

地址: 暂无

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斯塔万格---Kjerag路线(自驾)(未去,官网资料)(也可在斯塔万格参加徒步团,见官网)路线1:90公里,2.5小时,沿E39公路--13号路---渡船Lauvvik--吕瑟博腾 Lysebotn---沿fv500上山、到达Øygardsstøl停车场(Eagle's Nest,停车费60)。路线2:130公里,2.5小时,沿E39—Ålgård—沿45号公路到Lysebotn方向(过路费45)--fv975--fv986---fv500、到达Øygardsstøl停车场。(其中山路路段10月关闭,5月开放)可来回都走陆路,如线路2,也可来回都经坐渡船,如线路1,也可2条线结合,去或回单程渡船,坐渡船可从下面欣赏吕瑟峡湾Lysefjord。只是注意因为渡船较小,下午回程的最后一班渡船,汽车的话可能要预定位置,这条渡船线路的开放时间是5月26日—9月2日。从停车场徒步上山到奇迹岩,来回12公里至少需要5-6小时。附:渡船时刻表a


longer walk, but soooo worth it! This is the more "hidden" view point for local people. But truely a "must see" if you are into mountain hiking!


Standing on the bolt is actually the easy bit, it's the waiting your turn in the line that kills you! Well it did for me anyway...the anticipation was horrendous...but being on the rock is fine as there is enough space, just don't look down. I was shaking though, especially after the long hard hike up there. In fact the hike itself is far worse in my opinion...hardest thing I've ever done! (except for bootcamp) The lungs were bursting on the way up, and knees were killing on the way down...which was actually almost worse. Still an amazing experience to have done it - has put me off hiking again though! Just be strong and fit before you go...especially if the weather isn't great. It was raining when we went and the rocks were slippery. Pulling up on the chains was difficult so make sure you wear gloves. The up and down was quite taxing too. But makes the Pulpit Rock hike seem like a walk in the park, quite literally!! Make sure you do Kjerag before Pulpit!


The trip is around 5 kilometer one way. It is quite hilly going out there so do not rush to much getting to the Place. Pack some good food and enjoy the view of the fjord going out there. The walk is very nice as there is several places where you can enjoy the fjord on the trip out there.


A bit of a drive from Stavanger and a long hike but well worth the effort. Better fjord experience than the better-known Prekestolen on the other side of Lysefjord. Drive up early, pack a lunch to eat at Kjerag (do NOT forget your camera) (not a place for young kids or those with vertigo unless you exercise extreme caution), then afterwards drive down to Lysebotn and take the ferry (reserve a spot in advance) and enjoy a well-deserved rest while you admire the view from the bottom as you float back to Stavanger.


This is not the place I preferred during my trip in Norway but it's definitely the one that made the most react my friends. The hike is very pleasant and can be sometime a bit difficult. The picture on the top of the rock will definitely be a good memory from your trip in Norway !


Prepare yourself for a bit of trip where the mountain sheep runs around, one can walk in the cloud, any snack appears to be very delicious, the views are stunning, Kjeragbolten stands scary. Definitely worth the climb but be prepared with good shoes and proper clothing.


The weather was not cooperated when we planned to hike Kjerag and Pulpit Rock on Oct 9-10. Regardless, we decided to climb Pulpit Rock first and hoped the next day weather would change. Unfortunately, we still need to hike in the rainy day. We started at 9:30am and reached the destination at 12. On the way, there was 6 hikers coming back. Other than that, the whole mountain was all by ourselves most of time. The hiking was more difficult than I thought, probably it was also because of raining. We were too excited to reach the rock and didn't pay attention to the direction. The sign for coming back in the information area was not clear enough. There is clearly a T pointing to the cliff. It took us an hour to climb up and down and ended up to the same place. It was real panic for two girls out there without anybody around in a windy and rainy day. Luckily our pre load GPS was able to load the trail and finally direct us to the right direction. After that, The sign is clear, one follow the other. Coming down was even more difficult for us especially the rain was getting heavier and non stop. Despite the got lost drama, we still really enjoyed this trip, especially the rock all by ourselves to take video and photos. I should say the rock is much smaller than I though. There is any flat surface at all. I keep wondering are those pictures jumping on the rock real? We are glad we went to pulpit rock first otherwise don't think our body can enjoy much after Kjerag.


The drive there from Stavanger and then driving to Eidfjord through the park was pretty stressful as it's a very narrow, sometimes almost one lane and it was popular time for campers and RVs. We had perfect weather for this hike, so shoes and clothes were not an issue. The rocky climb is at a 45-60 (sometimes 90) degree angle, was not wet, just hard on the knees. There is a large stream about 1/2 way, so no need to carry too much water. We did not bring hiking poles as you would have to keep putting them away on the rocky ascents (need your hands free at times to hold on to the chain). I did not think stepping onto the rock would be that hard. I am not afraid of hikes, love climbing and being on the edge of a cliff, but my body refused to jump onto that rock few minutes and I needed some self convincing. My brain did not want to let me take that step, kept imagining that I would loose my balance, trip or slip (it was not slippery) and my knees turned to jelly. Glad that I could take my time and talked myself into doing it. Maybe there is an easier way of walking onto it, for some reason I had to almost jump and regain my balance on top of it. So happy I did it, but I am surprised on how my body reacted to it. Enjoy


We did the hike 2 days ago and luckily got amazing weather with barely a cloud in the sky. We had read reviews on TA the night before and were wondering if we would be able to do the hike given that neither of us would call ourselves fit. I just wanted to let people know we actually didn't find the hike THAT physically challenging. We did Preikestolen the day before in just under 3 hours and I felt more physically exhausted from all those stairs then I did hauling myself up the rock. I would say Kjerag is definitely more dangerous then P and you certainly need to have good balance and good gripping shoes. We did the hike 2.10 up and 1.50 down, so total 4 hours hiking with about 30 mins at the top. I'm 26 and quite nimble on my feet but I would never call myself fit and the only exercise I ever do is cycling 10 mins to and from work everyday. Considering this we did it a good time without rushing but maintaining a slow and steady pace. We found it was better to keep chugging along then sitting down as you really didnt want to get up after a short break. I also felt better after then I did from P as I find stairs generally hurt my knees but I didn't get any issues until we were almost back to the car. Overall it was a beautiful and challenging hike but certainly doable. We did find that going up and down the last hill back to the car we were beginning to get a bit over it, I think mainly because you really do need to concentrate on what you're doing the whole way so you don't slip on the steep slopes. I would recommend people stay in Lysebotn tne night before if possible as it means you only have a 15 min drive to the carpark and can get started earlier before the large numbers arrive from Stavanger.


Five hours rounded trip to Kjeragbolten from parking place, which is paid. Beautiful panaroma view. Take a outdoor boots, nad water.


Out of the world Awesome view for hike. extreme wind and sudden rain. waterproof jacket is needed for the wind so strong and the rain is skin piercings when it hit. it's really cold with the rain, base is about 900m above sea-level.


Abandoned the climb due to bad weather and lack of fitness. Underestimated the difficulty++ especially after meeting a Brazilian whom had just completed his climb and telling us how difficult it was, especially limited by the 5 hr bus timing.We are a couple in our 20-30s of average fitness who did the Pulpit rock in 3hrs (up) and planned the Kjerag the imnediate day after (what was i thinking) but decided that we were too achy and weather was too slippery for the ascent. Never underestimate and hope fellow tripadvisors train well if you intend to scale this.


I thought this hike was going to be hard so I trained for it but I didn't imagine how hard it actually would be. We got the bus from Stavanger which leaves at 7:30am. If you are going via bus it is essential that you book before hand as we saw a lot of people turned away and hoping for a no show which didn't happen. The bus allows 5 hours for your hike which was just about enough time for us. If you are not back on time, the bus will leave without you and it is hard to get back. The hike itself was very challenging for us. We had no experience of mountain climbing or hiking on this kind of terrain so we took it slowly. I would say in places it is like rock climbing. There are chains in places to help you pull yourself up or lower yourself down on the way back. Unfortunately it was a very rainy day and visibility very poor so we didn't see any of the stunning scenery. I did not stand on the Kjeragbolten as it was way too slippy although others did! To me there was a sense of achievement in completing the hike in the 5 hours allocated. If I had actually known what it was going to be like I might not have gone, certainly the most challenging thing I have ever done. I would recommend taking proper hiking shoes/boots, a waterproof/windproof jacket, food, and water. I was absolutely astounded though as I was struggling up a tough climb, a woman strolled past me in heels and a skirt! Not recommended. Others were ill prepared opting for pumps and a poncho, these people clearly struggled. If you are not of a good fitness level then either try the pulpit rock or come via car so that you have more than 5 hours to complete it.


Kjerag was my most important goal the week we spent in "Vestlandet". The trip was hard, but oh so worth it!! We went upon the bolt, we ate Our lunch with beautiful wiew from Kjerag and we had a refreshing bath in the stream on our way down. The day was Magic!!

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