cathedrale saint-gervais saint-protais
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We did not have much time before going to dinner but just enough to peek around in the cathedral shortly. It is a very impressive building from the outside as well as from the inside.
We popped into this wonderful cathedral whilst following a tourist trail around the city.It is a stunning building and managed to survive WW1.If you are ever close it is well worth a visit.A little hint, the parking at 'Parking de l'Eveche' is very close and free
Although the exterior of the cathedral is not one of the most impressive in France, the inside is beautifully organized and symmetrical in style. Some lovely 13th-14th century stained glass windows and a major painting by Rubens (Adoration of the Shepherds) that is displayed in the north transept.
We often visit Cathedrals/Large Churches in Europe and so would not put this cathedral at the top of the list for beauty or splendour but for resilience it is right up there.On street paid parking is available outside the cathedral and there is a car park next door.Entry as is usual for Cathedrals is via a flight of stairs- we did nor see a disabled entrance although with such a large building there may have been one.There are all of the normal things you find in cathedrals- stained windows, lady chapels etc. Slightly more unusual is a case containing the relic of a bone from St Christophe who was a local Saint.A guide leaflet in English is available for 50 cents.What is impressive if the photographs of the Cathedral before World War One and the photographs of the remains of the Cathedral after World War One when it was more or less a shell.The Tower and most of the Cathedral was rebuilt so well that it all looks ancient and it is difficult to see the original and the new- Hence my comment earlier on its resilience.
I know some people feel that when you've seen one Gothic cathedral you've seen the lot, and they will probably think my particular love for Soissons is exaggerated. But I have known this cathedral since I first saw it as a student in the 1960s, and I still think it is quite remarkable.When you go in on a sunny day, it feels almost like being under water because of the greenish glass that fills the windows, and as you adjust to your surroundings you begin to realise - if only because some of the pillars are pockmarked - that this building suffered devastating damage in World War I, and hence the surviving ancient stained glass is all at the east end. Some buildings that have to be substantially rebuilt after war damage seem to lose their character and atmosphere, but somehow the understated loveliness of Soissons Cathedral has survived. In particular, look out for the south transept, which has a most unusual rounded end, and an unusual chapel opening off it. From one point on the north aisle you can look across into it and you get an extraordinarily surreal effect of the whole thing going on for ever. It's worth while looking at the outside of this part of the building - striking in part because the features of the outside are basically romanesque, and you realise how creative and inventive were the generations of architects and craftsmen who must have worked on it.Parking near the Cathedral at first looks tricky, but one good place to try is just where you see this view at its best - "Parking de l'Eveche" on the south side, which I believe is normally free of charge.The cathedral bookshop is sound but could be a bit more adventurous in what it offers; if more people visit, it will probably improve. As far as the normal tourist trail is concerned, I think this place is a neglected masterpiece.
le tableau de Rubens et l'ensemble d'un magnifique gothique ! et moins aimé le " Vase de Soissons " au milieu d'un rond-point !Pour visiter la Cathédrale, mieux vaut demander l'aide d'un guide pour bien voir et comprendre les merveilles de ce monument splendide et grandiose !
Une splendeur incomparable, proche du marché (le mercredi et le samedi ), elle se visite bien très beaux vitraux l'architecture et superbe à voir absolument.
C'est une cathédrale gothique inachevée (il lui manque une tour) avec un style très simplifié (elle n'a pratiquement pas de statues sur sa façade). L'intérieur est nettement plus intéressant avec de nombreux vitraux et quelques belles chapelles. La visite est libre et les photos sont autorisées.
Este é um edifício curioso, especialmente por exibir marcas claras de suas transformações arquitectónicas. Vale destacar que boa parte da edificação foi abaixo na 1ª Guerra Mundial. Recomenda-se ler um pouco sobre a história da cidade. Há uma Oficina de Turismo na praça atrás da Catedral.
On en parle pas très souvent mais elle est impressionné, pas autant que celle de Reims mais tout de même, elle vaut le petit détour...
Toute le site historique de Soisson est parsemer de Fleur de Lys sur les trottoirs, ce qui permet de visiter tous les sites.
La cattedrale di Soissons può sicuramente inserirsi nel novero delle più belle manifestazioni del gotico a nord di Parigi.L'interno vi farà rimanere a bocca aperta per la perfezione e l'eleganza della struttura nonché per la luminosità diffusa e le meravigliose vetrate medioevali.E poi, la sorpresa: un fantastico dipinto di Rubens rappresentante l'adorazione dei pastori!
Quel magnifique monument que cette cathédrale , il faut se perdre un peu à l'intérieur et savourer le calme et la sérénité qui se dégagent ,sans oublier cette superbe lumière à travers les vitraux ...Et si on a un peu de chance , entrer lorsque l'organiste s'entraîne et c'est divin :-) Ne pas oublier que durant l'été , des visites sont organisées et permettent de monter tout en haut pour découvrir Soissons et ses splendides jardins cachés lorsqu'on est au sol .
C'est surtout l'intérieur qui retiendra l'attention, avec une très belle lumière faisant apparaître la pureté des lignes et des structures gothiques. Egalement très beaux vitraux anciens au fond du choeur et un célèbre tableau de Rubens.
La Cathédrale Saint-Gervais-Saint Prothée a été magnifiquement restaurée après la première guerre mondiale et a conservé son caractère gothique pur. Elle a statuaire épurée du fait de sa construction du tout début de cette période. Elle renferme un magnifique tableau de Rembrandt. Le chœur de la cathédrale très vaste et lumineux fut construit juste après, entre 1197 et 1212. Il est entouré d'un large déambulatoire sur lequel s'ouvrent cinq chapelles rayonnantes.