st. emmeram church
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this church is very nice.the exterior design do not seems great, but once you get inside you will be impressed.the interior design was so nice and beautiful.a must visit place in Regensburg.
The church was founded in 739 AD & was a center for book production & illumination. It is one of the oldest abbeys in Germany but is beautifully preserved. The golden statues, decorative features and wall ornaments sparkle. Look up the story of St. Denis then you will understand the painting of him carrying his head while preaching. Note the pipe organ in the balcony at the rear of the church--the Codex Saint Emmeram contains 225 works showing the stylistic variety of European music from the late Middle Ages. There were no services when we were there, so we were able to go behind the the main altar to see some of the oldest altars of the church. Although there was a mummy with a crown encased in a glass case, we never learned who she was. Check the dates on the floor tiles, they date from the 900s. Regular services are still conducted here & tourists are asked to delay their picture taking at those times.
Tucked away from the typical tourist attractions, this church is a must see for those who don't mind a little walk and possibly getting a bit lost in the process. The art work is magnificent! The details around the church are worth taking your time to slowly wander around the church. Since its out of the way, it's an excellent place for contemplation of the mastery that went into such a beautiful place.While in the area stop by Thurn and Taxis, the church was originally connected with the Castle.
The church was beautifully decorated with ancient Art work. The archeology present was a marvel. A must see if you're in Regensburg.
This church is off the beaten path in this charming city. Our tour did not go there but with a good city map it was easy to find in the southern part of the old city near the palace (schloss). Few tourists around and the old church which became baroque in 1812 was very quiet and peaceful. You feel like you are stepping back in time just be going through the door into the courtyard, then the stunning church itself. If you are in Regensburg, do not miss St. Emmeram.
This is an exquisite Benedictine monastery founded in 739(!!!) so obviously has been many times partly destroyed, rebuilt and undergone refurbishment, however the cloister of the abbey is magnificent and there are medieval carved stone reliefs said to be the oldest in Germany.
This is one of my favorite churches in Germany, and I am an old church buff. The chapel itself was once a monastery church and the attached Turn u. Taxis palace originally served as the monastery proper. It has served as the private chapel of the resident family since the property was given to them after the church properties were seized during the early days of the Bavarian monarchy. The decorations are quite impressive and two relic bodies are displayed for veneration. The ceiling frescoes are particularly spectacular. I really enjoy visiting here because it is always empty. It is off the tourist track, and easy to miss with its unassuming exterior, but well worth the effort to find and visit when in Regensburg.
Beautiful church that has held it's historical and architectural features over the years. Walked around the church and enjoyed the outside cemetery. Very interesting cemetery.
St. Emmeram Church is connected to the Thurn und Taxis Castle. Its chapel is so serene that one can deeply connect to itself and God there.
Great insight to this famous family. The 90 minute tour of house and monastery was in German (fair enough), but the English audio guide was too brief -almost minimal. They should look at providing more info as is done elsewhere on the continent. DO visit it!
An absolutely extraordinary experience. From the nondescript, drab outer doors, through a dim antechamber, you're suddenly in a completely different, completely unexpected world of swirls of rich, light creams and gold. I've seen it described somewhere as "like an explosion in a wedding-cake factory", which misses the seriousness - this represents heaven - but gives some idea of its impact on an unsuspecting visitor. Breathtaking. To find it, stand facing the outer entrance to the driveway to the Schloss Thurn und Taxis. The church entrance is on your left.
St. Emmeram Church находится ряджом со знаменитым дворцом Турн и Таксис. Вход в собор - бесплатный. Удивительно строгая цековь снаружи, внутри отделана в стиле роскошного барокко.
Meiner Meinung nach die schönste Kirche Regensburgs. Toll ausgestattet und einen Besuch wert. Gleich daneben ist das Schloss Thurn und Taxis. Auch das ist einen Besuch wert!
La chiesa si trova ai margini del centro storico (5 mins a piedi) e merita una visita. Sulla nostra guida c'era scritto che la visita alla chiesa è possibile solo abbinata al biglietto dell'adiacente Palazzo Thurn Und Taxis. Per noi per fortuna non è stato così: eravamo lì solo la mattina del 1 gennaio e il Palazzo apriva il pomeriggio. La chiesa era però aperta e l'ingresso libero. Molto bello l'ingresso alla chiesa con un portico particolare. L'interno poi è semplice, ma fa respirare la storia.
la tradizione vuole che questo monastero sia sorto sul luogo di sepoltura di San Emmeramo e sia il più vecchio di tutta la Baviera è comunque accertato che il convento era uno dei più prestigiosi centri di scrittura di tutto il medioevo. E' bellissimo si entra attraversando un arco con sopra una loggia affrescata in un antico cimitero con al lato una torre, all'interno stucchi rococò che ricoprono ogni spazio alle pareti lapidi e tombe (da vedere quella della beata Aurelia forse figlia di Ugo Capeto conte di Parigi del 1027)