prague zoo


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prague zoo

The zoo is home to more than 2,000 animals representing 354 species of...


there are a lot of nice animals. the area of the zoo is huge! we walked for 5 hours to see the whole zoo.we walked from our hotel to the zoo- a recommended walk with a great park in the middle.


Start at the top and work your way down, follow the map. So many species of animals, make sure your camera is fully charged. Plenty of snacks and drink stops on the way round, you will need them as it takes about five and a half hours to cover the zoo. Brilliant day out.


This zoo is a must visit if you're in Prague, the public transport to access it is second to none (if two people that don't understand one ounce of czech can do it anyone can right?). The animals are cared for in huge enclosures that are interactive, exciting to look at and their array of animals is huge.This zoo is incredibly good value, at the equivalent of £5.80 for an adult (the price in the UK for a zoo is about £15-£20 pp) you can see lots of animals such as polar bears, a honey badger and gorillas. Even the shop was really inexpensive. Just over £3 for two pens, a notepad and a lanyard. If I lived there I'd be a member for sure!


I visited a lot of different zoos, but the one in my home town is still my favorite - it's got beautiful animals, some new areas and homes for the animals to be in and it is very cute! No matter if it is summer or winter, when you visit Prague, this is a must-see! A great place to spend the whole day with your family, kids or just your partner!


The zoo itself is much bigger the we thought it will be. The tickets are really cheap, but they have a wide range of animals. If you have at least 3 hours, then it can be a nice program.


Make sure you buy a map as we ended up walking back on ourselves a few times! There are signposts around the zoo so a map isn't necessary but would have been a great help. You need at least half a day to see everything especially when you have young children as there is a lot of walking to do. Many of the animals were inside and not out which made it difficult to see them at times, a lot of getting up close to windows. There were plenty of toilets around the zoo which was good. The choice of food that we saw for sale wasn't that great, would definitely recommend taking food with you just in case. The range of animals is good and my neice was very happy she got to see giraffes and tigers (as was I). Overall it was a good day out but tiring!


The zoo is very spacious with a great range of animals to view up close but unfortunately a few of the animals were pacing in their enclosures. Some of the enclosures were a little small but hopefully in the future the animals should get some larger areas to roam in. Take good walking shoes as there are some steep hills and the car lift was not in use when we visited last week.


This was on top of the list of the things we wanted to do whilst we were away in Prague. After buying a daily travel ticket for 100czk (as didn't know where the zoo was) we went about to find somebody of english speaking so we could ask them where we had to go! A lovely tourist information centre at the end of Charles Bridge showed us the Tram to get to the Metro Station (C) then a train, then another bus to the zoo. Took a while to find it but was so glad we did. Then walked round in a massive circle trying to find the entrance (not well sign posted).The zoo cost us about £5 which was an absolute bargain. We followed the zoo map around and didn't realize actually how big the zoo is! It took us 4 hours to look around the whole zoo and we were pretty knackered by the end.The zoo restaurant is all in Czech so take some food with you!If for any reason you are wanting to visit the zoo. Make sure it is for the above reasons! The polar bears themselves are stunning and the seal show is fantastic. We just so happened to catch it on the way out of the park and we are so glad we did because the trainer and the seal together and the perfect partnership!


Overall the zoo was good. A bit surprised that the enclosures were larger than expected. The location of the zoo is great. It is beside the river and then goes up to the top of the ridge which makes for some real nice views of the city.


Prague Zoo is one of the best Zoo's in Europe and is not to be missed. The animals are well cared for their enclosures are of modern design. The layout is well signposted and there are plenty of refreshment stands and facilities along the help to cater for families. Plenty for the kids to do as well. I cannot recommend a visit to this zoo enough.


I am Czech, who lives in Prague, so I might be biased, but I just love our zoo. I have visited few zoos around the world, and the only better one was in San Diego, but that is hard to compare. The zoo is improving constantly. New pavilons every year, new restaurants, new play grounds. We also went once for evening guided tour and it was also great. Highly recommend to anyone who is staying in Prague for longer than a 2 days. No need to have kids to go:)


the zoo was beautiful with a variety of animals. it was allot bigger than we had anticipated and we had to walk so much. luckily there were chairs everywhere and the animals were so many the kept us distracted. we spent a good 4 hours there and didn't even notice the time.


I don't know how this place has good reviews.. All I can think of is that we went in the off season as almost all the animals were locked inside tiny cages. Their outside space is massive so it was heartbreaking seeing them clearly distressed, pacing back and forth in the smallest spaces i've seen in a zoo.If you're an animal lover you will not enjoy this zoo - at this time of year at least. The tigers were pacing back and forth, the elephants were confined to a horrible concrete cage all together barely having the room to move. The giraffes were the same. Their inside spaces were dirty. There were also orangutans advertised everywhere and when we got to their section there was a tiny sign saying there was nothing here.I understand that a lot of the animals will not be used to such a cold climate but in that case they SHOULD NOT be in such awful small spaces!! Something really needs to be done about this. The park is massive (we spent a whole day walking around) so they have the room to extend the indoor space.There was also lots of signs about how the zoo is prone to flooding, in their first flood almost all the animals died.. in the latest flood they said they had managed to save almost all the animals but it's still not good enough. There shouldn't even be a zoo where it can flood where there is endangered species. I would tell people not to go but at the end of the day if they don't, the park has no money to look after the animals. something needs to change in the off-season of this park. I'm sure in the summer it will be a lot better for the animals welfare.


This is by far the best Zoo i've been to, first time we were there we had to go back the next day to see all we missed. Well worth a visit, they have everything and many amusements for kids too. This time we were in winter, not as much fun though, and many attractions closed but still ok and we had fun. Reasonably priced at 20 euro for whole family!


Not a fan of Zoo's but my girlfriend realy wanted to see a Giraffe. This zoo was wonderful, ive never seen zoo animals so active an happy looking.

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