hrad a zamek frydlant
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开放时间: 暂无

Beautiful, well preserved castle from XIII century. It's almost unbelievable how many items were preserved and are showed to public. Usually the tour takes up to 2 hours ( we took 1 hour tour though ) and it's only available with guide ( polish, czech and german ). You're not allowed to take any pictures (shame on that, especially that there's not so many pictures available online). We've visit 3 floors witch around 30 rooms, each floor / room was different as it was build for other ruler. I guess this makes this place very unique. Well - You have to see it for Yourself!
The only way to see this castle is by tour.There are tours in many languages, but if you take the tour in Czech it is almost half the price (you get a detailed guide in your language of choice anyway).I did not see any guides in any Asian languages, but English is certainly available.The tour is rather long (over two hours) but it does cover a lot of ground, going through all the owners of the castle as well as details as to the living conditions in the castle and castle development (like most castles, bits and pieces were added on over time to create a more comfortable/defensive structure).At the end of the tour you are in the kitchens/pantry, the air there does not circulate very well (my wife was a little faint of breath, be warned).The castle is mostly intact in terms of its furnishings, art, weaponry, etc. The story goes that during the war, when the army came to loot the castle, the custodian at the time offered them gold, satisfied with this they left the rest of the castle alone and hence preserved everything inside.There are a few funny mementos and paintings to be seen. Overall a beautiful example of a castle with an interesting tour.
A well preserved medieval castle, which includes features and furnishings dating up to the time when the last owner Franz Clam-Gallas was disposessed by the Communists. The guided tour seems expensive at around 7 pounds, however it lasts over 2 hours and is well presented. Printed info sheets in many languages are available to accompany the tour. NB The tour involves negotiating difficult stairs. A souvenir shop is adjacent, but is high.priced! The 20th century furnished rooms are a good insight into life for the aristocracy.
Замок существует с середины XIII века. Каждый следующий хозяин его расширял и укреплял. Расцвет, конечно, пришелся на Валленштейна. После него замок был в руках одной немецкой семьи вплоть до конца второй мировой войны.Город тоже интересен: Главная городская площадь очень приятна. Неоготическая ратуша, старые средневековые домики и более новые модерновые. Как потом оказалось, ратуша является уменьшенной и провинциальной версией радницы соседнего Либерца.
Красивый замок. Нам повезло - у нас была персональная экскурсия на русском языке, т.к. мы были единственными русскими. Большая ухоженная территория, много зелени. Хорошо сохранившийся интерьер