complesso monumentale san michele in bosco
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It takes about 20-25mins to make the gentle climb up to the Monument San Michele in Bosco but it is well worth the effort, and if you can be bothered to walk take the bus!The view of the city is fantastic and helps you appreciate just how large the San Petronio Basilica actually is.
One of the oldest library in Bologna beautiful and silent place I like the environment most all types of books and archeologist books are also available
Sunny sunday afternoon.... looking for some Shutter Island adrenaline? Worth a visit... go by bus (n. 30) or by walk (starting from:,11.340504,3a,75y,186.99h,73.09t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sAJMsEUMkYxqChj6l_aZ-Ww!2e0) through the park... and, arrive in front of the San Michele in Bosco complex: that is one of the best view "over" Bologna... that is already enough to justify the visit...Enter in the Church (which is also very interesting and not so well known as many other Churches downtown Bologna) and... look for a door, on the right side (picture attached) which is normally unlocked: that is NOT forbidden to enter, just push the door.... and you enter in the "ancient" side of the Ortopedics Rizzoli hospital... long aisle, one side, big window "over" the Two Towers (spectacular view!)... go opposite side and, turn immediately left (just below the clock) "down" the stairs... stright on, finally, after few meters, turn right... and you will find a small / dark room with a unique collection of historical ortopedics pictures (if you like to have a preview:!! Ok... those are "ancient ortopedics" pictures, nothing to share with madness / mental asylum... but, somehow, you fell like a Shutter Island experience there... Go back through the same path... and stop for a final "scenic" drink at the kiosk in Via Codivilla (,11.343015,3a,75y,36.37h,74.24t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s7x6ohHAjzmD2FpyoD5qpeQ!2e0) - all... for FREE (a part the drink of course!!) ... Bologna has so many interesting places around the "world famous" Central Square.... San Michele in Bosco and the "ancient" Rizzoli Hospital are so worth a visit... IMPORTANT: along the main aisle... in working hours (that's why I suggest to go on Sunday afternoon...)there are still some active (with "real" hospital patients...) laboratories / offices related to the new Ortopedics Hospital... so, be respectful during the visit...
We spent a number of days in Bologna and first did the public bus (not very frequent schedule) to San Luca (high up on the hill). Not bad. Then we took the bus line 30 (runs every 15 min) from the train station to its final destination: San Michele in Bosco. The view over Bologna is spectacular, the church lovely and as a bonus your return bus trip to the city is at no extra charge if you make all of it in 75 min. Buy a Bologna Bus Pass: 10 tickets = 12 Eur e.g. in the train station next to the Pharmacy. Validate ticket once when you enter the bus, when we returned, the machine did not accept a new validation because we were within the 75 min trip limit: San Michele in Bosco for 1,20 EUR.
A bit of a climb up from the centre, but well worth it. My wife and I are both in our 70's and managed it with no trouble. You get superb views over Bologna from the top, and there is an information board pointing out all the places of interest. The church itself is worth a visit, and a nun who was there pointed us to a side door on the right, which led into the hospital, where we walked down the corridor and had a look. There are toilets in the corridor that you can use. I would recommend every one who visits Bologna to pay it a visit.
Although we could not get into the church the site does afford a wonderful panoramic view of the city and surrounding countryside and is a not too energetic walk up from the Giardino Margherita. The red bus tour does include a stop there which would enable one to jump off and then catch a later bus back although this could be problematic if the tour bus arrived with a full complement of passengers, none of whom disembark. Apparently the jump on/off facility only operates if there are empty seats when the bus arrives at the scheduled stop. As an alternative, the bus no.30 leaves from the Piazza Maggiore(fare €1.60) and terminates at the church. There is a pleasant little bar/restaurant near to the church which has a very obliging proprietor and serves reasonably priced light meals.
Marvellous ! Every building in Bologna must be look at =) Great historical places, great food, pity it's full of people non "native" from this city that are ruining it., stealing jobs, mixing accent and the beautiful italian of Florence, Milan and Bologna is ruined.
This church is a ten minute walk from Hotel Porta San Mamolo and since so many Trip Advisor people stay there, I thought I'd review our experience. An easy but uphill walk, there is a viewpoint as you arrive at the church with good placards telling you what you are seeing in the city below. We laughed to see a giant satellite dish on top of one of the Two Towers, certainly not visible from below.The church is small, and we tried to find our way to the cloisters, but there is no English-speakers to be found (and we were on a tight time schedule). But do go out the door at the front right of the church into the adjoining hospital (which used to be the church). You'll see some interesting frescoes but they also have a Meridian line sunk into the hallway. We're only sorry we couldn't see the cloister--next time.
Церковь находится на холме и с крыши открывается потрясающий вид на Болонью. Единственное - не совсем удобно добираться, нужно ехать на автобусе порядка получаса
Para os que querem ver a bela Bologna do alto, com vista panorâmica e fotogênica, altamente recomendável. Possível ir de bus urbano ou a pé, a caminhada é agradável, tanto pela Castiglione como a partir da Porta Saragozza. Mas a vista é a única atração, a igreja estava fechada quando fomos.
La Chiesa non m'è mai interessata anche se penso che possa meritare una visita, ma il circostante è apprezzabile per diversi motivi. Il primo è che appoggiata alla struttura v'è l'Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, luogo che è meglio conoscere senza doverne aver bisogno, ma nel quale sono a volte entrato e poi uscito con qualche ingessatura. Il secondo è che dal piazzale antistante la Chiesa si gode il più bel panorama di Bologna. Del resto è arcinoto che i luoghi di culto sono spesso edificati su rilievi e siccome a Bologna v'è un corollario di alture alle cui falde la città s'appoggia, anche questo caso lo è. Se dalla città si nota la chiesa anche dalla chiesa si nota la città e chi vi si reca lo fa spesso a piedi per ritemprarsi il respiro sgranchendosi le gambe e deliziandosi lentamente, d'una predominanza che riempie lo sguardo. I rumori della città giungono afoni al piazzale e vedere lo sterminato paesaggio con le ultime torri emergenti dall'orizzonte di tetti ai propri piedi riempie di beltà e soffoca d'emozioni. Spaziando lo sguardo all'orizzonte si può nuotare la curvatura della terra delinearsi sulla Pianura Padana mentre si perde nell'infinito. Al piazzale della Chiesa di San Michele in Bosco vi si può giungere anche usando il bus della linea 30 che fa proprio capolinea lì proveniendo dalla Stazione FF SS, così che i turisti scesi da un treno possano in pochi minuti assaporare quello che i bolognesi fanno da sempre amando la propria città.
super recomendo... Esta igreja deve ser incluida no roteiro, pois diferentemente de outras, essa não tem tanto turista e se aproveita muito... com calma.
Veramente molto ben tenuto, bellissimo posto panorama mozzafiato è una Basilica molto suggestiva, dove ci si raccoglie e si stacca dal caos della citta' per trovare un po' di quiete!
Più noto come ospedale ortopedico "Rizzoli".Oltre alla bella vista sulla città c'è la bella chiesa del 400 con annesso convento che ospita l'ospedale (o meglio alcuni uffici e studi medici, per il resto c'è un edificio moderno)Suggestivo il lunghissimo corridoio (il più lungo della città) sul quale si affacciavano le celle dei monaci.Per la sua visuale centrata sulle torri è detto "il cannocchiale di Bologna"
una volta ci andavo da bambina quasi in gitae' vicina al famoso Ospedale Rizzoliora non è più meta fraquentatissima