nekresi monastery complex
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Lovely monastery with excellent views over the Alazani Valley - you can take a walk up through the woods - particuarly lovely at this time of year
Likes - very interesting, well preserved and restored and magnificent view. Dislike - we had to wait 40 min for minivan to take us to the top.
I couldn't believe it at first when my Tour guide said we were going on top of the mountain because Nekresi is on top of the hill, I thought though that we were going to walk but gladly we didn't because the elevation is so scary upon going up. They have the shuttle bus who brings you up and down for the Tour. When you reach there is truly breath-taking and such an old an ancient Monastery. You can also see the wine cellars, the Blessed Virgin Church (VI-VII century), etc. Its worth the visit.
Great - no - GREAT view of Alazani valley, beautiful 4th century architecture. Wine cellars are there as well. Steep drive by minubus uphill (some waiting may be required as only 2 minibuses are driving, and you may expect some crowd). Don't walk up by your own, especially in summer.
Spring is in the air.The sky is bright, not even a single cloud.The trees are blooming.Let's go fishing
Stupendous ancient structures, unbelievable frescoes, breathtaking view of the valley, scary 1.5km bus ride from the parking lot up the mtn to the monastery ( 1 Gel), living history to the max
everything was good, very very beautiful place, only the way to walk was long, but you can go by mibus.
As noted in the other reviews, this monastery is located at a great vantage point on the side of a hill/montain. We parked at the bottom and had lunch - there are shaded picnic tables, running water and washrooms (which we didn't use).For a small fee, we rode the bus up the very steep road to the monastery. No private cars are allowed. While we were there, apparently someone decided to drive past the (junior) guards to go up the hill. Upon returning to the bottom, they were in serious trouble, as 'official military' had arrived, carrying large guns which had their desired intimidating effect. There were some visitors who hiked up the hill, but as it is steep and not really geared towards pedestrians, it is better to ride.At the top, the views are excellent. Staff are very willing to answer questions. You are able to roam and look around as you like. Inside one building were tablets from BC-era bearing the first version of Georgian script. We climbed up a tall tower, which provided nice views of the area and complex.Be sure to check how long you have before the bus returns to take you back down. We didn't know that we only had an hour before the return drive down. So, we were leisurely strolling around and taking pictures until furious honking from the bus called us away. Perhaps we could have waited for the next bus, but we didn't push it.
Nekresi monastery is located in Kakheti region in about 42km from Telavi. Its large complex spreads out over the scenic mountain, accessible by a steep twisted road winding up to the top. The road had been substantially redone during the recent reconstruction of the complex.Nekresi monastery on the hill can only be reached either by walk, or by the monastery mini-bus. The latter departs from the improvised station by the recently restored chapel down the hill.No private cars are allowed up to the monastery these days, and there is no parking at the upper complex. But free parking is available at the foot of the mountain, by the entrance to the complex.When we arrived, the monastery mini-bus was just getting down. But it appeared to have run out of fuel. The attendant assured that another car was sent to Telavi a while ago to get some fuel, but it hadn’t showed up in about 30min or so.Nekresi monastery was founded by St. Abibos Nekreseli, one of the famous thirteen Syrian fathers. Historic records mention this monastery being a bishop’s throne in the beginning of VI century. Nekresi Episcopacy lasted till XIX century, so this monastery used to be of the prime importance for centuries.It was particularly famous for having withstood the expansion of Zoroastrianism in Georgia. In VI century, St. Abibos Nekreseli came up for the Marzpan’s trial (Marzpans were the Persian commanders and governors-general of the boundary territories) and was sentenced to death after pouring water on the Zoroaster fire to demonstrate it shouldn’t be worshipped as sacred once even water was stronger than fire.There is one more prominent feature about this monastery: its Church of the Blessed Virgin is the only sanctuary in Georgia, where a pig is respected as a sacrificial offering. This tradition roots from the times of Muslims’ attacks on the monastery. To prevent Muslim invaders from their raming ahead, the monks of Nekresi threw the slaughtered pigs off of the monastery. The tactics proved successful, and a pig sacrifice had become ritual. We were assured this tradition is no longer performed.Nekresi is one of the largest monastery complexes in Kakheti. Its ensemble had been gradually created from IV to XVI century. The oldest (basilica-type) church is attributed to the IV century, making it one of the earliest surviving Christian churches. The later monuments include the Blessed Virgin Church of VI-VII; the domed church of VIII-IX, the two-storey bishop’s palace of IX century facing the Alazani valley, with the later four-storey tower of XVI built by the palace; and a wine cellar (marani). Some dwelling premises and church ruins can also be found on its territory.The entire complex had been restored recently, and is now in a very good condition. It is possible to climb the tower, and to enter the monastery churches and the ancient wine cellar. Don’t hold your breath for the wine-tasting though - the jars in marani were all empty.The panoramic views of the Alazani valley with its vineyards and ancient ruins were spectacular even in winter.
It is well worth making the trip up the hill. I do recommend using the shuttle bus, it is only 1 Lari. The place was a ruin but was beautifully restored around 2009 and today looks as if it had always been lovingly looked after.
Одно из мест, которое необходимо посетить во время визита в Кахетию. Не очень удобно, что к комплексу нельзя подъехать своим автомобилем, а местная маршрутка поднимается при наличии полного салона. Комплекс впечатляет. Особенно радуют глаз виды на Алазанскую долину.
Стоит учитывать, что монастырь на своем автотранспорте не подъедешь. От автостоянки внизу либо на маршрутке за 1 лари, либо пешком более 3 км по крутому серпантину. Маршутка ушла перед моим носом, поэтому я пошел пешком. Внизу свирепствует свора собак, могут и покусать, если Вы один. Но в монастырь не поднимаются. В день моего посещения туман висел над долиной и скрывал монастырь из виду. Было что-то сказочное в том, что пешком я входил в туман и передо мной возникали силуэты зданий. На территории монастыря спокойно и тихо. Если главный храм закрыт, попросите монахов, и они вам откроют храм.
От посещения Некреси остались просто волшебные впечатления. Зимнее туманное утро. Ночью прошел снег. До монастыря поднимались пешком в полном одиночестве. Точнее, нас сопровождали несколько местных забавных псов.Наверху, в маленьком храме на стенах выцветшие фрески. Шла служба, монахи пели на два голоса. Невозможно было оторваться.Если бы не холод, можно было бы просто несколько часов промедитировать, глядя на всё это великолепие.
Впечатляет вид древнейшего храма на горе. Не менее прекрасен вид на алазанскую долину. Диву даещься - насколько была сила веры!
Просто так в монастырь не попасть, к нему ведет крутой серпантин. На личном транспорте проезд запрещен, но от стоянки ходит специальная маршрутка, на ней же можно спуститься обратно. Монастырь датируется VI в. и до сих пор действующий. В храме сохранились интересные фрески. Есть винодельня с традиционными кувшинами для вина. вмурованными в землю. Виды на Алазанскую долину завораживающие!По дороге в Сигнаки не пожалейте времени на посещение Некреси!