besucherbergwerk gottes segen


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besucherbergwerk gottes segen



It was a rainy day and we decided to visit somewhere out of the weather. We hadn't really planned to come so it was all a surprise for us. And we were very pleased we did!Thanks to our wonderful guide, we had a great experience. Karl-Heinz went to great trouble to ensure we enjoyed the tour and that we understood the background information too. Luckily for us, he spoke English well and even though some of the words were technical or geological, we followed it all. Well done Karl-Heinz, you really made our visit a success. We are a family with two small children, boys aged 6 & 3. They were very excited to go in the mine and were determined to 'dig up treasure'. We all had to dress in waterproof coats, wellies and a hard hat - all provided and no shortage of sizes on offer. There is a locker for valuables too. Our guide made sure everyone hod been to the toilet as it will be 2 hours underground. We then walked a short distance through the Black Forest to the mine entrance, where our older son was allowed to unlock the gates to the mine.We all followed the guide through the low, narrow tunnels, which are lit with mains lights have metal floor and handrails where needed. There is lots of running water in the mine so the wellies were essential kit, as was the hard hat as some parts are rather low. At the many points of interest, Karl-Heinz explained what there was to see. We saw many types of rock bearing minerals and semi-precious stones. We saw how the ancient miners had dug tunnels and ventilation shafts, and how they had worked their way into the hillside. We saw the old trucks used to cart away silver and waste rocks. There were stalachtites and stalagmites. Karl-Heinz showed how the old miners used wooden splints held in their mouths to make light and let the children all have a turn at digging with hammer and chisel. Our boys loved this part.We were 125 metres under the ground, and there are no lifts, just steps and ladders, so a reasonable level of fitness is necessary. Anyone with reduced mobility may find it difficult. I had to carry our 3 year old on most of the climbs, though the 6 year-old was fine.Overall, a really interesting experience. Just to be in a place like that is amazing. It was even better as we had such a good guide. I think most families would enjoy it, though probably appeals more to boys. The admission price is very reasonable, and there is a discount for Gastekart holders, which we were given free by our accommodation, and I think is the same everywhere.


Grossartige und informative Führung durch das wiederhergerichtete Bergwerk. Ausgerüstet mit Regenjacke, Gummistiefeln und Helm geht man in kleinen Gruppen auf Entdeckungsreise durch den Berg, erfährt dabei viele geologische und geschichtliche Details zum Erzabbau in der Region und bewundert die glitzernden Kristalle und Erze im Schein der Taschenlampen. Für Kinder ab 4 J. und Erwachsene ein tolles Abenteuer! (Nicht so geeignet für Klaustrophobiker oder sehr grosse Menschen)

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