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This forested park is set on a hill in the middle of the town of Beroun. There are several small car parks at the base and a short walk away is one of the old gate towers. It is a short but steep walk through beautiful forest and on a well defined track to the fenced area containing three bears. Each had its own unique personality and they were quite amusing to watch. The best thing about their setup was that it was huge and contained plenty of privacy and natural features making it an excellent enclosure for them. The hill appeared popular with walkers and there is a picnic area and childrens play equipment setup near the bear enclosure.Not far from here is a rather ugly looking tower that can be climbed for lovely views over looking the town and the surrounding countryside.It cost about 10 kroners per person.
Small walk from the town centr. Playground for kids and three brothers beer to watch. Good fun for the whol family, take the snack with you for the picnik.
This particular attraction belongs to the city of Beroun since I know about it. It's definitely a must see when just visiting the city. On top of a hill very close to the central square you can find a calmy place mostly for childrens with large playground and the bear exhibition. Three bears living here are well known for their appearance in fairy-tales thus kids and people like them. But they are still bears, so do not go there for ten minutes to see a bear and go on. You will probably need to wait till they come to see you ;-) After all, there is a look-out tower nearby you can visit as well, so there is always something to do.
The Medvedarium is a favorite hang out spot in Beroun, just a stone throw from the city center. It is easy to find it as it is nestled just at the base of lookout tower. You can meet there sometimes very lazy bears but sometimes full of funny actions, well know from fairy tail named Matej, Vojta and Kuba. The bear is also part of Beroun coat of arm. The bears can sometimes draw huge crowd of people especially on sunny days. By the Medvedarium there is a playground for kids where they can play while you have coffee and palacinku (pancake) from the stand.
If you like animals especially bears, there is small countryard on the top of the hill in Beroun with small garden with 2-3 bears. You can check them relaxing and sleeping or having fun. Its directly in the public park so there is no admission. Few meters further there is also nice viewpoint to Beroun from aa view tower. Bears are great! There are also children park next to the bears!
This is one of the most beatiful places in Beroun. There are three bears from the child fairy-tail and which are now the brand of this city. It is quite near to the centre and you can have a lovely walking to see these huge animals.
Bear is the symbol of Beroun, and it depicted in city's flag.Medvedarium - is a popular place in Beroun, situated in city park on the to of hill, near the children adventure playground. This is like a small Zoo. As far as I understood, this is a favourite place for walkig for mothers and children.There are 3 bears - 2 girls and 1 boy. I saw only boy - it is huge animal. It was fine summer evening, but too hot for bear - it was walking around area and finaly returned to his house.There is a good view point just under bear's house.
Příjemná procházka po městské hoře. Pekný výhled a vhodné i pro rodiny s dětmi. Nachází se zde i dětské hřiště. Medvídci jsou úžasní.
Замечательное местечко для отдыха душой и телом. Находится посреди лесопарка на холме недалеко от центра города, правда, подъем к медведариуму достаточно крут. Чистый, аккуратный вольер, рядом детская площадка, в двухстах метрах - смотровая вышка (доступна только в теплое время года), с которой можно полюбоваться видами Бероуна и окрестностей. Я был здесь в январе и самих медведей, к сожалению, не видел, поэтому рекомендую посетить медведариум летом; особенно рекомендую туристам с детьми.
pro mne i moje deti je toto misto jeden z nejlepsich moznych relaxu. Medvedi se radi ukazuji a jsou svym divakum vdecni. Je na nich znat, ze vyrostli mezi lidmi, tedy jsou napul lidmi.
Три чудесных толстеньких мишки. Наблюдали как их кормят. Персиками! Пирогом с персиками! Вольер чистый.
Местечко является практически единственной достопримечательностью города. Искал его долго, пошел не с той стороны. Это просто в парке огороженный большой вольер. Медведей я так понял два. Но он все время ко мне был задом.Рядом детская площадка. Чуть дальше смотровая башня, за 20 крон я залез на верх и оттуда открываются классные виды города.В целом сам Медведариум ничего особенного не представляет. Можно посетить, если есть лишний час. Необычно конечно, что он посреди парка.