ricetto di candelo


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ricetto di candelo



Ancient neighboroud adapt to a walk in the history. You can really feel the medieval age and you can "hear" the stories of the people who stored the grapes. the grain and made the wine in it. A great location to jump in past and also to see events and sometimes event inspired to the past.


OK - a medieval town, but very dirty and shabby. Too much traffic of course, in streets built for horseback and foot travel. We never found the famous prison restaurant, and driving was a nightmare - so we went back to Biella, and were glad. No time for the lakes this time - but we plan to return to Biella.


We passed through Biella and stopped at this medieval village. What a surprise it was! The village is well kept and looks pretty much the same since the XIV century. It has not a palace but houses, barns where grains and wine were stored. It presents a very real picture of how life was for the local population during that time. There is a small typical restaurant near by with fabulous dishes outside the walls and at walking distance.


Great medieval Borgo (village).Very well preserved. Named as one of the best of its kind in Italy. Free entrance. Strolling through the alleyways feels like stepping back in time. A few of the buildings have local artisan workshops. Certain times of year there is a wine , food and flower festivals, these create an excellent atmosphere. Check internet for exact dates. Good restaurants and trattorias nearby for a sit down lunch and soak up the atmosphere of the place. Great mountain views too.


nice little medieval village, well-kept, on many week-ends the little handcraft shops inside are open or there is some festival (food, art, flowers etc.). Not far away from Biella center. nice view over the surrounding landscape. The restaurant inside (taverna del ricetto) has got fantastic piemontese antipasti. I live nearby and have been many times.


We drove through Candelo on our way to Piemonte from Milan, and it was a detour that was well worth it (we also stopped for quick lunch at one of the cafeterias). The "ricetto", an old medieval refuge, is well preserved and you really feel transported back in time walking on the narrow streets. We were pretty much the only visitors at the time which really added to the feeling. There is a nice view from up the hill as well.


Quaint old town with nice views, great for pictures in the early mornings or late afternoon when the light is less bright.


A nice walk though an old med-evil city. Enjoyable with young children. Do not miss the wonderful trattoria at the base of the Ricetto.


I had the most phenomenal dinner at this cute resturant. It is situated in an old medieval village/ castle who's family have owned it for over 120 years. The food was fantastic and the service was superb. The brothers who own the resturant were so welcoming and warming, treated us like the family. A once in a lifetime opportunity to see this magical site. A memory I will keep for a lifetime. A+ !!


I spent in Ricetto one day.The borgo is really very tiny and you can walk around in minutes, but what impressed me is that nothing has changed from years. This medieval fortress was built to protect the storage of the food during the wars but it became, during the years, home of many. Once you croos the old door, you find the village; it's stonemade, with grapefruit leaves climbing the homes and the windows. There's a wall surrounding the village and a beautiful tower you can step up and enjoy the beautiful view of the valley. The village is a few distance from Biella. I never heard about this place but I think that it worths a stop.


Che dire. Il Ricetto di Candelo è sempre un luogo magico in grado di far viaggiare nel tempo e sono stata molto contenta di come anche i miei amici stranieri lo hanno apprezzato


Un posto curato, perfetto per una gita domenicale.Piccolo borgo, si visita in poco più di un'ora, ma si può gustare in pace anche per un'intera mezza giornata.Pure negozi e ristoranti, che in certi luoghi deturpano il paesaggio con una presenza troppo "Chiassosa" sono qui discreti e ben inseriti nella location.Non si è fatto, ma forse sarebbe anche carino trascorrerci una serata estiva.


Bellissimo borgo ben tenuto originali le case e le mura. I negozietti sono ricavati dalle vecchie cantine, peccato non tutte siano aperte. Io ho visitato il borgo domenica primo marzo durante il mercatino dei prodotti locali. Ogni prima domenica del mese si ripete, meglio visitarlo durante qualche evento altrimenti i negozi sono chiusi e tra le vie del borgo si sente solo il rumore del vento


Purtroppo la giornata dal punto di vista climatico non era delle migliori; nebbiolina e pioggia sottile non ci hanno permesso di apprezzare adeguatamente il luogo. Situato all'interno di mura risalenti al 1300 il borgo medioevale è molto bello e ben conservato; alcuni edifici sono in corso di restauro mentre altri sono già ultimati seguendo l'architettura originaria. Le strette viuzze conducono alle mura da cui si può avere un bel punto di osservazione sul territorio circostante. Numerose le attività artigianali presenti (tessili, vetro, ceramiche, prodotti per la bellezza, ecc.) e due o tre ristoranti e locande. Sicuramente da rivedere in primavera magari durante la festa annuale dei fiori.


Ci sono stato tempo fa per una manifestazione medievale, il ricetto è bellissimo perchè completamente intatto con il tessuto storico originale medievale. I vicoli, le case e le mura sono perfettamente conservate, un tuffo nella storia, ci sono poi alcune locande dove mangiare che danno il tocco finale per una giornata in famiglia.

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