abenteuer park schloss lichtenstein
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Our family toured Lichtenstein Castle and walked next door to this ropes course. Our 14 & 12 year old had a blast. There are varying levels that make it as challenging as you choose. The instruction and oversight were very good and we felt safe the entire time. This was a real highlight for our whole family. Highly recommended.
After visiting Lichtenstein Castle, our family visited the Abenteuer Park. Wonderful experience!The trainers were very nice and could speak English. They took time to inform and make sure safety rules were explained. The facility is very well moniterred and maintained. I let the kids do their own thing and didn't worry. There are 10 courses with different feats to tackle. Each course was different and had varying levels of difficulty. This activity definitely made the castle visit worth while to my kids. We spend 1 1/2 hours at the castle and 4 at the ropes courses. I would definitely recommend to break the monotony of siteseeing!
Had a great time climbing through the trees with my family a few weeks ago. Tried a few different difficulty courses and was well and truly exhausted by the end of the day.It is fantastic fun, but don't expect to keep your dignity (when an 8 year old asks you to move over and does the course in half the time you are able).I am quite heavy and big (over 2m tall and well over 100kg in weight) and I only occasionally felt that my size and weight were constraints, which was surprising.I can well and truly recommend this to families with young adults and individuals looking for something different and challenging rather than hiking or wall climbing.
The park has a wide range of courses from easy to very difficult so whatever your fitness level there is something for everyone. The instructor was very good to make sure I knew how to use the gear before letting me explore on my own. I spent an enjoyable three hours and was physically exhausted in a good way when I was done. I look forwardto going againwith friends.
We took our 11- and 16-year-old kids to the Abenteuer Park, along with the 2 children of the Germany family we were visiting. All 4 kids had a blast for 3 hours. This is a ropes course, constructed in the forest just next to the Schloss Lichtenstein, an hour or so south of Stuttgart, Germany. It is well constructed and appears to be well run. All participants had to go through a safety briefing in which a staff member showed them how to make sure their harnesses were attached to the equipment at all times. Next, each person had to demonstrate their knowledge before being allowed to begin to play. The staff members then roamed the area to be available in case anyone needed help (none of our kids did). The 11-year-olds were allowed on courses 1 - 4, which were closer to the ground and had less adventurous elements. The older kids were allowed on courses 1 - 9, which were higher and more adventurous. All of the kids enjoyed themselves (and had sore muscles the next day!) and bonded well with each other. I enjoyed taking pictures. When planning a family vacation, I always try to plan some activities the adults will enjoy, and also sprinkle in a few activities for the kids. The Abenteuer Park was a great break from the sight-seeing. The kids got to run around, climb, and burn off all their energy. The Schloss Lichtenstein is a 5-minute walk from the Abenteuer Park; both activities can easily be done in the same morning or afternoon.
You climb high up in the trees along routes of varying difficulty, always secured by a rope. I have to admit that I chickened out but my child absolutely loved it, as did all others in my group, young and old. Younger children must be accompanied and there is a minimum age (around 8 or so).
It was exciting in the rain LOL! I wish they could build more! Adults and kids enjoy this park so much even in the rain. We didn't have time to try everything, but I am sure I will be back soon - in a sunny day!
I mean the castle. very interesting architecture, and if you get the old guide (who does this since 40 years or so) you get all the interesting stories. Unparalelleled views - on clear days even to the alps.Nearby are 2 breathtaking caves to visit (bärenhöhle + nebelhölhe) for those who love stalagmites and-tites...
Went here after a short guided tour of the adjacent schloss. They have up to 9 courses, with #8 being the toughest. My party and I negotiated #6 and #8. #6 was very decent and a nice workout. #8 had some very tough challenges but was well worth it! If you plan to try all 9 courses, definitely plan for an entire day. It took us about 2.5 hours for just the two courses. The guides are all friendly and safety is paramount. Many of the guides are multilingual. There are also a couple of restaurants located on the Schloss grounds.
Inacreditável como puderam construir este castelo. Praticamente na beira da montanha. Muito lindo. A visita acontece apenas em alemão, mas eles fornecem um guia impresso em português para conhecermos sua história.
War wunderbar, trotz Regen ein Heiden Spaß preislich in Ordnung, 10 Routen von leicht bis schwer und sehr freundliche Betreuer.
Das beschauliche Schloß Lichtenstein ist sicherlich ein Ausflug wert. Allein der Blick vom Garten den Schloßes über den Albtrauf ist nichts für Menschen mit Höhenangst. Eine Führung durch das Schloß rundet den Ausflug ab. Kulinarisch wird im angrenzenden Gasthaus auch Kaffee und Kuchen serviert - für die gelangweilten Kinder ist der Kletterpark sicherlich eine gute Alternative.
Klettern im Kletterpark am Schloss Lichtenstein geht auch bei größter Hitze, denn der Park liegt schattig im Wald.Die Einweisung ist professionell, die Anzahl der Parcours so vielzählig das sich auch bei großem Ansturm der Stau in Grenzen hält.Mit drei Stunden kommt man, insbesondere auch mit Kindern, gut klar. Es gibt ausreichend Alternativen und mit einem Zeitbedarf von ca. 40 - 50 Minuten pro Parcours, kann man auch mehrmals kommen ohne immer dieselben Routen klettern zu müssen.Mit dem Schloß direkt nebenan, der Bärenhöhle in Fußnähe, einer Sommerrodelbahn in Erpfingen-Sonnenbühl und vielen Wanderwegen kann man hier einen ganzen Tag mit viel Abwechslung oder auch ein ganzes Wochenende verbringen.Tipp: zum Essen nach Honau in das Restaurant Forellenhof Rössle
Der Kletterpark durch die Baumwipfel hat für jede Altersgruppe was zu bieten - voraussgesetzt man ist schwindelfrei. Wer darf (Altersbeschränkung) sollte unbedingt auch mal die schwierigste Route klettern - anstrengend, aber spektakulär!
Der Hochseinpark bei der Burg Lichtenstein ist wunderschön im Wald gelegen und ist somit auch an heissen Sommertagen ein toller Besuch.Wir waren mit unserem 9 jährigen Patenkind und haben die verschiedenen Kletterparcours genossen. Durch die Waldlage erscheint die Höhe der Kletterwege auch nicht so "hoch" und die "untergebliebenen" können von Sitzbänken entlang der Wege mitfiebern