le musee de la tapisserie


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开放时间: 暂无

le musee de la tapisserie


A good museum with a wide range of tapestries both traditional and modern on view and the possibility to see tapestries being made. Very interesting.


This museum displays both old and new tapistries from the area. It was interesting to walk through and see how designs have changed over the ages. If you are interested in tapistries, I would recommend a visit.


Assuming that you are already interested in tapestry and tapestries, this small but well tended collection of tapestries and looms etc is well worth a visit. It helps to speak/read French as there are (in winter at least) no staff within the exhibition to ask questions, and the English handout whilst Helpful and well written, tells only a fraction of the story of weaving in France. Our only suggestion for improvement would be to have someone present actually using a loom, so that visitors can see how the work is done, and also (see before) someone to ask questions of.There are some lovely and large works on display both 200/300 years old and modern pieces too. Aubusson and Felletin are both weaving towns and in the 1960s at Felletin a special loom was made in order to make the main hanging for Coventry cathedral in the UK, which is about 25m square!The 5€ entry fee seems very reasonableSometime early in 2015 the building housing the exhibition is to be extended, allowing more works to be displayed. It may be worth checking at that time if this disrupts opening hours.


All the labels and explanations were in french (not a problem for us) but we were given a four page detailed explanation in English. The exhibition is housed in the former National School of Decorative Arts, recognised by Unesco, and will be in it's newly completed building by 2015.We were able to see the process of tapestry making from the designing of the "carton" or painting to the finished work and the display included works down the centuries with information about the industry in Aubusson and neighbouring Felletin.We were surprised to find modern works on display by painters familiar to us for their art - Braque, Vaserely and others and to see competition winners works from the current year which were most certainly not the grey-green hanging works we always associate with stately homes. The displays were superbly mounted, with plenty of space between each and detailed explanations of the significance of animals, flowers, types of border and so on.There was also a small display of carpets and rugs for which Aubusson is also renowned.For anybody who thinks tapestry is about shepherds and shepherdesses I would recommend this exhibition which opens your eyes to so very much more.


Simple, sans prétention mais instructif. Une heure pour faire le tour du musé dans sa configuration actuelle avant son remplacement dans le courant de 2015. On apprend en peu de temps beaucoup de choses sur la tapisserie. Effectivement je partais d'assez loin je dois admettre


Nous avons fait une visite du musée avec le collège, il faut être dans le sujet, mais on s'ennuie a mourir. Nous somme rester 1h, nous avons un guide pour nous expliquer comment on fessais des tapisserie... Les tapisserie sont belles mais on s'ennuie quand même. Je mettrai un 2/5 car les tapisseries sont belles mais on s'ENNUIE !


Bonjour,Nous sommes désolés que vos enfants se soient ennuyés. Nous proposons pour les plus jeunes des supports-jeux à compléter pendant la visite, ce qui permet aux parents et aux enfants d'échanger au sujet de ce qu'ils voient tout au long de la visite. Concernant les pièces que vous avez manquées, les créations contemporaines issu de notre appel à projets annuel sont souvent très demandées dans les expositions internationales, mais nous essayons d'informer les visiteurs au maximum sur les allées et venues des œuvres de la dernière salle du musée via les réseaux sociaux et notre site internet.Nous manquons aujourd'hui de place pour présenter à la fois une exposition permanente et une exposition temporaire, et ce de manière pédagogique. L'ouverture d'une nouvelle Cité internationale de la tapisserie sur le site de l'ancienne Ecole d'Art décoratif d'Aubusson au printemps 2016 permettra de tripler la surface d'exposition, avec une toute nouvelle scénographie. L'accent sera également mis sur le savoir-faire d'Aubusson. L'exposition actuelle est une préfiguration de ce futur parcours permanent.Nous espérons vous y revoir pour convaincre toute la famille !

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