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Be sure to seek out the Markthalle. Lots of food outlets and processco at the bar! Live music added to the atmosphere brilliantly.


A friend from Freiburg suggested this place as very characteristic: indeed it is. Many restaurants are offering several types of different food. The Halle gives the possibility to eat together with all other guest of the markthalle, in a very special and really friendly atmosphere. We were only couples, but we have seen many families with children also quite young. The market gives also the possibility to buy some fresh food. Definetely a nice and cheap place where to eat in Freiburg. Worth a visit!!!


You will never be stuck for something to eat here, street food from around the world in quite a compact area. Can get crowded on a lunchtime, usually find the best time to go is during mid-afternoon.


There are lots of different choices in this place. I tried the salad restaurant and the crepes restaurant. Both are perfect and fresh. You will be amazed by the salad dishes you got. Although it is simple and light, the ingredient is very fresh. I really like avocado salad. As for the Italian style crepes, it is delicious. Ingredient is fresh. If visiting different place of crepes, it is usually just chocolate, banana or Nutella kind of sweet. It offers more choices.


A lot of different food stands with different type and Variety of food, In the noon time the place in crowded and busy. Highly recommend.


Die Markthalle liegt zentral in der Altstadt von Freiburg. Die Eingänge sind etwas versteckt von der Grünwälder Straße und nach dem Martinstor.Lage: TopEssen: von orientalisch bis asiatischStände: Fisch, Obst, Gemüse, Bäckerei, Wein-und Sekt StandAmbiente: TopHier trifft sich der Freiburger, vom Student bis zum Renter, um zu essen oder um mit Freunden schöne Stunden zu verbringen!


Résumé en 2 lignes : le Markthalle est au centre ville un lieu enfermant une quinzaine d'échoppes de vente de restauration de tous les pays avec tables et vaisselles communes.On y mange vraiment bien, très bien, une bonne ambiance des prix raisonnables.Vraiment il est agréable de déjeuner ou diner au Markthalle


Er man i Freiburg skal man unde sig et besøg i Markthalle, som er en samling af små spisesteder, restauranter og barer midt i centrum.-Som navnet siger er restauranterne beliggende i stor hal. Et stort udvalg af både tyske og etniske restauranter og spisesteder og til priser, der gør enhver danske paf. Maden er i top og med en kold fadøl eller et glas hvidvin til, er stedet et perfekt sted at tanke energi til turen rundt i Freiburg. Dejlig stemning og klientellet er en fin blanding af forretningsfolk, studerende og turister. Her er value for money.


un insieme di sapori dal mondo con varietà di scelte vaste e cose che non ti aspetti.Una serie di mini-ristoranti che condividono lo stesso ambiente , dove puoi spaziare nella scelta le ho già visti in altre parti della Germania e non solo , magari ci fosse in Italia qualcosa del genere , quando ?? mai.


Am Weinstand einen leckeren Kaiserstühler Prosecco und dazu Brasilianische Shrimps und Afghanisches Falafel...herrlich!Sehr entspannt und sehr empfehlenswert!

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