historischer marktplatz
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Please visit Bon-Apart at Marktplatz 6 when you visit Wertheim. It has a wonderful assortment of handblown glass at reasonable prices. I was able to attend a glass blowing demonstration by a 5th generation blower. The town is famed for its glass blowing heritage of technical and scientific glass, ala Corning. Great place to pick up local souvenirs such as Christmas ornaments.
Went here as part of our euro tour. Absolutely beautiful marketplace. Great cafes, bars, shops. well worth the visit
This is a great place to sit in a sidwalk cafe and just watch the world go by as well as admire the surrounding buildings. Order an expresso and pastry and chill in this quaint little town.
This beautiful historic market square is surrounded by beautiful half-timbered houses (partly 16th century) which have been preserved. House number 6 is one of the oldest and at the narrowest homes in Franken, which wrongly is known as "Zobel'sche Haus" (House of Knight von Zobel). Every Saturday morning at this market square the "Grünen Market".
A primeira vez que fui em Werthein, levada pela irmã que mora há mais de 30 anos na Alemanha, me encantei. Já voltei mais duas vezes e sempre chama a atenção como aquela atmosfera de idade média atrai. Mesmo se as casas abrigam lojas modernas e famosas, assim como restaurantes estrelados, a impressão que se tem quando se sente numa daquelas mesas na Marktplatz, é uma deliciosa volta no tempo.
Рыночная площадь Вертхайма очень хорошо сохранилась, тут много домиков в стиле фрахверк, красивая Ратуша. Есть магазинчики, ресторанчики и кафейни. По выходным тут проходят тематические праздники, а также приезжают местные фермеры и торговцы со своей продукцией, местными специалитетами.
Wertheim ist natürlich einer der Punkte die zu besuchen sind, sollte man sich gewogen fühlen, die romantische Straße zu befahren. Der historische Marktplatz ist einen Besuch wert, ebenso wie die Burg Wertheim und natürlich der gesamte Altstadtkern der Stadt.Ich kann dem Besucher nur ans Herz legen, einem der vielen Stadtführer zu folgen, vornehmlich in den Abendstunden und sich die Geschichte der Stadt und deren Sehenswürdigkeiten erklären zu lassen.
A cidadezinha eh uma graca e a praca enfeitada para o natal,assim como seu entorno,deixa tudo com uma carinha de contos dos irmaos Handersen! Adorei!