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Over 600 years of Czech and European history contained within the oldest...


好棒的历史课程,一定要租导览来听。这是个对文化音乐极有贡献的家族, 看看他们的收藏会让你受益良多!!


After admiring the outside of the Palace and the surrounding area, we went into the Palace for a luncheon. This consisted of rolls, salad, spinach lasagna for us, and cheesecake, all of which were quite decent. After this, we went to a small room for a short concert of classical music played by a trio (piano, cello, violin). The classical music included pieces by Mozart, Bartok, etc. After the concert, we went through a museum of paintings, dishes, guns, and much more, accumulated by the Lobkowicz family. On the tour, we had a recorded guide to identify and amplify what we were looking at.


The Lobkowiczs have hit upon an absolutely wonderful formula for a museum-going experience, which seriously deserves to be emulated (and should to be a required experienced for many a museum curator). Because everything in the collection is presented within the larger story of the Lobkowicz family, which is superbly scripted and told on the audiophones (without any of the affectation, pretension, or indulgent/excessive details that characterize too many audiophone experiences), the pieces in the collection are given true meaning. I normally walk through a museum room full of paintings of 15th-century nobility because there is no way to appreciate them--'if you've seen one, you've seen them all.' Yet, here I ended up spending more than half an hour in the first room because the Lobkowicz's stories of who they were (masterfully combined with touches like a personal letter between a wife and husband and details of what happened to a garnet ring in one painting) were engaging and interesting. I spent almost two hours, listening to all the audiophone recordings and studying the collection presented in just a few rooms on two floors. Wafting through the rooms was the live classical music of the midday concert that sounded delightful and, like everything so tastefully presented here, also was so much more real than what is usually served up in a museum-going experience meant to be cultured. In particular, so much of our museum-going experiences these days are structured around a particular curator's theory, interests, or passion (which ultimately decontextualizes the objects and renders them as merely objects of curiosity and ultimately unreal) that having a collection set in its historically authentic story was wonderful. Here you can appreciate things with the Lobkowiczs who are authentically sharing a history as if you were their personal guest.


This private residence offers tours and a luncheon with specialties of the house like their own aperitif, to be savored while having the best view of the city from a gorgeous balcony.


We went to a lunchtime concert at the Lobkowicz Palace. These take place daily at 1pm, last about an hour and are popular classics played by very talented musicians. Add a bit of class to your visit!!!


We enjoyed the midday orchestra show there....make sure you arrive well on time as it is a long walk from the entrance of the main palace. But well worth it!


loved this place warm feeling great atmosphere found it purely by walking past looking for another bar and the view is stunning overlooking the water


This was a wonderful museum with beautiful artwork and a fascinating story of the family who owned, lost and then regained their ancestral home. The audio headsets are a must as the family story is told by family members! Don't miss this treasure!!


We were recommended this museum and are so glad that we went. The whole museum is well presented with a free audio guide included (use it as you learn so much!).Key things to see are Beethoven's 5th... the original score. The Bruegel landscape and a couple of Canaletto scenes of London...The cafe is good and you get a discount if you buy your museum tickets first!


We only visited the Lobkowicz Palace because it came with our afternoon concern tickets, but we were so glad we did! The audio tour, by a modern-day member of the family, was interesting and informative, and the collection told us a lot about Prague history and noble families. There are some amazing artifacts, including a Beethoven score dedicated to one of the family members, among other impressive memorabilia. Even if you skip over some bits, there's plenty to enjoy.


I wanted to take some photos of Prague at Night from the castle and had to kill some time before it was dark enough. I decided to go to this museum. I took the audioguide and when up, you begin with painted portraits, then porcelaine services, religious artefacts, weapons, music, painted animals and some kind of conference room/chapel. Everything is perfectly preserved, they have done an exceptional work with that. The audioguide explains the relations between the family and some of those piece of art, gives you some historical details... The obvious gems are the manuscripts from known composers but I also loved the last room that I felt had something special. Photos are prohibited. Definitely a really good private collection that survived the war. If you like paintings you will probably enjoy it and learn a thing or two about Prague at the same time.


Don't miss this gem; it's the best museum in Prague... Breathtaking paintings by Breugel and Canaletto; original manuscripts by Beethoven and Mozart... WONDERFUL audio tour narrated by William and Sandra Lobkowicz about the dazzling collection of paintings, furniture, china, and armaments housed in what was the family's Palace...Finish a wonderful hour or two by having a casual lunch in the cafe with spectacular, panoramic views of Prague.


Every day at 13 a chamber orchestra, very good! We heard a combo of traditional, very well performed with a great ambiance


i didn't know too much about the history of Prague before we visited for a tour and concert. It was very interesting to get such an insight into the way in which the Lobkowicz treasures are being recompiled and restored after decades of being lost to the Nazis and Communists. Particularly liked the original manuscripts and first edition Beethoven and Haydn scores. Gems.


The paintings collection is really modest - mainly portraits of the Lobkowitz ancestors by second hand painters from the XVII-XVIII -th centuries. Only two paintings worth seeing - a Breugel and a Canaletto - definitely not worth the trouble. The whole collection consists of self-important bearded fat aristocrats dressed in black, painted by second-hand painters.

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