрытый стеклянным колпаком портал в исторической части города, вход свободный, можно фотографировать.
Церковь Св. Якова находится не на самом оживленном туристическом маршруте Регенсбурга. Однако ее стоит посетить, хотя бы из-за очень интересного "Шотландского" портала, расположенного на северном фасаде храма. Портал украшен множеством скульптур людей, животных, мифических существ. Разглядывая портал ощущаешь прикосновение к какой-то тайне. Кстати, кажется до сих пор нет единого мнения по поводу того, что символизируют все эти фигуры.