the chaplain's house (kaplanka)


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the chaplain's house (kaplanka)



Very nice and informative. Lovely art and furniture. Did not dislike anything. History was well done


This is a noticable building, located next to the stairs of the saint Vitus church. Václav z Rovné started his service as a clerk, was promoted to first Chancellor of Petr z Rožmberk and was in 1495 by him freed from serfdom. He founded an extensive library of which a part was housed in this Kaplanka House. He bought House nr 159, next to the Church stairs, which he had extended and rebuilt in 1514-1520 and merged with another house (in which the St. Paul chapel and the servents areal were located) to house the Chaplains of the St. Vítus Church. He bought this house from its former owners and in 1520 he passed it over to the vicarage at the St. Vitus church. The only condition of this sale was that after the death of the former owners a prayerservice for the dead would be read every year. So all was set and signed. But as the time went on it happened that they forgot this condition and the legend goes that the curate´s room and the church were haunted, when the required prayerservice commenced again all went back to normal and was quiet again. From 1666 onwards it was municipal property, in 1803 used for the storage of public records. Its appearance was a result of a major intervention of the original shield in 1923, reconstruction in 1980.


Интересное здание с большим количеством окон с интересной историей, одно из тех, что придаёт неповторимое очарование Крумлову.


Советую посетить оригинальный средневековый дом Каплана и узнать от гида историю горожан Крумлова, его владельцев и их современников.


Это интересное здание начали строить еще в 15веке. оно пережило много владельцев и неоднократно перестраивалось и реконструировалось. Имеет интересную историю, которую вам непременно расскажет гид или путеводитель. Обратите внимание на очень старые , но бережно сохраненные элементы на фасаде здания


Одно из множества замечательных зданий в городе. Очень понравился одинокий балкончик. Отлично вписывается в общую картину.

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