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After 3 days in the beautiful but very crowded centre of Prague we wanted somewhere for a more relaxing walk and this is just the place. It's only 10 minutes by tram or Metro from the centre. When you get off the tram there are no directions but it's obvious how to get to the castle area - up! At the entrance to the site there is an information office where you can pick up a useful map (20 czk). It is free to walk around though there are some museums which you pay for (we chose not to as it was a lovely sunny day). A lovely historic location, plenty of interest including a Basilica and cemetery - the latter with some incredibly ornate mausolea of the Prague elite of a century ago. Add great views and places to eat and drink in the sun and you have a great day out. We were among very few tourists there, most people were locals especially families with young children


Best church in Prague, from my point of view. Great park and cemetary. Very nice views of Prague in the distance and the River.We walked from Charles Bridge down there, as it was sunny , along the river bank. An hour walk, but worth the trip, and so much nicer to admire the gorgeous buildings along the way, without being disturbed by traffic!


Vyšehrad Castle is about 50 years younger than Prague Castle. The most famous ruler of the Premyslides Dynasty was the first Czech king Vratislav, who founded the rotunda of St. Martin, the Basilica of St. Lawrence, the Chapter and the Church of St. Peter and Paul. Now that Basilica is in neo-gothic style. At the end of the 19th century was founded Vyšehrad graveyard. These are graves of famous Czech people, for example: Jaroslav Heyrovsky (Nobel Prize winner for his work in polarography), Antonín Dvořák (author of the New World Symphony, the Slavonic Dances, Slavonic Rhapsodies, ...), Karel Čapek (known writer and friend of T.G. Masaryk), Ema Destinová (world famous soprano - featured eg. the Metropolitan Opera in New York), Hana Mašková (world-class figure skater), Josef Bican (famous footballer highly acclaimed as master by master Brazilian Pelé).


Very interesting church and the associated graveyard. The surrounding park gave a great view of Prague, the Castle and the surrounding area. When you leave walk down to the U Kroka restaurant for a good reasonable meal.


If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of central Prague, this is the place to go to! This rocky hill in the southern part of Prague has been inhabited since prehistoric times. (Thus St.Martin Rotunda, one of the oldest and best preserved 11th century monument in the city.) Situated within the historical fort you will find the Basilica of St Peter and St Paul, as well as the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous people from Czech history, among them Antonín Dvořák and Bedřich Smetana.


Quite hard to get to (easiest is by Metro Line C), but worth visiting for the fine views up and down the Vltava river, and the fascinating cemetery with spectacular tombs of famous artists and composers (Dvorak, Smetana, Mucha etc.). If you walk down the hill afterwards, you can catch a tram back to the city centre.


We adore the music of Czech composer Antonin Dvorak and so we always wanted to visit his last resting place.The cemetery where he is laying is dedicated to great Slavs and is well worth a visit for its fantastic Art Nouveau-Monuments dating mainly from the 19th century.Dvorak´s grave is adorned by a most elegant "golden shower".We went on a really cold day and it was quite peaceful. I can imagine the place brimming with people in summer.Leaving Vysherad, there is a glorious "Fine Cafe", they saved us from the freezing cold with their hot apple-juice!


This place is very relaxing, quite off beaten tracks, but definately worth it. You can just walk around well preserved fortifications and enjoy views of the Castle and the river from there.


There is a very old and nice story about this place. Nice place over the river Vltava. There is a buryal ground of cultural celebrities as composer Bedrich Smetana (opening composition of Prague Spring).


This is a nice place, kind of a park with a church and a cemetery, good view point. One of the best oportunities for a little walk. The cathering oportunity is quite week, I can recommend a nearby Thai restaurant on the Vysehrad underground station. But be aware on weekends the pace is often a venue for overcrowded children events.


we were there between christmas and new year, very windy and cold but nice view and the cathedral was nice. They also have a graveyard with family graves which was nice to stroll around. (very beautiful gravestones and such).Since it was so cold we mostly went from pub to pub to get warm while walking around. hehe, probably nicer during spring/summer!


Beautiful. Go in the summer and spend half the day there with a nice picnic. Open space, trees and take a look round the cemetery ....very interesting


Lovely cathedral and grounds. We visited on a cold day but still enjoyed our walk through the grounds. Biggest bonus was the absence of tourist hordes. Lovely


One of the most important monuments of Czech history. Peter and Paul Cathedral , rotunde St. Martin and Vysehrad cemetery where she is buried lots of famous greats of Czech history.

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