musee franco-australien


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musee franco-australien

Run by the Franco-Australian association, the Franco-Australian museum...


This is a lovely and well cared for WW1 museum in the grounds of the primary school. Great photos of the conflict.


This museum is a must-see for Australians visiting the Somme. The fact that it is above the local primary school and there are so many important connections to Australia remind us of the close ties between our two countries as a result of battles fought during the Great War. It is quite small, so instead of trying to cover the whole war, the museum tries to give a more specific account of how the war affected this particular corner of France, notably the role the Australia Corps played. There is a small theatre where you can watch different films/newsreels that add to the experience. It is lovely to see the school children playing in the courtyard below the words "N'oublions Jamais l'Australie", and to wander through the school hall that is wood-panelled and decorated with carvings of Australian flora and fauna.


If your going to the memorial you must visit this little school in the centre of town which houses the museum.


The main attraction here is the Victoria School and playground, with it's very obvious and much appreciated connection to Australia: particularly the state of Victoria.The museum is attached to the school and offers visitors an overview of some of the fighting that took place in and around Villers-Bretonneux and the Somme generally. Those with only a scant knowledge of the history of WW1 on the western front will find this an interesting display, but for me it lacked the detail I was hoping for.


The museum is a must. Amazing that so far away from home an entire village pays homage to our young diggers who lost their lives. The badges displayed from visiting RSL clubs, Australian schools and organisation gives evidence that these young men will never be forgotten. The school with the back wall painted "Never Forget Australia" is something that touched me greatly.


A wonderful collection and supported by wonderful staff. The museum should be included on every ininary to the Western Front.The backdrop of the school is very moving, Never Forget Australia will stay with me forever.We visited on an incredibly rainy day and I left my glasses in their theatre. I contacted the museum a few days later expecting them to be nowhere in sight, though they texted and , and confirmed they had them and we arranged to call and collect.Well done all....thankyou....


The Franco Australian museum is well worth the trip to Villers-Bretennoux. The staff are lovely and the museum has some interesting stories, articles, and artefacts relating to WW1. They even gave me directions to the Australian War memorial site


This museum is dedicated to all things ANZAC and is extremely well done. The Vidoe gives some perpsective to the terrible conditions our soldiers live and died in. The whole town is a memorial to our diggers. A must for all making the pilgramige to this area


This is a beautiful little museum that as most of you will know was donated by the school,children of Victoria to the children of Villers-Bretonneux at the end of WW1.Today when we visited we went into the school and the first thing that we heard were the giggles and laughter of young children kicking soccer balls around the school playground beneath the sign reminding students and people within the village to never forget Australia.Is an inspirational place to visit made more so by the presence of children and beautiful staff still using the school.


A visit to this museum provides educative information in a sensitive fashion and prepares you for your later visit to the Australian War Memorial. Make sure you purchase a commemorative cross to lay at the memorial.


This small museum is beautifully kept in the school in Villers-Bretonneux. This picturesque village was totally rebuilt after the Great War. The Australian Imperial Force stopped the German advance on Amiens at Villers-Bretonneux in 1918. Homage to the Australian sacrifice are everywhere. From the Australian National Flag flying high to Kangaroos on the town hall. Most streets are named after Australian states. The museum is extremely well presented with movies as well as physical displays. Most impressive to me is the large sign of ' Do not forget Australia' over the children's school playground. It is quite humbling as an Australian to see the respect that this town has for us.


Some very interesting displays - not a huge museum but gives some idea as to the hardships experienced by our troops.


A nice collection of treasures of the First World War from an Australian perspective. Before entering, I do recommend that visitors read the mosaic on the outside wall of the school (facing the carpark), detailing the links between the school and the Australian state of Victoria. It really frames the perspective of the visit.


Lovely lay out, loved the storyboards. Helpful staff to plan our tour of the area easy to park and visit the school and streets


Having grown up with the story of Australia's involvement with defending Villers Bretonneux, we were humbled to visit the town, the surrounding area and this Museum. On a wet October day It was easy to spend two hours here, inspecting the exhibits and watching the films in the Theatrette.No Australian should pass by without stopping.

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