chateau de boussac


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chateau de boussac



The current owners took this XVth century castle over from the city, helping it to recover its past glory and splendour (used to be a building hosting an adlministration...).One might know that here have been discovered the unique world famous Unicorn tapisteries now the masterpiece of Paris CLUNY MUSEEUM (The NY Metropolitan Cloisters host a blue similar though less spectacular unicorn tapistried cycle).French XIXth century writer Georges Sand (a woman who sported trousers a century before Coco Chanel ever did, smoked cigares and had rich love affairs including romantic composer Fredéric Chopin).The castle hosts in few rooms after the entrance a modern (Lurcat & mainly mid/late XXth) tapestries collection typical of the late Aubusson production (you may see the same, just bigger at Unesco in Paris or at the United Nations HQ in NY), Louis Philippe vases and an interesting and very rich collection of walking sticks (some of them are just extraordinary masterworks).But the really interesting part is the main appartments guided tour. You get to visit on the first floor the huge guards hall, the grand cuisine, then the various salons at the first floor. What makes the visit worth is both the magnificent volumes of the rooms retored to original grandeur as well as the great connoisseur taste that presided over their rich furniture & decoration.rarely are castles as beautifully and tastefully decorated: everything pleases the eyes, to start with the wonderfull fresh flowers or fruits baskets (a fascinating display or mere apricots in a beautifull blue cup that makes you reminding old XVIIth Dutch masters) that are generously displaid in almost all the rooms, the excellent furniture and pieces of art that decorate almost all rooms, the magnificent mostly XVIth and XVIIth century "verdure" Aubusson tapestries and, above all, the delicate and succesfull combination of colours and forms that are a testimony to rare exquisite taste.The paintings (most of them XVIIIth century pastels) are less interesting but probably there to contribute to the overall successful former period atmosphere.The parc itself is very beautifull and heads the river (petite Creuse?) but due to the trees you hardly see the latter.BRAVO one must say, when finishing the visit...Very few castles in France or Europe are able to give such a good concentration of intelligent and clever refurbished period rooms ambiance (bedrooms, dinner room etc).Whilst we first hesitated at the seemingly high entrance price (12 EUR that is high versus peers), I must say they definitely are worth it as the owners have done a great job returning this castle to its past splendour.I indulge in believing that it is even better looking than it ever did before...


Around every corner you find a new surprise. And there are many many corners. Rich unexpected history. Colorful character added by the extensive collections of the owner. Beautiful views that are special if you know the town. Wonderful twist that the castle was purchased by its current owners for 1 Euro. Our private tour which allowed us into the private quarters was enthralling, but I rate a 4 because I don't know what the usual public gets to view.


Prachtige site.Gelegen in het historische centrum van Boussac.Behoorde ooit toe aan maréchal De Brosse, aanvoerder van Jeanne D'arc's leger.Meermaals, een toevluchtsoord voor George Sand en Frederik Chopin.Vindplaats van La dame a lunicorne, misschien wel de beroemste reeks wandtapijten ter wereld.Zeer mooi ingerichte vertrekken.Prachtige tuin.


Une visite pauvre que ce soit au niveau de l'histoire du château que de l'architecture... Une guide qui ne répond pas aux questions et qui semble avoir des lacunes historiques.. Elle ne connaît pas le père de Jean de Brosse, Roger de Brosse dont le fantôme hante l'abbaye de Prébenoit :)... Le prix est excessif : 12 euros.. Un effort des propriétaires pour chiner des objets et faire vivre le château...


On voyage à travers les époques au fil des étages. 12 euros l'entrée certes mais ça les vaut compte tenu que le château n'a pas de subventions. Du XIV au XVIII. Visite guidée de 40 min.Vaut le détour.


Mauvaise visite hélas. La visite est obligatoirement guidée mais il n'y a aucun intérêt à celle-ci. on aurait aimé une mise en valeur de l'histoire architecturale par le guide, rien de tout ça, la visite se résume à une visite des articles glanés par les propriétaires et installés dans les différentes pièces, les articles n'ont souvent rien à voir avec le château et de plus les pièces sont surchargées… On rajoute à cela un prix excessif, un texte récité par coeur, un groupe surchargé (optimisation financière?) et on obtient à mon avis une visite qui devrait être évitée.


Superbe château surplombant la petite Creuse, richement décoré avec en plus une exposition thématique.un petit peu cher mais c est un château privé Mais la décoration et le panorama valent le détourA noter George Sand a vécu dans ce château, il a été aussi une sous préfecture...

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