latrán houses


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latrán houses



As you walk around Cesky Krumlov, on Latran and many of the other streets, take time to look up. There are amazing frescos painting on almost every building. Many have what look like envelopes marking out the brickwork. Our guide said that this is a technique called sgraffito, which is meant to add a three dimensional effect to the walls. All around town you will find alcoves painted on walls with fake Greek and Roman statues inside. I found a nun & a cowering devil in one fake window.


Lateran street, with its medieval houses, many shops, coffee cafés, ice cream shops, and more, is worth a visit. If you go earlier in the day it is much less crowded. In the summer, there is a cart on the street that sells the best mojitos. Also keep a look out for the crepe restaurant where you can get sweet or savoury crepes to take away or eat inside. Two people can easily share one and they are delicious! As you walk along, be sure to look up at the decorated buildings and roofs. It is truly a lovely place for a morning walk! From the bridge to the old medieval gate by a Hostel 99, it takes less than twenty minutes, without stops, to walk the whole street.


This cobbled street runs from the entry portal into the old town, passed the castle through to the old town centre. It is lined with quaint shops and restaurants in particular the high quality chocolate shop. It had a giant chocolate bear in the window and the smell lured us in for purchases. A nice street to amble and take in the ambience.


Many well-preserved houses with array of shops. There are traditional toy stores,chocolate stores and many jewellery stores.And of course lovely coffee shops,many with seating areas next to Vltava river. enjoy your cup of coffee while watching people rafting,paddling...


One of the best streets of Cesky Krumlov - well, the whole town is just great, but this street is definitely one of the best ones!


These houses are massing on little place under the castle, they're beautiful and picturesque. In most of them there are little shops with all sorts of things - from candles to vinyls, from amber and jewelery to minerals...


Удивительно красивая улица, где каждый дом имеет свою историю и своё неповторимое очарование. Многие дома украшены фресками: гербами правителей, изображениями исторических деятелей и т.п.


Любой путешественник, приехавший в Крумлов не минует этой исторической улицы, но помимо кафе советую обратить здесь внимание на магазинчики с уникальными чешскими сувенирами, например фирменный магазин "Чешский гранат" с интересными украшениями из граната и влтавина.


Vale dar umas voltas pelas ruas de Cescky.Cada pedacinho conta uma história fantástica de lá.Vale fazer fotos despojadas pelas esquinas de lá.


Si se está en Ceske Krumlov vas a pasear por ellas de forma necesaria...Es la parte comercial de la ciudadela.


Este bairro de Cesky Krumlov possui casas com pinturas nas fachadas, sendo algumas interessantes e um tanto escondidas. Vale a pena levar um guia de bolso com comentários sobre as diversas casas. O bairro tem conexão com uma das entradas do castelo. Nele, há também alguns cafés e diversas lojas de artesanato.


Эта средневековая улочка в старинном городке Чески-Крумлов вызывает неизменное восхищение. Приятные маленькие лавочки, кафешки , много поделок ручной работы и милый цветочный магазинчик. Много красивых средневековых зданий находятся под охраной Юнеско.


Ótimo lugar para passear sem muito destino. O lugar é cheio de casas medievais, ideais para tirar várias fotos.


Одна из милых улочек Крумлова. Безумно красивый город! Попадаешь словно в сказку. Атмосфера просто потрясающая.


As casas, estilo medievais, são bonitas com flores e bem coloridas. Tiramos muitas fotos e fizemos compras nas lojas de artesanato e lembranças

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