new town hall
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开放时间: 暂无

Nice place need a sunny day. Worth to go around for a walk. Nice colors for building. after walk go visit munister then eat icecream from Eis and cafe restaurant at Rathaus :)
It's true: Freiburg has a particular charme even without stunning buildings. This is the case of the Town Hall too. It's in a very nice little square where you can enjoy the shadows of the trees. Lovely
I just loved the old town of Freiburg - the main tourist circle.The tourist information is displayed at most of the main squares right from the train station. You may also visit the rathaus to buy a map and get some quick guidance from the information center guys... And you just get going winding through the small lanes beautiful buildings and shops and showrooms of all designer wear and international brands.
The buidling was very nice, but there is nothing spectacular to draw you to this. It is near just another shopping area with a lot of common stores, junk stores, a few nice shoppes, and fast food restaurants - certainly not worth a trip to see it when there are other beautiful towns with stunning buildings in Europe.
When compared with other town halls in Germany, this one seems somewhat pale. However, its beauty is in its simplicity. I was seated with my two feet soaked in the running water of the many small 'canals' crisscrossing the town area and I couldn't help wondering how small is this town hall when compared with others; yet it's pretty and unique when you look at it hard enough. Its facade is beautifully simple and yet inviting! As I was feeling rather tired after walking and exploring the town, I did not venture into the building. I was contended just admiring the building and its surrounding area.
the town hall was just like any other, but the architecture was absolutely beautiful, just like the rest of the area
Lots of cafes nearby just to sit 6 watch people around.
Look at the building, compare it with the "Rathaus" in Basle. The two cities have a common past
A arquitetura desta prefeitura é linda assim como a praça onde fica, chamada Rathausplatz. Se possível, visite a praça ao meio-dia, quando o sino do carrilhão é tocado.
Am neuen Rathaus kommt keiner vorbei. Wenn man mit der Bahn anreist ist es das erste auffälligste Gebäude an dem man vorbeikommt. Das Tuorismusbüro ist gerade nebenan. Auf dem Platz um das Rathaus kann man sich für einen Kaffee oder ein Eis niederlassen um dem Treiben zuzuschauen.
Какой же немецкий город обойдется без главной Ратуши :)Эта сильно отличается от других - она не подавляет массивностью и строгостью, как во многих городах, а наоборот смотрится как нарядный домик из сказки про гномов. Очень симпатично!
Новая Ратуша - выглядит как пряничный домик, маленький и красиво украшенный цветами. Здесь всегда много людей, туристов, артистов, продавцов цветов. Кругом уличные кафе и фотографы. Приятно наблюдать, прогуливаясь по старому центру Фрайбурга.
Piazza molto gradevole, con bei castagni che regalano ombra e colori meravigliosi.Di fronte, il vecchio ed il nuovo Rathaus.